padma Red lotus.
Papiyas (Pāpīyas) Another name for the Devil, or Mara (Māra), a personification of evil.
paramita (pāramitā) see six paramitas.
parinirvana (parinirvāṇa) A term similar to nirvana, used in reference to the apparent passing away of the physical body of a buddha.
peak stage The second of the four good roots, or the stage at which one obtains the highest of the unsettled good roots. Though it is possible to regress from the peak stage, even if one should do so and fall into hell, the good roots from this stage cannot be wiped out.
Perceiver of the World’s Sounds (Skt Avalokitasvara, Ch Guanshiyin or Guanyin, J Kanzeon or Kannon) A bodhisattva, the subject of chapter twenty-five of the Lotus Sutra, who assumes thirty-three different forms and manifests himself anywhere in the world to save people from danger and suffering. The bodhisattva was originally conceived of as a male figure, but in China and Japan frequently came to be depicted in female form and worshiped as a protector of women and children.
pishacha (piśāca) A kind of devil or goblin.
place of enlightenment (Skt bodhimaṇḍa, Ch daochang, J dōjō) The place where one carries out religious practice and gains enlightenment, often referring specifically to the place where Shakyamuni gained enlightenment under the bodhi tree.
pratyekabuddha A “self-enlightened” being, one who has won an attempt of the truth through his or her own efforts but makes no effort to enlighten others. See also cause-awakened one.
pundarika (puṇḍaīka) White lotus.
Purna (Pūrṇa) Purna, the son of Maitrayani (Maitrāyanī). One of Shakyamuni’s ten major disciples, known as foremost in preaching the Law. Chapter eight of the Lotus Sutra predicts that he will gain enlightenment as a buddha named Law Bright.
putana (pūtana) A class of demons.