Bamboo Grove Monastery [竹林精舎] ( Venuvana-vihāra; Chikurin-shōja): Also known as Venuvana Monastery. A monastery situated in the northern part of Rājagriha in Magadha, India. It was built by King Bimbisāra as an offering to Shakyamuni Buddha. According to one account, it was Kalandaka, a wealthy man in Rājagriha, who built the monastery and donated it to the Buddha. According to another account, Kalandaka offered his bamboo grove, and Bimbisāra built a monastery there. Bamboo Grove Monastery and Jetavana Monastery in Shrāvastī were the two major centers of Shakyamuni’s propagation activities. The Chinese, Japanese, and English names are all literal translations of the Sanskrit, Venuvana-vihāra: venu and vana mean bamboo and grove, respectively, and vihāra means monastery.