Rare Form [名相如来] ( Shashiketu; Myōsō-nyorai): The name that Subhūti will bear when he attains Buddhahood, according to Shakyamuni’s prediction in the “Bestowal of Prophecy” (sixth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Subhūti is one of Shakyamuni’s ten major disciples. The chapter states that in future existences Subhūti will constantly carry out Buddhist practice and fulfill the bodhisattva way, and in his final incarnation he will become a Buddha named Rare Form. Shashiketu, the Sanskrit name of this Buddha, has various meanings, such as moonlight, marks of the moon, and moon-decorated banner. One of the Sanskrit manuscripts of the Lotus Sutra refers to him as Yashasketu, which means beautiful light or excellent form.