An’ne [安慧] (794–868): The fourth chief priest of Enryaku-ji, the head temple of the Tendai school on Mount Hiei in Japan. As a child, he studied under Kōchi, a priest of Ono-dera temple in Shimotsuke Province. At age thirteen, he became a disciple of Dengyō, and after Dengyō’s death, he studied under Jikaku, the third chief priest of Enryaku-ji, and in 827 he passed an official examination administered by that temple concerning the Mahāvairochana Sutra. In 844 he was appointed as a lecturer for Dewa Province in northern Japan and there propagated the Tendai teachings. In 864, when Jikaku died, he became the chief priest of Enryaku-ji. He authored A Clarification of the Meaning of the Lotus Sutra and The Doctrine of Attaining Buddhahood in One’s Present Form.