Aparagodānīya [瞿耶尼・牛貨洲・西牛貨洲] (; Kuyani, Goke-shū, or Sai-goke-shū): Also known as Godānīya. One of the four continents surrounding Mount Sumeru, according to the ancient Indian worldview. The Sanskrit apara means west. The Dharma Analysis Treasury indicates that it is a continent located to the west of Mount Sumeru, in the sea between the outermost of the seven concentric gold mountain ranges and the iron mountain range that constitutes the outermost borders of the world. This iron mountain range is known as the Iron Encircling Mountains. The Dharma Analysis Treasury describes Aparagodānīya as circular, 2,500 yojanas in diameter, while the Long Āgama Sutra describes it as semicircular.