Craving-Filled [愛染明王] ( Rāgarāja; Aizen-myō’ō): The wisdom king Craving-Filled. A Buddhist deity who is said to purify earthly desires and free people from the illusions and sufferings caused by earthly desires. Craving-Filled belongs to a group of deities, called the wisdom kings, who are said to destroy all obstacles. Rāga in his Sanskrit name means passion, love, affection, and desire; and to be dyed or saturated, as with emotion, desire, or love; rāja means king. In Esoteric Buddhism, his true identity is regarded as Vajrasattva. Craving-Filled appears on the Diamond Realm mandala and is depicted with three eyes, six arms, and a furious face. He holds a bow and arrows in his hands. On the Gohonzon, the object of devotion inscribed by Nichiren (1222–1282), his name appears on the left as one faces it, and symbolizes the principle that earthly desires are enlightenment. See also earthly desires are enlightenment.