exclusive practice of the Nembutsu [専修念仏] ( senju-nembutsu): Also, single practice of the Nembutsu, exclusive reliance on the Nembutsu, or exclusive devotion to Nembutsu practice. To devote oneself solely to the practice of calling on the name of Amida Buddha in order to attain rebirth in the Pure Land, discarding all other practices. The Nembutsu here indicates the practice of calling on the name of Amida Buddha. Hōnen (1133–1212), the founder of the Japanese Pure Land (Jōdo) school, defined the exclusive practice of the Nembutsu to be the essence of his teaching and encouraged all people to concentrate on this single practice. In The Nembutsu Chosen above All, he maintains that, if people wish to be reborn in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha, they should practice the Nembutsu exclusively.