six days of purification [六斎日] ( roku-sainichi): Six days designated monthly on which lay followers purify their bodies and minds by observing eight precepts. They are the 8th, 14th, 15th, 23rd, 29th, and 30th days of the month. The eight precepts to be observed are (1) not to take life, (2) not to steal, (3) to refrain from all sexual relations, (4) not to lie, (5) not to drink intoxicants, (6) not to wear ornaments or perfume, or to listen to singing or watch dancing, (7) not to sleep on a wide or elevated bed, and (8) not to eat after noon. According to the Four Heavenly Kings Sutra, on these days the four heavenly kings and other gods take note of human conduct. On other days, laypersons observe the five precepts, which accord with the first five of the eight precepts listed above, except that the precept concerning sexual activity prohibits only improper (such as adultery), not all, sexual relations. See also five precepts.