Ābhāsvara Heaven[光音天] (; Kō’on-ten) |
abhidharma[阿毘達磨] (; Pali abhidhamma; abidatsuma) |
Abhidharmakosha[阿毘達磨倶舎論] (; Abidatsuma-kusha-ron) |
Abhidharma school[毘曇宗] (; Chin P’i-t’an-tsung; Bidon-shū) |
Abhirati[阿比羅提] (; Ahiradai) |
abhisheka[灌頂] (; kanjō) |
absolute myō[絶待妙] ( zetsudai-myō) |
Abutsu-bō[阿仏房] (d. 1279) |
Accumulated Great Treasures Sutra[大宝積経] (Chin Ta-pao-chi-ching; Daihōshaku-kyō) |
Accumulated Treasures Sutra[宝積経] ( Hōshaku-kyō) |
Achala[不動明王] (; Fudō-myō’ō) |
āchārya[阿闍梨] (; ajari) |
acquired enlightenment[始覚] ( shikaku) |
ādāna-consciousness[阿陀那識] ( ādāna-vijnāna; adana-shiki) |
administrator of priests[僧正] ( sōjō) |
Afterword to the Lotus Sutra Translation, The[法華翻経後記] (Chin Fa-hua-fan-ching-hou-chi; Hokke-hongyō-kōki) |
agada[阿伽陀] (, Pali; akada) |
Āgama[阿含] (, Pali; Agon) |
Āgama period[阿含時] (, Pali; Agon-ji) |
Āgama sutras[阿含経] (, Pali; Agon-gyō) |
Agastya[阿竭多仙] (; Akada-sen) |
age of conflict[闘諍堅固] ( tōjō-kengo) |
age of quarrels and disputes[闘諍堅固] ( tōjō-kengo) |
Agnidatta[阿耆達多・阿耆達・阿耆多] (; Agidatta, Agitatsu, or Agita) |
ahimsā[アヒンサー] (, Pali; ahinsā) |
Aizen[愛染] () |
Ajātashatru[阿闍世王] (; Pali Ajātasattu; Ajase-ō) |
Ajita() (1) (2) [阿逸多] ( Aitta); (3) [阿耆多] ( Agita) |
Ajita Kesakambala[阿耆多翅舎欽婆羅] (Pali; Agita-shishakimbara) |
Ajitavatī[阿恃多伐底河] (; Ajitabattei-ga) |
Ājīvika school[アージービカ派・邪命外道] (, Pali; Ājībika-ha or Jamyō-gedō) |
Ājnāta Kaundinya[阿若憍陳如] (; Pali Annā Kondanna; Anya-kyōjinnyo) |
Akanishtha Heaven[阿迦尼吒天・色究竟天] (; Akanita-ten or Shikikukyō-ten) |
ākāsha[虚空・空] (; kokū or kū) |
Ākāshagarbha[虚空蔵菩薩] (; Kokūzō-bosatsu) |
Ākāshānantya Realm[空無辺処] (; Kūmuhen-jo) |
ĀkimchanyaRealm[無所有処] (; Mushou-sho) |
Akimoto Tarō Hyōe-no-jō[秋元太郎兵衛尉] (d. 1291) |
Akshobhya[阿閦仏] (; Ashuku-butsu) |
Ālāra Kālāma[阿羅邏迦藍] (Pali; Ārāda Kālāma; Arara-karan) |
ālaya-consciousness[阿頼耶識] ( ālaya-vijnāna; araya-shiki) |
alms bowl[鉢] ( pātra; Pali patta; hachi or hatsu) |
almsgiving[布施] (, Pali dāna; fuse) |
amala-consciousness[阿摩羅識] ( amala-vijnāna; amara-shiki) |
Ambapālī[菴婆羅女] (Pali; Āmrapālī; Ambara-nyo) |
Ambapālī Garden[菴没羅園・菴羅園] (Pali; Ammora-on or Anra-on) |
Amida[阿弥陀] (; Amitāyus or Amitābha) |
Amida Sutra[阿弥陀経] ( Sukhāvatīvyūha; Chin O-mi-t’o-ching; Amida-kyō) |
Amitābha[阿弥陀仏・無量光仏] (; Amida-butsu or Muryōkō-butsu) |
Amitāyus[阿弥陀仏・無量寿仏] (; Amida-butsu or Muryōju-butsu) |
Amoghavajra[不空] (; Fukū) |
Āmrapālī[菴婆羅女] (; Ambara-nyo) |
Āmrapālī Garden[菴没羅園・菴羅園] (; Ammora-on or Anra-on) |
amrita[甘露] (; Pali amata; kanro) |
Amritodana[甘露飯王] (; Pali Amitodana; Kanrobonnō) |
anāgāmin[阿那含・不還] (, Pali; anagon or fugen) |
Ānanda[阿難] (, Pali; Anan) |
ananta[無辺・無量] (, Pali; muhen or muryō) |
Anāthapindada[給孤独] (; Pali Anāthapindika; Gikkodoku) |
Anavatapta[阿耨達竜王] (; Anokudatsu-ryūō) |
Anavatapta Lake[阿耨池・阿耨達池・無熱池] (; Anokuchi, Anokudatchi, or Munetchi) |
An Fa-ch’in[安法欽] (n.d.) (PY An Faqin; An-hōkin) |
Anga[鴦伽国] (, Pali; Ōga-koku) |
anger[瞋恚・瞋] ( dvesha; Pali dosa; shinni or shin) |
Angulimāla[央掘摩羅] (Pali; Angulimālya; Ōkutsumara) |
Anguttara-nikāya[増支部] (Pali; Zōshi-bu) |
Aniruddha[阿那律] (; Pali Anuruddha; Anaritsu) |
An’ne[安慧] (794–868) |
Annen[安然] (b. 841) |
annihilating consciousness and reducing the body to ashes[灰身滅智] ( keshin-metchi) |
Annotations on “Great Concentration and Insight,” The[止観輔行伝弘決] (Chin Chih-kuan-fu-hsing-chuan-hung-chüeh; Shikan-bugyōden-guketsu) |
Annotations on the Flower Garland Sutra, The[華厳経疏] (Chin Hua-yen-ching-shu; Kegongyō-sho) |
Annotations on the Mahāvairochana Sutra, The[大日経疏] (Chin Ta-jih-ching-shu; Dainichikyō-sho) |
Annotations on the Meaning of the Lotus Sutra, The[法華義疏] (1) (Chin Fa-hua-i-shu; Hokke-gisho) (549–623); (2) ( Hokke-gisho) (574–622) |
Annotations on “The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra,” The[法華玄義釈籤] (Chin Fa-hua-hsüan-i-shih-ch’ien; Hokke-gengi-shakusen) |
Annotations on “The Treatise on the Middle Way,” The[中観論疏] (Chin Chung-kuan-lun-shu; Chūganron-sho) |
Annotations on “The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra,” The[法華文句記] (Chin Fa-hua-wen-chü-chi; Hokke-mongu-ki) |
anointment ceremony[灌頂] ( kanjō) |
Anraku[安楽] |
An Shih-kao[安世高] (n.d.) (PY An Shigao; An-seikō) |
Anthology of the Propagation of Light, The[弘明集] (Chin Hung-ming-chi; Gumyō-shū) |
Anti-Lokāyata school[逆路伽耶陀] (; Gyakurokayada) |
Anuruddha[阿那律] (Pali; Anaritsu) |
anuttara[阿耨多羅・無上] (, Pali; anokutara or mujō) |
anuttara-samyak-sambodhi[阿耨多羅三藐三菩提・無上正等正覚] (; anokutara-sammyaku-sambodai or mujō-shōtō-shōgaku) |
Aparagodānīya[瞿耶尼・牛貨洲・西牛貨洲] (; Kuyani, Goke-shū, or Sai-goke-shū) |
aranya[阿蘭若・阿練若・空閑] (; arannya, arennya, or kūgen) |
arhat[阿羅漢] (; arakan) |
Arida[阿利吒] |
arjaka[阿梨樹] (; ari-ju) |
armor of perseverance[忍辱の鎧] ( ninniku-no-yoroi) |
arrogance[慢] (, Pali māna; man) |
ārūpya-dhātu[無色界] (; mushiki-kai) |
Āryadeva[提婆・聖提婆] (n.d.) (; Daiba or Shōdaiba) |
Āryasimha[師子尊者] (n.d.) (; Shishi-sonja) |
asamkhya[阿僧祇] (; asōgi) |
Asanga[無著] (n.d.) (; Mujaku) |
Ashoka[阿育王] (r. c. 268–232 ) (; Aiku-ō) |
ashoka tree[阿輸迦樹・無憂樹] (; ashuka-ju or muu-ju) |
Ashvaghosha[馬鳴] (n.d.) (; Memyō) |
Ashvajit[阿説示] (; Pali Assaji; Asetsuji) |
Asita(1) [阿私仙人] (; Ashi-sennin); (2) [阿私陀] (, Pali; Ashida) |
aspiration for enlightenment[菩提心] (, Pali bodhi-chitta; bodai-shin) |
Aspiration for the Law[楽法梵志] ( Gyōbō-bonji) |
āsrava[漏] (; ro) |
Asuka-dera[飛鳥寺] |
asura[阿修羅] (, Pali; ashura) |
atimuktaka[阿提目多伽] (; adaimokutaka) |
Atsuhara Persecution[熱原の法難] ( Atsuhara-no-hōnan) |
attaining Buddhahood in one’s present form[即身成仏] ( sokushin-jōbutsu) |
attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime[一生成仏] ( isshō-jōbutsu) |
attainment of Buddhahood[成仏] ( jōbutsu) |
attainment of Buddhahood by evil persons[悪人成仏] ( akunin-jōbutsu) |
attainment of Buddhahood by persons of the two vehicles[二乗作仏] ( nijō-sabutsu) |
attainment of Buddhahood by women[女人成仏] ( nyonin-jōbutsu) |
attainment of Buddhahood in the remote past[久遠実成] ( kuon-jitsujō) |
Auspicious[吉祥天] ( Shrīmahādevī or Mahāshrī; Kichijō-ten) |
avadāna[阿波陀那] (; abadana) |
avaivartika[阿毘跋致] (; abibatchi) |
Avalokitasvara[観世音菩薩] (; Kanzeon-bosatsu) |
Avalokiteshvara[観自在菩薩・観世音菩薩] (; Kanjizai-bosatsu or Kanzeon-bosatsu) |
Avanti[阿槃提国] (, Pali; Ahandai-koku) |
Avatamsaka Sutra[華厳経] (; Kegon-gyō) |
Avīchi hell[阿鼻地獄] (, Pali; Abi-jigoku) |
avivartika[阿毘跋致] (; abibatchi) |
Awakening of Faith[起信論] ( Kishin-ron) |
Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana, The[大乗起信論] (Chin Ta-ch’eng-ch’i-hsin-lun; Daijō-kishin-ron) |
Awa Province[安房国] ( Awa-no-kuni) |
Awesome Sound King[威音王仏] ( Bhīshma-garjita-svara-rāja; Ionnō-butsu) |
Ayodhyā[阿踰闍] (; Ayuja) |
Bālāditya[幻日王] (n.d.) (; Gennichi-ō) |
Balin[婆稚阿修羅王] (; Bachiashura-ō) |
Bamboo Grove Monastery[竹林精舎] ( Venuvana-vihāra; Chikurin-shōja) |
Bamboo Staff school[竹杖外道] ( Chikujō-gedō) |
before and after Sado[佐前佐後] ( sazen-sago) |
begging bowl[鉢] ( hachi or hatsu) |
beings of the two worlds and the eight groups[二界八番] ( nikai-hachiban) |
“Belief and Understanding” chapter[信解品] ( Shinge-hon) |
Benchō[弁長] (1162–1238) |
benefit[功徳] ( guna or punya; kudoku) |
benefiting oneself and benefiting others[自利利他・自益益他・自利利人・自行化他] ( jiri-rita, jiyaku-yakuta, jiri-rinin, or jigyō-keta) |
“Benefits of Responding with Joy” chapter[随喜功徳品] ( Zuiki-kudoku-hon) |
“Benefits of the Teacher of the Law” chapter[法師功徳品] ( Hosshi-kudoku-hon) |
benevolent gods[善神] ( zenjin) |
Benevolent Kings Sutra[仁王経] (Chin Jen-wang-ching; Ninnō-kyō) |
Bennen[弁円] |
Benten[弁天] () |
Benzai-ten[弁才天] () |
“Bestowal of Prophecy” chapter[授記品] ( Juki-hon) |
Bestower of Fearlessness[施無畏者] ( abhayam-dada; semui-sha) |
Bhadrapāla[跋陀婆羅] (; Baddabara) |
Bhadraruchi[賢愛論師] (n.d.) (; Ken’ai-ronji) |
Bhadrika[跋提・跋提梨迦] (; Batsudai or Batsudairika) |
bhagavat[世尊] (, Pali; seson) |
bhaishajya[薬] (; yaku or kusuri) |
Bhaishajyaguru[薬師如来] (; Yakushi-nyorai) |
Bhāvaviveka[清弁] (c. 490–570) (; Shōben) |
bhikshu[比丘] (; Pali bhikkhu; biku) |
bhikshunī[比丘尼] (; Pali bhikkhunī; bikuni) |
Bimbisāra[頻婆娑羅王] (, Pali; Bimbashara-ō) |
Biographies of Eminent Priests, The[高僧伝] ( Kōsō-den) |
Biographies of Eminent Priests of the Great T’ang Dynasty Who Sought the Law in the Western Regions, The[大唐西域求法高僧伝] (Chin Ta-t’ang-hsi-yü-ch’iu-fa-kao-seng-chuan; Daitō-saiiki-guhō-kōsō-den) |
Biographies of Eminent Priests Who Sought the Law, The[求法高僧伝] ( Guhō-kōsō-den) |
Biography of the Tripitaka Master of Ta-tz’u-en-ssu Temple, The[大慈恩寺三蔵法師伝] (Chin Ta-tz’u-en-ssu-san-tsang-fa-shih-chuan; Daijionji-sanzō-hosshi-den) |
Bishamon-ten[毘沙門天] () |
Bodh Gaya[仏陀伽耶] ( Buddagaya) |
bodhi[菩提] (, Pali; bodai) |
Bodhidharma[菩提達磨] (n.d.) (; Bodaidaruma) |
Bodhiruchi() (1) [菩提流支] (d. 527) ( Bodairushi); (2) [菩提流志] (d. 727) ( Bodairushi) |
bodhisattva[菩薩] (; bosatsu) |
bodhisattva mahāsattva[菩薩摩訶薩] (; bosatsu-makasatsu) |
“Bodhisattva Never Disparaging” chapter[常不軽菩薩品] ( Jōfukyō-bosatsu-hon) |
“Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds” chapter[観世音菩薩品・観音品] ( Kanzeon-bosatsu-bon or Kannon-bon) |
Bodhisattva Practice Jeweled Necklace Sutra[菩薩瓔珞本業経] (Chin P’u-sa-ying-lo-pen-yeh-ching; Bosatsu-yōraku-hongō-kyō) |
Bodhisattvas of the Earth[地涌の菩薩] ( jiyu-no-bosatsu) |
bodhisattvas of the essential teaching[本化の菩薩] ( honge-no-bosatsu) |
bodhisattvas of the theoretical teaching[迹化の菩薩] ( shakke-no-bosatsu) |
“Bodhisattva Universal Worthy” chapter[普賢菩薩品] ( Fugen-bosatsu-hon) |
“Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound” chapter[妙音菩薩品] ( Myō’on-bosatsu-hon) |
bodhi tree[菩提樹] (, Pali; bodai-ju) |
body of the Law[法身] ( hosshin) |
Bonten[梵天] () |
Born from the Crown of the Head[頂生王・曼陀多王] ( Mūrdhagata or Māndhātri; Chōshō-ō or Mandata-ō) |
bo tree[菩提樹] ( bodai-ju) |
Boundless Practices[無辺行菩薩] ( Anantachāritra; Muhengyō-bosatsu) |
“bowed in obeisance and departed”[作礼而去] ( sarai-niko) |
Brahmā[梵天] (, Pali; Bonten) |
Brahmā Excellent Thought Sutra[思益経] (Chin Ssu-i-ching; Shiyaku-kyō) |
Brahma Heaven[梵天] (, Pali; Bon-ten) |
Brahman[婆羅門] (, Pali brāhmana; baramon) |
Brahmā Net Sutra[梵網経] (Chin Fan-wang-ching; Bommō-kyō) |
brahma practice[梵行] ( brahma-charyā or brahma-charya; bon-gyō) |
brahma sound[梵音声] (; bonnonjō) |
branch teaching[枝末法輪・枝末教] ( shimatsu-hōrin or shimatsu-kyō) |
breath-counting meditation[数息観] ( ānāpāna-smriti or ānāpāna-samādhi; susoku-kan) |
Brief History of Japan, A[扶桑略記] ( Fusō-ryakki) |
Buddha[仏] (, Pali; hotoke or butsu) |
Buddha-beholding meditation[般舟三昧] ( hanju-zammai) |
Buddhabhadra[仏陀跋陀羅] (359–429) (; Buddabaddara) |
Buddhacharita[仏所行讃] (; Busshogyō-san) |
Buddha eye[仏眼] ( butsu-gen) |
Buddha Eye[仏眼] ( Buddhalochanā; Butsugen) |
Buddhagayā[仏陀伽耶] (, Pali; Buddagaya) |
Buddhaghosa[仏音] (n.d.) (Pali; Button) |
Buddhahood[仏界] ( bukkai) |
Buddha Infinite Life Sutra[無量寿経] ( Sukhāvatīvyūha; Chin Wu-liang-shou-ching; Muryōju-kyō) |
Buddhajīva[仏陀什] (n.d.) (; Buddajū) |
Buddha land[仏国土] ( buddha-kshetra; bukkoku-do) |
Buddhamitra[仏陀密多] (n.d.) (; Buddamitta) |
Buddha Mother[仏母] ( Butsumo) |
Buddhananda[仏陀難提] (; Buddanandai) |
Buddha nature[仏性] ( buddha-dhātu or buddha-gotra; busshō) |
Buddha of absolute freedom[自受用身] ( jijuyūshin) |
Buddha of beginningless time[久遠元初の自受用身] ( kuonganjo-no-jijuyūshin) |
Buddha of beneficence[他受用身] ( tajuyūshin) |
Buddha of Healing[薬師如来] ( Yakushi-nyorai) |
Buddha of Infinite Life[無量寿仏] ( Muryōju-butsu) |
Buddha of Infinite Light[無量光仏] ( Muryōkō-butsu) |
Buddha of limitless joy[自受用身] ( jijuyūshin) |
Buddha of Medicine[薬師如来] ( Yakushi-nyorai) |
Buddha of self-enjoyment[自受用身] ( jijuyūshin) |
Buddha of the Dharma body[法身・法身仏] ( hosshin or hosshin-butsu) |
Buddha of the inferior manifested body[劣応身] ( retsu-ōjin) |
Buddha of the manifested body[応身・応身仏] ( ōjin or ōjin-butsu) |
Buddha of the reward body[報身・報身仏] ( hōshin or hōshin-butsu) |
Buddha of the superior manifested body[勝応身] ( shō-ōjin) |
Buddhapālita[仏護] (c. 470–540) (; Butsugo) |
Buddhashānta[仏陀扇多] (n.d.) (; Buddasenta) |
Buddha-shāsana[仏教] (; Pali Buddha-sāsana; Bukkyō) |
Buddhasimha[師子覚] (n.d.) (; Shishikaku) |
Buddha’s Legacy Teachings Sutra[仏遺教経] ( Butsu-yuikyō-gyō) |
Buddhas’ Names Sutra[仏名経] (Chin Fo-ming-ching; Butsumyō-kyō) |
Buddha’s relics[仏舎利] ( busshari) |
Buddha’s Successors Sutra[付法蔵経] ( Fuhōzō-kyō) |
Buddha Treasury Sutra[仏蔵経] (Chin Fo-tsang-ching; Butsuzō-kyō) |
Buddha vehicle[仏乗] ( butsujō) |
Buddha wisdom[仏智] ( butchi) |
Buddhayashas[仏陀耶舎] (n.d.) (; Buddayasha) |
Buddh Gaya[仏陀伽耶] ( Buddagaya) |
Buddhism of sowing[下種仏法] ( geshu-buppō) |
Buddhism of the harvest[脱益仏法] ( datchaku-buppō) |
Buddhist Councils[結集] ( samgīti; ketsujū) |
Buddhist gods[諸天善神] ( shoten-zenjin) |
burning house[火宅] ( kataku) |
Burning Torch[燃燈仏] (, Pali Dīpamkara; Nentō-butsu) |
calamity of invasion from foreign lands[他国侵逼難] ( takoku-shimpitsu-nan) |
calamity of revolt within one’s own domain[自界叛逆難] ( jikai-hongyaku-nan) |
Calm and Bright[安明] ( Ammyō) |
casting off the transient and revealing the true[発迹顕本] ( hosshaku-kempon) |
Catalog of Buddhist Scriptures, The[内典録] ( Naiten-roku) |
Causality of Past and Present Sutra[過去現在因果経] (Chin Kuo-ch’ü-hsien-tsai-yin-kuo-ching; Kako-genzai-inga-kyō) |
cause and effect[因果] ( inga) |
cause-awakened one[縁覚] ( pratyekabuddha; engaku) |
Cave of the Seven Leaves[七葉窟] ( Saptaparna-guhā; Shichiyō-kutsu) |
Cave of the Thousand Buddhas[千仏洞] ( Sembutsu-dō) |
Ceremony in the Air[虚空会] ( kokū-e) |
ceremony of anointment[灌頂] ( abhisheka; kanjō) |
ceremony of reciting the Buddhas’ names[仏名会] ( butsumyō-e) |
chakra[輪宝・輪] (; rimbō or rin) |
Chakravāda[鉄囲山・鉄輪囲山] (; Tetchi-sen or Tetsurin’i-sen) |
Chakravāda-parvata[鉄囲山・鉄輪囲山] (; Tetchi-sen or Tetsurin’i-sen) |
chakravartin[転輪聖王] (; tenrin-jō’ō) |
Champā[瞻波] (, Pali; Sempa) |
champaka tree[瞻蔔樹] (, Pali; sempuku-ju) |
Chandaka[車匿] (; Pali Channa; Shanoku) |
chandāla[旃陀羅] (, Pali; sendara) |
Chandrakīrti() (1) [月称] (c. 600–650) ( Gesshō); (2) [月称大臣] ( Gasshō-daijin) |
Chandraprabha() (1) [月光大臣] ( Gakkō-daijin); (2) [月光菩薩] ( Gakkō-bosatsu) |
Chandrayashas[月称大臣] (; Gasshō-daijin) |
Chang-an[章安] (561–632) (PY Zhang’an; Shōan) |
changing poison into medicine[変毒為薬] ( hendoku-iyaku) |
Chan-jan[湛然] (PY Zhanran; Tannen) |
Ch’an school[禅宗] (PY Chanzong; Zen-shū) |
Ch’en Chen[陳鍼] (n.d.) (PY Chen Zhen; Chinshin) |
Ch’eng-kuan[澄観] (738–839) (PY Chengguan; Chōkan) |
Ch’eng-shih school[成実宗] (PY Chengshizong; Jōjitsu-shū) |
Chen-yüan Era Catalog of the Buddhist Canon, The[貞元釈教録・貞元入蔵録] (Chin Chen-yüan-shih-chiao-lu or Chen-yüan-ju-tsang-lu; Jōgen-shakkyō-roku or Jōgen-nyūzō-roku) |
Chia-hsiang[嘉祥] (PY Jiaxiang; Kajō) |
Chief Wise[賢首菩薩] ( Genju-bosatsu) |
Chien-chen[鑑真] (PY Jianzhen; Ganjin) |
Chih-che[智者] (PY Zhizhe; Chisha) |
Chih-ch’ien[支謙] (n.d.) (PY Zhiqian; Shiken) |
Chih-chou[智周] (678–733) (PY Zhizhou; Chishū) |
Chih-i[智顗] (PY Zhiyi; Chigi) |
Chih-li[知礼] (960–1028) (PY Zhili; Chirei) |
Chihō[智鳳] (n.d.) (; Kor Chipong) |
Chih-tsang[智蔵] (458–522) (PY Zhizang; Chizō) |
Chih-tu[智度] (n.d.) (PY Zhidu; Chido) |
Chih-wei[智威] (d. 680) (PY Zhiwei; Chii) |
Chih-yen(1) [智厳] (n.d.) (PY Zhiyan; Chigon); (2) [智儼] (602–668) (PY Zhiyan; Chigon) |
Chih-yüan[志遠] (768–844) (PY Zhiyuan; Shi’on) |
children of the Buddha[仏子] ( busshi) |
Chinchā[旃遮・旃遮女] (, Pali; Sensha or Sensha-nyo) |
Chinchāmānavikā[旃遮・旃遮女] (, Pali; Sensha or Sensha-nyo) |
Ching-hsi[荊渓] (PY Jingxi; Keikei) |
Ch’ing-liang[清涼国師] (PY Qingliang; Shōryō-kokushi) |
Ch’ing-liang, Mount[清涼山] (PY Qingliang-shan; Shōryō-zan) |
Ch’ing-lung-ssu[青竜寺] (PY Qinglongsi; Seiryū-ji) |
Ching-te Era Record of the Transmission of the Lamp, The[景徳伝燈録] ( Keitoku-dentō-roku) |
Chin-kang-chih[金剛智] (671–741) (PY Jingangzhi; Vajrabodhi; Kongōchi) |
Chishō[智証] (814–891) |
Chitatsu[智達] (n.d.) |
Chi-tsang[吉蔵] (549–623) (PY Jizang; Kichizō) |
Chitsū[智通] (n.d.) |
Chizō[智蔵] (n.d.) (; Chin Chih-tsang) |
Chōgen[重源] (1121–1206) |
Chōnen[奝然] (d. 1016) |
Chōsai[長西] (1184–1266) |
Chūdapanthaka[周利槃特] (; Pali Chūlapanthaka; Shurihandoku) |
Chu Fa-lan[竺法蘭] (n.d.) (PY Zhu Falan; Jiku-hōran) |
Chu Fo-nien[竺仏念] (n.d.) (PY Zhu Fonian; Jiku-butsunen) |
Chūlapanthaka[周利槃特] (Pali; Chūdapanthaka; Shurihandoku) |
Chunda[純陀] (, Pali; Junda) |
Chü-she school[倶舎宗] (PY Jushezong; Kusha-shū) |
Chu Tao-sheng[竺道生] (PY Zhu Daosheng; Jiku-dōshō) |
Chūzan[仲算] (n.d.) |
City of Fragrances[衆香城・香城] ( Gandhavatī; Shukō-jō or Kō-jō) |
Clarification of Doctrine, A[顕宗論] (Chin Hsien-tsung-lun; Kenshū-ron) |
Clarification of the Precepts, A[顕戒論] ( Kenkai-ron) |
Clarification of the Schools Based on T’ien-t’ai’s Doctrine, A[依憑天台集] ( Ehyō-tendai-shū or Ebyō-tendai-shū) |
Clear and Cool, Mount[清涼山] (Chin Ch’ing-liang; Shōryō-zan) |
clear cool pond[清涼池] ( shōryō-chi) |
clothes of patched rags[糞掃衣・納衣] ( pāmsu-kūla; funzōe or nōe) |
Cloud Thunder Sound Constellation King Flower Wisdom[雲雷音宿王華智仏] ( Jaladhara-garjita-ghosha-susvara-nakshatra-rāja-samkusumitābhijnā; Unraion-shukuōkechi-butsu) |
Cloud Thunder Sound King[雲雷音王仏] ( Megha-dundubhi-svara-rāja; Unraionnō-butsu) |
cold-suffering bird[寒苦鳥] ( kanku-chō) |
Collected Essays on the World of Peace and Delight, The[安楽集] (Chin An-lo-chi; Anraku-shū) |
Collection of Orally Transmitted Teachings, A[授決集] ( Juketsu-shū) |
Collection of Records concerning the Tripitaka, A[出三蔵記集] (Chin Ch’u-san-tsang-chi-chi; Shutsu-sanzō-kishū) |
combining, excluding, corresponding, and including[兼但対帯] ( ken-tan-tai-tai) |
Commentary on the Mahayana Treatise, The[釈摩訶衍論] (Chin Shih-mo-ho-yen-lun; Shaku-makaen-ron) |
Commentary on the Meaning of the Mahāvairochana Sutra, The[大日経義釈] (Chin Ta-jih-ching-i-shih; Dainichikyō-gishaku) |
Commentary on the Meditation on the Buddha Infinite Life Sutra, The[観無量寿経疏] (Chin Kuan-wu-liang-shou-ching-shu; Kammuryōju-kyō-sho) |
Commentary on the Ten Stages Sutra, The[十住毘婆沙論] (Chin Shih-chu-p’i-p’o-sha-lun; Jūjū-bibasha-ron) |
Commentary on “The Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land,” The[往生論註] ( Ōjōron-chū) |
Commentary on “The Treatise on the Pure Land,” The[浄土論註] (Chin Ching-t’u-lun-chu; Jōdoron-chū) |
comparative classification[教判・教相判釈] ( kyōhan or kyōsō-hanjaku) |
comparative myō[相待妙] ( sōdai-myō) |
Comparison of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism, A[弁顕密二教論・二教論] ( Ben-kemmitsu-nikyō-ron or Nikyō-ron) |
compassion[悲・慈悲] (, Pali karunā; hi or jihi) |
Compassionate Honored One[慈尊] ( Jison) |
Compassionate One[慈氏] ( Jishi) |
Compassionate White Lotus Flower Sutra[悲華経] ( Karunā-pundarīka-sūtra; Chin Pei-hua-ching; Hike-kyō) |
complete precepts[具足戒] ( gusoku-kai) |
Complete Works of the Fuji School, The[富士宗学全集] ( Fuji-shūgaku-zenshū) |
comprehensive precepts[具足戒] ( gusoku-kai) |
concentration and insight[止観] ( shikan) |
concise replacement of the three vehicles with the one vehicle[略開三顕一] ( ryakkaisan-ken’ichi) |
connecting teaching[通教] ( tsū-gyō) |
Conqueror of the Threefold World[降三世明王] ( Trailokyavijaya; Gōsanze-myō’ō) |
Consciousness-Only school[唯識派] ( Vijnānavāda; Yui-shiki-ha) |
conspicuous benefit[顕益] ( ken’yaku) |
Constellation Kalpa[星宿劫] ( Shōshuku-kō) |
Constellation King Flower[宿王華] ( Nakshatra-rāja-samkusumitābhijna; Shukuōke) |
Contemplation on the Mind-Ground Sutra[心地観経] (Chin Hsin-ti-kuan-ching; Shinjikan-gyō) |
contentment while desiring little[少欲知足] ( shōyoku-chisoku) |
continual propagation to the fiftieth person[五十展転] ( gojū-tenden) |
Continued Biographies of Eminent Priests, The[続高僧伝] (Chin Hsü-kao-seng-chuan; Zoku-kōsō-den) |
Correct and Equal period[方等時] ( Hōdō-ji) |
correct and equal sutras[方等経] ( hōdō-kyō) |
Correct and Equal sutras[方等経] ( Hōdō-kyō) |
Correct Law, age of the[正法] ( shōbō) |
Correct Views[善見城] ( Sudarshana; Zenken-jō) |
Counterfeit Law, age of the[像法] ( zōbō) |
countless kalpas of practice[歴劫修行] ( ryakkō-shugyō) |
Craving-Filled[愛染明王] ( Rāgarāja; Aizen-myō’ō) |
Daian-ji[大安寺] |
Daigaku Saburō[大学三郎] |
Daiitoku[大威徳] () |
Daikoku[大黒] (; Mahākāla) |
daimoku[題目] () |
daimoku of the essential teaching[本門の題目] ( hommon-no-daimoku) |
Dainichi[大日] () |
Daishin[大進] (n.d.) |
Daishin-bō[大進房] (d. 1279) |
Daishonin[大聖人] () |
Dammira[檀弥羅] (n.d.) |
Dammiri[檀弥利・檀弥栗] |
dāna[布施] (, Pali; fuse) |
dāna-pati[檀那・檀越] (, Pali; danna or dan’otsu) |
Dandaka, Mount[檀特山] (; Dandoku-sen) |
Danna[檀那] |
Danna school[檀那流] ( Danna-ryū) |
Dashabala Kāshyapa[十力迦葉] (; Pali Dasabala Kassapa; Jūriki-kashō) |
Decadent Law, age of the[末法] ( mappō) |
decayed seeds[敗種] ( haishu) |
Decline of the Law Sutra[法滅尽経] (Chin Fa-mieh-chin-ching; Hōmetsujin-kyō) |
Deer Feet[鹿足王] ( Rokusoku-ō) |
Deer Park[鹿野苑] ( Mrigadāva; Pali Migadāya; Rokuya-on) |
Deer Park period[鹿苑時] ( Rokuon-ji) |
Delving into the Profundity of the Flower Garland Sutra[華厳経探玄記] (Chin Hua-yen-ching-t’an-hsüan-chi; Kegongyō-tangen-ki) |
demon[悪鬼・鬼] ( akki or ki) |
Demon Eloquence[鬼弁婆羅門] (n.d.) ( Kiben-baramon) |
Dengyō[伝教] (767–822) |
dependent origination[縁起・因縁] ( pratītya-samutpāda; Pali paticcha-samuppāda; engi or innen) |
desiring little and knowing satisfaction[少欲知足] ( shōyoku-chisoku) |
determinate groups[決定性] ( ketsujō-shō) |
deva[天] (, Pali; ten) |
Devadatta[提婆達多] (, Pali; Daibadatta) |
“Devadatta” chapter[提婆達多品] ( Daibadatta-hon) |
devil[魔] (, Pali māra; ma) |
devil king[魔王] ( maō) |
devil king of the sixth heaven[第六天の魔王] ( dairokuten-no-maō) |
Dhammapada[法句経] (Pali; Hokku-kyō) |
dhāranī[陀羅尼] (; darani) |
“Dhāranī” chapter[陀羅尼品] ( Darani-hon) |
dharma[法] (; Pali dhamma; hō) |
Dharma Analysis Treasury, The[阿毘達磨倶舎論] ( Abhidharma-kosha-bhāshya or Abhidharmakosha-shāstra; Chin A-p’i-ta-mo-chü-she-lun; Abidatsuma-kusha-ron) |
Dharma Analysis Treasury school[倶舎宗] (Chin Chü-she-tsung; Kusha-shū) |
Dharma body[法身] ( dharma-kāya; hosshin) |
dharma-chakra[法輪] (; hōrin) |
Dharma Characteristics school[法相宗] (Chin Fa-hsiang-tsung; Hossō-shū) |
Dharma eye[法眼] ( hōgen) |
Dharmagupta() (1) [達摩笈多] (d. 619) ( Darumagyūta); (2) [達摩掬多] (n.d.) ( Darumakikuta) |
Dharmagupta school[法蔵部・曇無徳部] (; Hōzō-bu or Dommutoku-bu) |
Dharmakāla[曇摩迦羅・曇柯迦羅] (n.d.) (; Dommakara or Donkakara) |
Dharmākara[法蔵比丘] (; Hōzō-biku) |
dharma-kāya[法身] (; hosshin) |
Dharma King[法王] ( dharma-rāja; hō’ō) |
Dharma master[法師] ( hosshi) |
Dharmamitra[曇摩蜜多・曇無蜜多] (356–442) (; Dommamitta or Dommumitta) |
Dharma nature[法性] ( hosshō) |
Dharmapāla[護法] (530–561) (; Gohō) |
Dharmaraksha() (1) [竺法護] (n.d.) ( Jiku-hōgo); (2) [曇無讖] (385–433) ( Dommushin or Dommusen) |
Dharmaruchi[曇摩流支] (n.d.) (; Dommarushi) |
Dharma seal[法印] ( hōin) ( dharma-uddāna) |
Dharma teacher[法師] ( hosshi) |
Dharma Treasury[法蔵比丘] ( Dharmākara; Hōzō-biku) |
Dharma-wheel[法輪] ( hōrin) |
Dharma Wisdom[法慧菩薩] ( Hōe-bosatsu) |
Dharmayashas[曇摩耶舎] (n.d.) (; Dommayasha) |
Dharmodgata[曇無竭菩薩] (; Dommukatsu-bosatsu) |
dhātu[界] (, Pali; kai) |
Dhritaka[提多迦] (n.d.) (; Daitaka) |
Dhritarāshtra[持国天] (; Jikoku-ten) |
dhūta practice[頭陀・頭陀行] (, Pali; zuda or zuda-gyō) |
dhyāna[禅・禅定] (; zen or zenjō) |
Diamond Banner[金剛幢菩薩] ( Kongōdō-bosatsu) |
Diamond Crown Sutra[金剛頂経] ( Sarvatathāgata-tattvasamgraha; Chin Chin-kang-ting-ching; Kongōchō-kyō) |
Diamond-like Perfection of Wisdom Sutra[金剛般若波羅蜜経] ( Vajracchedikā-prajnāpāramitā; Chin Chin-kang-pan-jo-po-lo-mi-ching; Kongō-hannya-haramitsu-kyō) |
diamond-pounder[金剛杵] ( vajra; kongō-sho) |
diamond precept[金剛宝器戒] ( kongō-hōki-kai) |
Diamond Realm[金剛界] ( vajradhātu; kongō-kai) |
Diamond Realm mandala[金剛界曼荼羅] ( kongōkai-mandara) |
Diamond Scalpel, The[金剛錍・金剛錍論] (Chin Chin-kang-pei; Kongōbei or Kongōbei-ron) |
Diamond Storehouse[金剛蔵菩薩] ( Vajragarbha; Kongōzō-bosatsu) |
Diamond Sutra[金剛経] ( Kongō-kyō) |
Diamond Wisdom Sutra[金剛般若経] ( Kongō-hannya-kyō) |
Diamond World[金剛界] ( kongō-kai) |
Diamond World mandala[金剛界曼荼羅] ( kongōkai-mandara) |
Dictionary of the Pronunciation and Meaning of Buddhist Terms, A[翻訳名義集] (Chin Fan-i-ming-i-chi; Hon’yaku-myōgi-shū) |
difficult-to-practice way[難行道] ( nangyō-dō) |
Dīgha-nikāya[長部] (Pali; Chō-bu) |
Dignāga[陳那] (n.d.) (; Jinna) |
dīpa[灯明] (, Pali; tōmyō) |
Dīpamkara[燃燈仏] (, Pali; Nentō-butsu) |
Dīpavamsa[島史] (Pali; Tōshi) |
direct pointing to the human mind[直指人心] ( jikishi-ninshin) |
“discard, close, ignore, and abandon”[捨閉閣抛] ( sha-hei-kaku-hō) |
discarding the provisional and revealing the true[開権顕実] ( kaigon-kenjitsu) |
discipline master[律師] ( risshi) |
“Distinctions in Benefits” chapter[分別功徳品] ( Fumbetsu-kudoku-hon) |
Divākara[地婆訶羅] (612 or 613–687) (; Jibakara) |
Divergent Concepts in the Sutras and Vinaya Texts[経律異相] (Chin Ching-lü-i-hsiang; Kyōritsu-isō) |
doctrinal classification[教判・教相判釈] ( kyōhan or kyōsō-hanjaku) |
doctrine of many-times recitation[多念義] ( tanen-gi) |
doctrine of one-time recitation[一念義] ( ichinen-gi) |
Doctrines of the Different Schools, The[異部宗輪論] ( Samaya-bhedoparachana-chakra; Chin I-pu-tsung-lun-lun; Ibushūrin-ron) |
Document for Entrusting Minobu-san, The[身延山付嘱書] ( Minobu-san-fuzoku-sho) |
Document for Entrusting the Law that Nichiren Propagated throughout His Life, The[日蓮一期弘法付嘱書] ( Nichiren-ichigo-guhō-fuzoku-sho) |
Dōgen[道元] (1200–1253) |
Dōji[道慈] (d. 744) |
Dōkyō[道鏡] (d. 772) |
Dōryū[道隆] (1213–1278) (; Chin Tao-lung) |
Dōsen[道璿] (702–760) (; Chin Tao-hsüan) |
Dōshō[道昭] (629–700) |
Dōzen-bō[道善房] (d. 1276) |
dragon deity[竜神] (, Pali nāga; ryūjin) |
dragon girl[竜女] ( ryūnyo) |
Dragon King of the Sea Sutra[海竜王経] (Chin Hai-lung-wang-ching; Kairyūō-kyō) |
dragon kings[竜王] ( nāga-rāja; ryūō) |
dragon king’s daughter[竜女] ( ryūnyo) |
Drona[香姓婆羅門] (; Pali Dona; Kōshō-baramon) |
Dronodana[斛飯王] (; Pali Dhotodana; Kokubonnō) |
duhukha[苦] (; ku) |
dukkha[苦] (Pali; ku) |
Dunhuang[敦煌] (PY; WG Tun-huang; Tonkō) |
dust particles of the land[大地微塵] ( daichi-mijin) |
dvesha[瞋恚・瞋] (; Pali dosa; shinni or shin) |
dvīpa[洲] (; Pali dīpa; shū) |
dvīpa[洲] (; Pali dīpa; shū) |
Eagle Peak[霊鷲山・耆闍崛山・霊山] ( Gridhrakūta; Pali Gijjhakūta; Ryōju-sen, Gishakussen, or Ryō-zen) |
Earnest Donor[能施太子] ( Mahādāna; Nōse-taishi) |
earthly desires[煩悩] ( klesha; Pali kilesa; bonnō) |
earthly desires are enlightenment[煩悩即菩提] ( bonnō-soku-bodai) |
Earth Repository[地蔵菩薩] ( Kshitigarbha; Chin Ti-tsang; Jizō-bosatsu) |
“Easy Practice” chapter[易行品] ( Igyō-hon) |
easy-to-practice way[易行道] ( igyō-dō) |
Eben[恵便] (n.d.) (; Kor Hyepyŏn) |
Echi[依智] |
eight arrogances[八慢] ( hachi-man) |
eight cold hells[八寒地獄] ( hakkan-jigoku) |
eight consciousnesses[八識] ( hasshiki) |
eight difficulties[八難・八難処] ( hachi-nan or hachi-nansho) |
eight dragon kings[八竜王] ( hachi-ryūō) |
eighteen elements[十八界] ( jūhachi-kai) |
eighteen heavens[十八天] ( jūhachi-ten) |
eighteen Hinayana schools[十八部・小乗十八部] ( jūhachi-bu or shōjō-jūhachi-bu) |
eighteen miraculous powers[十八変] ( jūhachi-hen) |
eighteen schools[十八部] ( jūhachi-bu) |
eighteen sense-elements[十八界] ( jūhachi-kai) |
eighteenth vow[第十八願] ( dai-jūhachi-gan) |
eighteen unshared properties[十八不共法・十八不共仏法] ( jūhachi-fugūhō or jūhachi-fugūbuppō) |
eight emancipations[八解脱・八背捨] ( hachi-gedatsu or hachi-haisha) |
eight errors[八邪] ( hachi-ja) |
eightfold path[八正道・八聖道] ( ārya-ashtānga-mārga, ashtānga-mārga, or ashtāngika-mārga; Pali ariya-atthangika-magga or atthangika-magga; hasshō-dō) |
eight grave offenses[八重] ( hachijū) |
eight great dragon kings[八大竜王] ( hachidai-ryūō) |
eight great hells[八大地獄] ( hachidai-jigoku) |
eight hot hells[八熱地獄] ( hachinetsu-jigoku) |
eight kinds of nonhuman beings[八部衆] ( hachibu-shu) |
eight kinds of sufferings[八種の大難] ( hasshu-no-dainan) |
eight major hells[八大地獄] ( hachidai-jigoku) |
eight major offenses(1) [八重・八波羅夷] ( hachijū or hachi-harai); (2) [八重] ( hachijū) |
eight negations[八不] ( happu) |
eight pārājika offenses[八重・八波羅夷] ( hachijū hachi-harai) |
eight phases of a Buddha’s existence[八相・八相成道・八相作仏] ( hassō, hassō-jōdō, or hassō-sabutsu) |
eight precepts[八斎戒] ( hassaikai) |
eight precepts of reverence[八敬戒] ( hachikyōkai) |
eight schools[八宗] ( hasshū) |
eight sufferings[八苦] ( hakku) |
eight teachings[八教] ( hakkyō) |
eight types of arrogance[八慢] ( hachi-man) |
eight unpardonable offenses[八重・八波羅夷] ( hachijū or hachi-harai) |
eight winds[八風] ( happū) |
eighty characteristics[八十種好] ( hachijisshugō) |
eighty-four thousand[八万四千] ( hachiman-shisen) |
eighty-four thousand teachings[八万四千法門・八万四千法蔵] ( hachiman-shisen-hōmon or hachiman-shisen-hōzō) |
eighty thousand teachings[八万法門・八万法蔵] ( hachiman-hōmon or hachiman-hōzō) |
Eikan[永観] |
Eisai[栄西] (1141–1215) |
Eizon[叡尊] (1201–1290) |
Ekan[慧灌] (n.d.) (; Kor Hyekwan) |
Elephant-Head Mountain[象頭山] ( Zōzu-sen) |
Eleven-faced Perceiver of the World’s Sounds[十一面観音] ( Ekādasha-mukha; Jūichimen-kannon) |
Eloquence[弁才天・弁天] ( Sarasvatī; Benzai-ten or Benten) |
Ema Mitsutoki[江間光時] (n.d.) |
emanation Buddhas[分身] ( funjin) |
emanations of the Buddha[分身] ( funjin) |
emancipation[解脱] ( moksha, mukti, vimoksha, or vimukti; gedatsu) |
“Emergence of the Treasure Tower” chapter[見宝塔品] ( Ken-hōtō-hon) |
“Emerging from the Earth” chapter[従地涌出品] ( Jūji-yujuppon) |
Emma[閻魔] () |
Enchin[円珍] |
Enchō[円澄] (772–837) |
“Encouragements” chapter[勧発品] ( Kambotsu-hon) |
“Encouragements of the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy” chapter[普賢菩薩勧発品] ( Fugen-bosatsu-kambotsu-hon) |
“Encouraging Devotion” chapter[勧持品] ( Kanji-hon) |
Endō Saemon-no-jō[遠藤左衛門尉] (n.d.) |
Endowed with a Thousand Ten Thousand Glowing Marks[具足千万光相如来] ( Rashmi-shatasahasra-paripūrna-dhvaja; Gusoku-semmankōsō-nyorai) |
Enemy before Birth[未生怨] ( Mishō’on) |
Engaku-ji[円覚寺] |
Enlightened One[覚者] ( kakusha) |
enlightenment[悟] ( satori) |
enlightenment of plants[草木成仏] ( sōmoku-jōbutsu) |
Enni[円爾] (1202–1280) |
Ennin[円仁] |
En no Ozunu[役小角] (b. 634) |
Enryaku-ji[延暦寺] |
Ensai[円載] (d. 877) |
“Entrustment” chapter[嘱累品] ( Zokurui-hon) |
envoy of the Thus Come One[如来の使] ( tathāgata-dūta; nyorai-no-tsukai) |
equal in principle but superior in practice[理同事勝] ( ridō-jishō) |
eranda[伊蘭] (, Pali; iran) |
Eryō[慧亮] (802–860) |
Eshin[恵心] |
Eshin school[恵心流] ( Eshin-ryū) |
Esoteric Buddhism[密教] ( mikkyō) |
esoteric teachings in both theory and practice[事理倶密] ( jiri-kumitsu) |
esoteric teachings in theory[理秘密] ( ri-himitsu) |
Essay on the Protection of the Nation, An[守護国界章] ( Shugo-kokkai-shō) |
essence of the Lotus Sutra in four phrases[四句の要法] ( shiku-no-yōbō) |
essential nature of phenomena[法性] ( dharmatā; hosshō) |
Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land, The[往生要集] ( Ōjō-yōshū) |
Essentials of the Eight Schools, The[八宗綱要] ( Hasshū-kōyō) |
Essentials of “The Fourfold Rules of Discipline,” The[四分律行事鈔] (Chin Ssu-fen-lü-hsing-shih-ch’ao; Shibun-ritsu-gyōji-shō) |
Essentials of the One Vehicle Teaching, The[一乗要決] ( Ichijō-yōketsu) |
essential teaching[本門] ( hommon) |
Essential Works of the Fuji School, The[富士宗学要集] ( Fuji-shūgaku-yōshū) |
Establishment of Truth school[成実宗] (Chin Ch’eng-shih-tsung; Jōjitsu-shū) |
Ever Wailing[常啼菩薩] ( Sadāprarudita; Jōtai-bosatsu) |
evil friend[悪知識] ( aku-chishiki) |
evil path[悪道・悪趣] ( durgati; akudō or akushu) |
exclusive practice of the Nembutsu[専修念仏] ( senju-nembutsu) |
exoteric teachings[顕教] ( kenkyō) |
expanded replacement of the three vehicles with the one vehicle[広開三顕一] ( kōkaisan-ken’ichi) |
expedient means[方便] (, Pali upāya; hōben) |
“Expedient Means” chapter[方便品] ( Hōben-bon) |
eye-begging Brahman[乞眼の婆羅門] ( kotsugen-no-baramon) |
eye-opening ceremony[開眼供養] ( kaigen-kuyō) |
face-covering tongue[覆面舌] ( fumen-zetsu) |
Fa-chao[法照] (n.d.) (PY Fazhao; Hōshō or Hosshō) |
Fa-ch’üan[法全] (n.d.) (PY Faquan; Hassen) |
Fa-hsiang school[法相宗] (PY Faxiangzong; Hossō-shū) |
Fa-hsien(PY Faxian) (1) [法顕] (c. 340–420) ( Hokken); (2) [法賢] (d. 1001) ( Hōken) |
faith[信] ( shraddhā; Pali saddhā; shin) |
faith, practice, and study[信行学] ( shin-gyō-gaku) |
Fa-lang[法朗] (507–581) (PY Falang; Hōrō) |
Fa-pao[法宝] (n.d.) (PY Fabao; Hōbō) |
farther shore[彼岸] ( higan) |
Fa-shun[法順] (PY Fashun; Hōjun) |
Fa-tao[法道] (1086–1147) (PY Fadao; Hōdō) |
Fa-tsang[法蔵] (643–712) (PY Fazang; Hōzō) |
Fa-tsu[法祖] (n.d.) (PY Fazu; Hōso) |
Fa-yün[法雲] (PY Fayun; Hōun) (1) (467–529); (2) (1087–1158) |
fearlessness[無畏] ( vaishāradya; mui) |
field of good fortune[福田] ( punya-kshetra; fukuden) |
fiery pit[火坑] ( kakyō or kakō) |
fifth five-hundred-year period[後五百歳] ( go-gohyakusai) |
fifth scroll of the Lotus Sutra[法華経第五の巻] ( Hokekyō-daigo-no-maki) |
fifty-two stages of bodhisattva practice[五十二位] ( gojūni-i) |
figurative lotus[譬喩蓮華] ( hiyu-renge) |
figurative renge[譬喩蓮華] ( hiyu-renge) |
fire pit[火坑] ( kakyō or kakō) |
fire-pit meditation[火坑三昧] ( kakyō-zammai or kakō-sammai) |
Firmly Established Practices[安立行菩薩] ( Supratishthitachāritra; Anryūgyō-bosatsu) |
first four flavors[前四味・四味] ( zen-shimi or shimi) |
first stage of development[初地] ( shoji) |
first stage of security[初住] ( shojū) |
five Āgamas[五部] ( go-bu) |
five aggregates[五陰] ( go-on) |
five ascetic practices[五法] ( go-hō) |
five ascetics[五比丘] ( go-biku) |
five Buddhas[五仏] ( go-butsu) |
five cardinal sins[五逆・五逆罪] ( go-gyaku or go-gyakuzai) |
five categories of Buddhas[五仏] ( go-butsu) |
five components[五陰・五蘊] ( pancha-skandha; go-on or go-un) |
five correct practices[五正行・五種の正行] ( go-shōgyō or goshu-no-shōgyō) |
five defilements[五濁] ( go-joku) |
five delusive inclinations[五鈍使] ( go-donshi) |
five desires[五欲] ( go-yoku) |
five elements[五大] ( go-dai) |
five false views[五利使] ( go-rishi) |
five five-hundred-year periods[五箇の五百歳] ( goka-no-gohyakusai) |
five flavors[五味] ( go-mi) |
fivefold bodies of the Law[五分法身] ( gobun-hosshin) |
fivefold comparison[五重の相対] ( gojū-no-sōtai) |
fivefold meditation[五相成身観] ( gosō-jōshin-kan) |
Fivefold Rules of Discipline, The[五分律] (Chin Wu-fen-lü; Gobun-ritsu) |
fivefold view of revelation[五重三段] ( gojū-sandan) |
five great wisdom kings[五大明王] ( godai-myō’ō) |
five guides for propagation[五綱] ( go-kō) |
five heavens of purity[五浄居天] ( shuddhāvāsa; go-jōgo-ten) |
five honored ones[五大尊] ( godaison) |
“Five Hundred Disciples” chapter[五百弟子品] ( Gohyaku-deshi-hon) |
five hundred precepts[五百戒] ( gohyaku-kai) |
five improper ways of livelihood[五邪・五種邪命] ( go-ja or goshu-jamyō) |
five impurities[五濁] ( go-joku) |
five kinds of correct practices[五正行・五種の正行] ( go-shōgyō or goshu-no-shōgyō) |
five kinds of sundry practices[五種の雑行] ( goshu-no-zōgyō) |
five kinds of wisdom[五智] ( go-chi) |
five major principles[五重玄] ( gojū-gen) |
five major writings[五大部] ( godai-bu) |
five meditations[五停心観] ( gojōshin-kan) |
five meditations for stopping the mind[五停心観] ( gojōshin-kan) |
five mighty bodhisattvas[五大力菩薩] ( godairiki-bosatsu) |
five natures[五性] ( go-shō) |
five obscurations[五蓋] ( go-gai) |
five obstacles[五障] ( go-shō) |
five obstacles and three obediences[五障三従] ( goshō-sanjū or goshō-sanshō) |
five or seven characters[五字七字] ( goji-shichiji) |
five pāramitās[五波羅蜜] ( go-haramitsu) |
five paths[五道・五趣] ( go-dō or go-shu) |
five patriarchs of the Chinese Pure Land school[浄土五祖] ( Jōdo-goso) |
five periods[五時] ( go-ji) |
five periods and eight teachings[五時八教] ( goji-hakkyō) |
five powers[五力] ( go-riki) |
five practices[五種の修行] ( goshu-no-shugyō) |
five precepts[五戒] ( go-kai) |
five proclamations of the Buddha[五箇の鳳詔] ( goka-no-hōshō) |
five pure-dwelling heavens[五浄居天] ( go-jōgo-ten) |
five regions of India[五天竺・五天] ( go-tenjiku or go-ten) |
five roots[五根] ( go-kon) |
five schools of Zen[五家] ( go-ke) |
five senior priests[五老僧] ( go-rōsō) |
five sense organs[五根] (, Pali pancha-indriya; go-kon) |
five signs of decay[五衰] ( go-sui) |
five skandhas[五陰] ( go-on) |
five spicy foods[五辛] ( go-shin) |
five stages of practice[五品] ( go-hon) |
five strong-flavored foods[五辛] ( go-shin) |
five sundry practices[五種の雑行] ( goshu-no-zōgyō) |
five supernatural powers[五神通・五通] ( go-jinzū or go-tsū) |
five tastes[五味] ( go-mi) |
five teachings and ten doctrines[五教十宗] ( gokyō-jisshū) |
five teachings of Mahādeva[大天の五事] ( Daiten-no-goji) |
Five Temples[五山] ( Gozan or Gosan) |
five thousand and forty-eight volumes[五千四十八巻] ( gosen-shijūhachi-kan) |
five thousand arrogant persons[五千の上慢] ( gosen-no-jōman) |
five transcendental powers[五神通・五通] ( go-jinzū or go-tsū) |
five types of decay[五衰] ( go-sui) |
five types of vision[五眼] ( go-gen) |
five types of wisdom[五智] ( go-chi) |
five vehicles[五乗] ( go-jō) |
five wisdom Buddhas[五智如来] ( gochi-nyorai) |
fixed karma[定業] ( jōgō) |
Fixed Light[錠光仏] ( Jōkō-butsu) |
flame-emitting meditation[火生三昧] ( kashō-zammai) |
Flower Garland period[華厳時] ( Kegon-ji) |
Flower Garland school[華厳宗] (Chin Hua-yen-tsung; Kegon-shū) |
Flower Garland Sutra[華厳経] ( Buddha-avatamsaka-nāma-mahāvaipulya-sūtra; Chin Hua-yen-ching; Kegon-gyō) |
Flower Glow[華光如来] (1) ( Padmaprabha; Kekō-nyorai); (2) ( unknown; Kekō-nyorai) |
Fo-lung-ssu[仏隴寺] (PY Folongsi; Butsurō-ji) |
foolishness[愚癡・癡・無明] (, Pali moha; guchi, chi, or mumyō) |
forbearance[忍・忍辱] ( kshānti; nin or ninniku) |
Forbearance[忍辱仙人] ( Kshāntivādin; Ninniku-sennin) |
foreign invasion[他国侵逼難] ( takoku-shimpitsu-nan) |
foremost worldly stage[世第一法・世第一法位] ( sedaiippō or sedaiippō-i) |
Forest of Gems in the Garden of the Law, The[法苑珠林] (Chin Fa-yüan-chu-lin; Hō’on-jurin) |
Forest of Meanings in the Mahayana Garden of the Law, The[大乗法苑義林章] (Chin Ta-ch’eng-fa-yüan-i-lin-chang; Daijō-hō’on-girin-jō) |
Forest of Merits[功徳林菩薩] ( Kudokurin-bosatsu) |
“Former Affairs of King Wonderful Adornment” chapter[妙荘厳王本事品] ( Myōshōgonnō-honji-hon) |
“Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King” chapter[薬王菩薩本事品] ( Yakuō-bosatsu-honji-hon) |
Former Day of the Law[正法] ( shōbō) |
forty-eight minor precepts[四十八軽戒] ( shijūhachi-kyōkai) |
forty-eight vows[四十八願] ( shijūhachi-gan) |
forty-two levels of ignorance[四十二品の無明] ( shijūnihon-no-mumyō) |
Fo-t’u-teng[仏図澄] (232–348) (PY Fotudeng; Buttochō) |
four activities of daily life[四威儀] ( shi-igi) |
four Āgama sutras[四阿含経] ( shi-agon-gyō) |
four bases of transcendental powers[四如意足・四神足] ( shi-nyoisoku or shi-jinsoku) |
four bodhisattvas[四菩薩] ( shi-bosatsu) |
four categories of Buddhists[四衆] ( shi-shu) |
four continents[四洲] ( shi-shū) |
four-continent world[四天下] ( shi-tenge) |
four daily activities[四威儀] ( shi-igi) |
four debts of gratitude[四恩] ( shi-on) |
four devils[四魔] ( shi-ma) |
four Dharma seals[四法印] ( shi-hōin) |
four dhyāna heavens[四禅天] ( shizenten) |
four dictums[四箇の格言] ( shika-no-kakugen) |
four different views of the grove of sal trees[沙羅の四見] ( shara-no-shiken) |
four easy practices[四安楽行] ( shi-anraku-gyō) |
four elements[四大] ( shi-dai) |
four encounters[四門遊観・四門出遊] ( shimon-yūkan or shimon-shutsuyū) |
four evil paths[四悪趣・四悪道] ( shi-akushu or shi-akudō) |
four fearlessnesses[四無所畏・四無畏] ( shi-mushoi or shi-mui) |
four flavors[前四味・四味] ( zen-shimi or shimi) |
four flavors and three teachings[四味三教] ( shimi-sankyō) |
fourfold rise and fall[四重の興廃] ( shijū-no-kōhai) |
Fourfold Rules of Discipline, The[四分律] (Chin Ssu-fen-lü; Shibun-ritsu) |
four forms of birth[四生] ( shi-shō) |
four forms of meditation[四種三昧] ( shishu-sammai or shishu-zammai) |
four good roots[四善根・四善根位] ( shi-zengon or shi-zengon-i) |
four grave offenses[四重罪・四波羅夷罪] ( shi-jūzai or shi-haraizai) |
four grave prohibitions[四重禁・四重] ( shijūkin or shijū) |
four great continents[四大洲] ( shidai-shū) |
four great heavenly kings[四大天王] ( shidai-tennō) |
four great rivers[四大河] ( shidai-ga) |
four great seas[四大海] ( shidai-kai) |
four great voice-hearers[四大声聞] ( shidai-shōmon) |
four guidelines[四釈・四種釈] ( shi-shaku or shishu-shaku) |
four heavenly kings[四天王] ( shi-tennō) |
four heavens of the world of formlessness[四無色天] ( shi-mushiki-ten) |
four imperial persecutions of Buddhism in China[三武一宗の法難] ( Sambu-issō-no-hōnan) |
four improper ways of livelihood[四邪命食・四不浄食・四食] ( shi-jamyōjiki, shi-fujōjiki, or shi-jiki) |
four inferior flavors[前四味・四味] ( zen-shimi or shimi) |
four infinite virtues[四無量心] ( shi-muryōshin) |
four inverted views[四顚倒] ( shi-tendō) |
four kalpas[四劫] ( shi-kō) |
four kinds of believers[四衆] ( shi-shu) |
four kinds of Buddhists[四衆] ( shi-shu) |
four kinds of flowers[四華] ( shi-ke) |
four kinds of lands[四土] ( shi-do) |
four kinds of meditation[四種三昧] ( shishu-sammai or shishu-zammai) |
four kinds of offerings[四事・四事供養] ( shiji or shiji-kuyō) |
four-line verse[四句偈] ( shiku-ge) |
four major disciples[四大弟子] ( shidai-deshi) |
four major offenses[四重罪・四波羅夷罪] ( shi-jūzai or shi-haraizai) |
four meditation heavens[四禅天] ( shizenten) |
four meditations[四念処・四念住] ( shi-nenjo or shi-nenjū) |
four meditations on formlessness[四無色定・四空定・四空処定] ( shi-mushiki-jō, shi-kū-jō, or shi-kūsho-jō) |
four meetings[四門遊観・四門出遊] ( shimon-yūkan or shimon-shutsuyū) |
four methods of winning people[四摂法・四摂事] ( shi-shōbō or shi-shōji) |
four modes of conduct[四威儀] ( shi-igi) |
four noble truths[四諦・四聖諦] ( chatur-ārya-satya; shi-tai or shi-shōtai) |
four noble worlds[四聖] ( shi-shō or shi-sei) |
four objects of faith[四信] ( shi-shin) |
four pārājika offenses[四重罪・四波羅夷罪] ( shi-jūzai or shi-haraizai) |
four peaceful practices[四安楽行] ( shi-anraku-gyō) |
Four Peaceful Practices, The[四安楽行] ( Shi-anraku-gyō) |
four peaceful ways of practice[四安楽行] ( shi-anraku-gyō) |
four-phrase essence of the Lotus Sutra[四句の要法] ( shiku-no-yōbō) |
four-phrase verse[四句偈] ( shiku-ge) |
four powers[四力] ( shi-riki) |
four preceding flavors[前四味・四味] ( zen-shimi or shimi) |
four ranks of bodhisattvas[四依の菩薩] ( shie-no-bosatsu) |
four ranks of sages[四依] ( shie) |
four realms of the world of formlessness[四無色界・四無色天・四無色処・四空処] ( shi-mushiki-kai, shi-mushiki-ten, shi-mushiki-sho, or shi-kū-sho) |
four reliances[四依] ( shie) |
four right efforts[四正勤・四正断] ( shi-shōgon or shi-shōdan) |
four rivers[四河] ( shi-ga) |
four roots of goodness[四善根・四善根位] ( shi-zengon or shi-zengon-i) |
four seas[四海] ( shi-kai) |
four stages of enlightenment[四果] ( shi-ka) |
four stages of faith[四信] ( shi-shin) |
four stages of faith and the five stages of practice[四信五品] ( shishin-gohon) |
four stages of Hinayana enlightenment[四果] ( shi-ka) |
four stages of meditation[四禅定] ( chatur-dhyāna; shi-zenjō) |
four standards[四依] ( shie) |
four steps to transcendental powers[四如意足・四神足] ( shi-nyoisoku or shi-jinsoku) |
four sufferings[四苦] ( shi-ku) |
four tastes[前四味・四味] ( zen-shimi or shimi) |
four teachers of the three countries[三国四師] ( sangoku-shishi) |
four teachings of doctrine[化法の四教] ( kehō-no-shikyō) |
four teachings of method[化儀の四教] ( kegi-no-shikyō) |
fourteen slanders[十四誹謗・十四謗法] ( jūshi-hibō or jūshi-hōbō) |
four topsy-turvy views[四顚倒] ( shi-tendō) |
four treatises[四論] ( shi-ron) |
four types of Buddhist believers[四衆] ( shi-shu) |
four types of correct effort[四正勤・四正断] ( shi-shōgon or shi-shōdan) |
four types of mandalas[四種曼荼羅] ( shishu-mandara) |
four types of wheel-turning kings[四輪王] ( shi-rinnō) |
four universal vows[四弘誓願] ( shigu-seigan) |
four unlimited kinds of knowledge[四無礙智・四無礙] ( shi-muge-chi or shi-muge) |
four unpardonable offenses[四重罪・四波羅夷罪] ( shi-jūzai or shi-haraizai) |
four views of the sal grove[沙羅の四見] ( shara-no-shiken) |
four virtues[四徳] ( shi-toku) |
four ways of preaching[四悉檀] ( shi-shitsudan) |
four wheel-turning kings[四輪王] ( shi-rinnō) |
four wrong-headed views[四顚倒] ( shi-tendō) |
Fragrant, Mount[香酔山・香山] (, Pali Gandhamādana; Kōsui-sen or Kō-sen) |
Fragrant Mountain[香酔山・香山] ( Kōsui-sen or Kō-sen) |
Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others[他化自在天] ( Takejizai-ten) |
Freely Perceiving[観自在菩薩] ( Avalokiteshvara; Kanjizai-bosatsu) |
Fudō[不動] () |
Fuji school[富士門流] ( Fuji-monryū) |
Fuju Fuse Kōmon school[不受不施講門派] ( Fuju Fuse Kōmon-ha) |
Fuju Fuse school[不受不施派] ( Fuju Fuse-ha) |
full commandments[具足戒] ( gusoku-kai) |
Funamori Yasaburō[船守弥三郎] (n.d.) |
fundamental darkness[元品の無明] ( gampon-no-mumyō) |
fundamental nature of enlightenment[元品の法性] ( gampon-no-hosshō) |
Further Anthology of the Propagation of Light, The[広弘明集] (Chin Kuang-hung-ming-chi; Kō-gumyō-shū) |
fusion of reality and wisdom[境智冥合] ( kyōchi-myōgō) |
Fu Ta-shih[傅大士] (497–569) (PY Fu Dashi; Fu-daishi) |
Gadgadasvara[妙音菩薩] (; Myō’on-bosatsu) |
Gainer of Great Authority[得大勢菩薩] ( Mahāsthāmaprāpta; Tokudaisei-bosatsu) |
Gakkō[月光] () |
gandha[香・乾陀] (, Pali; kō or kenda) |
Gandhara[ガンダーラ・健駄羅国] (, Pali Gandhāra; Gandāra or Kendara-koku) |
gandharva[乾闥婆] (; kendatsuba) |
Gangā[恒河・ガンジス河] (, Pali; Gōga or Ganjisu-gawa) |
Ganges River[恒河・ガンジス河] ( Gōga or Ganjisu-gawa) |
Ganges sands[恒河沙] ( gōga-sha) |
Gangō-ji[元興寺] |
Ganjin[鑑真] (688–763) (; Chin Chien-chen) |
garbhadhātu[胎蔵界] (; taizō-kai) |
garment-snatching demoness[奪衣婆] ( datsueba) |
garment-suspending demon[懸衣翁] ( kenneō) |
garuda[迦楼羅] (; karura) |
gāthā[偈・伽陀] (, Pali; ge or kada) |
gati[趣・道] (, Pali; shu or dō) |
Gautama[瞿曇] (; Pali Gotama; Kudon) |
Gautamī[憍曇弥] (; Kyōdommi) |
Gayā[伽耶城] (, Pali; Gaya-jō) |
Gayā Kāshyapa[伽耶迦葉] (; Pali Gayā Kassapa; Gaya-kashō) |
Gayāshīrsha, Mount[伽耶山・象頭山] (; Pali Gayāsīsa; Gaya-sen or Zōzu-sen) |
Gembō[玄昉] (d. 746) |
general and specific viewpoints[総別の二義] ( sōbetsu-no-nigi) |
general transfer[総付嘱] ( sō-fuzoku) |
Genkō Era Biographies of Eminent Priests, The[元亨釈書] ( Genkō-shakusho) |
Genkū[源空] |
Gennin[源仁] (818–887) |
Genshin[源信] (942–1017) |
geya[祇夜・重頌] (; giya or jūju) |
ghee[醍醐味] ( daigo-mi) |
Ghoshila[瞿師羅] (; Pali Ghosita; Kushira) |
Gien[義淵] (d. 728) |
Gijō-bō[義浄房] (n.d.) |
Girika[耆利柯・耆利] (n.d.) (; Girika or Giri) |
Gishin[義真] (781–833) |
Gladly Seen[喜見菩薩] ( Kiken-bosatsu) |
Gladly Seen by All Living Beings( Sarva-sattva-priyadarshana) (1) [一切衆生喜見如来] ( Issai-shujō-kiken-nyorai); (2) [一切衆生喜見菩薩] ( Issai-shujō-kiken-bosatsu) |
Glorious Kalpa[荘厳劫] ( Shōgon-kō) |
Godānīya[瞿耶尼・牛貨洲] (; Kuyani or Goke-shū) |
god of fragrance[香神] ( kōjin) |
god of the moon[月天] ( Gatten) |
god of the sun[日天] ( Nitten) |
Gohonzon[御本尊] () |
Gokuraku-ji[極楽寺] |
gold circle[金輪] ( kānchana-mandala; konrin) |
Golden Color[金色王] ( Konjiki-ō) |
Golden Light Sutra[金光明経] ( Suvarnaprabhāsa-sūtra or Suvarnaprabhāsottama-sūtra; Chin Chin-kuang-ming-ching; Konkōmyō-kyō) |
golden-winged bird[金翅鳥] ( konji-chō) |
gold-wheel treasure[金輪宝] ( konrin-hō) |
gold-wheel-turning king[金輪王・金輪聖王] ( konrin-ō or konrin-jō’ō) |
Gomyō[護命] (750–834) |
gongyō[勤行] () |
Gonsō[勤操] (758–827) |
Gon’yo[厳誉] (n.d.) |
good friend[善知識] ( kalyāna-mitra; zen-chishiki) |
Good Kalpa[善劫] ( Zen-kō) |
Good Law Hall[善法堂] ( Zembō-dō) |
good man[善男子] ( kula-putra; zen-nanshi) |
good root[善根] ( kushala-mūla; zengon or zenkon) |
Good to See[善見城] ( Zenken-jō) |
Good Treasures[善財童子] ( Sudhana-shreshthi-dāraka or Sudhana; Zenzai-dōji) |
good woman[善女人] ( kula-duhitri; zen-nyonin) |
Gopikā[瞿夷] (; Kui) |
Gōsanze[降三世] () |
Gosho[御書] () |
Gotama[瞿曇] (Pali; Kudon) |
Gotamī[憍曇弥] (Pali; Kyōdommi) |
gradual teaching[漸教] ( zen-kyō) |
Great Adornment(1) [大荘厳仏] ( Daishōgon-butsu); (2) [大荘厳菩薩] ( Daishōgon-bosatsu) |
Great Arrogant Brahman[大慢婆羅門] (n.d.) ( Daiman-baramon) |
Great Awesome Virtue[大威徳明王] ( Yamāntaka; Daiitoku-myō’ō) |
Great Canon of Monastic Rules, The[摩訶僧祇律] (Chin Mo-ho-seng-chih-lü; Maka-sōgi-ritsu) |
great citadel of the Avīchi hell[阿鼻大城] ( Abi-daijō) |
great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering[無間大城] ( Muken-daijō) |
Great Collection Sutra[大集経] (Chin Ta-chi-ching; Daijikkyō) |
Great Commander[太元帥明王] ( Ātavaka; Taigensui-myō’ō, better known as Taigen-myō’ō) |
Great Commentary on the Abhidharma, The[阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論] ( Abhidharma-mahāvibhāshā-shāstra; Chin A-p’i-ta-mo-ta-p’i-p’o-sha-lun; Abidatsuma-daibibasha-ron) |
Great Compassion Sutra[大悲経] (Chin Ta-pei-ching; Daihi-kyō) |
Great Concentration and Insight[摩訶止観] (Chin Mo-ho-chih-kuan; Maka-shikan) |
Great Forest Monastery[大林精舎] ( Mahāvana-vihāra; Dairin-shōja) |
great impartial wisdom[平等大慧] ( byōdō-daie) |
Greatly Enlightened World-Honored One[大覚世尊] ( Daikaku-seson) |
Great Ornament of Tales, The[大荘厳論経] ( Kalpanā-manditikā; Chin Ta-chuang-yen-lun-ching; Daishōgon-rongyō) |
Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra(1) [摩訶般若波羅蜜経] ( Panchavimshatisāhasrikā-prajnāpāramitā; Chin Mo-ho-pan-jo-po-lo-mi-ching; Makahannya-haramitsu-kyō); (2) [摩訶般若波羅蜜経] ( Asht |
Great Power[勢至菩薩] ( Mahāsthāmaprāpta; Seishi-bosatsu) |
great pure Law[大白法] ( daibyakuhō) |
great south gate[南大門] ( nandaimon) |
Great T’ang Dynasty Catalog of Buddhist Scriptures, The[大唐内典録] (Chin Ta-t’ang-nei-tien-lu; Daitō-naiten-roku) |
great teacher[大師] (Chin ta-shih; daishi) |
Great Treasure Chamber[大宝坊] ( Daihō-bō) |
Great Universal Wisdom Excellence[大通智勝仏] ( Mahābhijnā-jnānābhibhū; Daitsūchishō-butsu) |
great vehicle[大乗] ( daijō) |
great white ox cart[大白牛車] ( daibyaku-gosha) |
great wisdom of equality[平等大慧] ( byōdō-daie) |
Great Wisdom Sutra[大般若経] ( Mahāprajnāpāramitā-sūtra; Chin Ta-pan-jo-ching; Daihannya-kyō) |
Great Yüeh-chih[大月氏] ( Dai-gesshi) |
greed[貪・貪欲・愛] (, Pali rāga; ton, ton’yoku, or ai) |
greed and stinginess[慳貪] ( kendon) |
Gridhrakūta[耆闍崛山・霊鷲山] (; Pali Gijjhakūta; Gishakussen or Ryōju-sen) |
griha-pati[居士] (; koji) |
Guidelines for Believers of the Fuji School, The[富士一跡門徒存知の事] ( Fuji-isseki-monto-zonchi-no-koto) |
Gunabhadra[求那跋陀羅] (394–468) (; Gunabaddara) |
Gunamati[徳慧] (n.d.) (; Tokue) |
Gunaprabha[徳光] (n.d.) (; Tokukō) |
Gunavarman[求那跋摩] (367–431) (; Gunabatsuma) |
Gurupādaka, Mount[尊足山] (; Sonsoku-sen) |
Gyōchi[行智] (n.d.) |
Gyōhyō[行表] (724–797) |
Gyōki[行基] (668–749) |
Gyōnen[凝然] (1240–1321) |
Hachiman[八幡] |
Hakiri Sanenaga[波木井実長] (1222–1297) |
Haklenayashas[鶴勒夜那・鶴勒夜奢] (n.d.) (; Kakurokuyana or Kakurokuyasha) |
Hall of the Good Law[善法堂] ( Sudharman; Zembō-dō) |
Han-kuang[含光] (n.d.) (PY Hanguang; Gankō) |
Harivarman[訶梨跋摩] (n.d.) (; Karibatsuma) |
Harsha[戒日王] (; Kainichi-ō) |
Healing Buddha[薬師仏] ( Yakushi-butsu) |
Hearer of Many Teachings[多聞天] ( Tamon-ten) |
Heart of the Abhidharma, The[阿毘曇心論] ( Abhidharma-hridaya-shāstra; Chin A-p’i-t’an-hsin-lun; Abidon-shin-ron) |
Heart of Wisdom Sutra[般若心経] ( Hannya-shingyō) |
Heart Sutra[般若心経] ( Prajnāpāramitā-hridaya-sūtra; Chin Pan-jo-hsin-ching; Hannya-shingyō) |
Heat-Free Lake[無熱池] ( Munetchi) |
heat stage[煗位・煗法] ( nan-i or nampō) |
heaven[天] (, Pali deva-loka; ten) |
heavenly being among heavenly beings[天中天] (, Pali devātideva; tenchū-ten) |
heavenly devil[天魔] ( temma) |
heavenly gods and benevolent deities[諸天善神] ( shoten-zenjin) |
Heavenly King[天王如来] ( Devarāja; Tennō-nyorai) |
Heaven of Boundless Consciousness[識無辺処天] ( Shikimuhenjo-ten) |
Heaven of Boundless Empty Space[空無辺処天] ( Kūmuhenjo-ten) |
Heaven of Enjoying the Conjured[化楽天・楽変化天] ( Nirmānarati; Keraku-ten or Rakuhenge-ten) |
Heaven of Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others[他化自在天] ( Paranirmita-vasha-vartin; Takejizai-ten) |
Heaven of Great Brahmā[大梵天] ( Daibon-ten) |
Heaven of Māra[魔天] ( Ma-ten) |
Heaven of Neither Thought Nor No Thought[非想非非想天] ( Hisō-hihisō-ten) |
Heaven of Nothingness[無所有処天] ( Mushousho-ten) |
Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings[四王天] ( Chātur-mahārāja-kāyika; Shiō-ten) |
Heaven of the Thirty-three Gods[三十三天] ( Sanjūsan-ten) |
heavens of purity[浄居天] ( jōgo-ten) |
Hei no Saemon[平左衛門] (d. 1293) |
hell[地獄] (, Pali naraka or niraya; jigoku) |
hell of black cords[黒縄地獄] ( Kālasūtra; Kokujō-jigoku) |
hell of burning heat[焦熱地獄] ( Tapana; Shōnetsu-jigoku) |
hell of incessant suffering[無間地獄] (, Pali Avīchi; Muken-jigoku) |
hell of repeated rebirth for torture[等活地獄] ( Samjīva; Tōkatsu-jigoku) |
hell of the crimson lotus[紅蓮地獄] ( Padma; Guren-jigoku) |
heritage of the Law[血脈] ( kechimyaku or ketsumyaku) |
hero of the world[世雄] ( seō) |
Hiei, Mount[比叡山] ( Hiei-zan) |
high grain prices[穀貴] ( kokki) |
Hiki Yoshimoto[比企能本] (1202–1286) |
Himatala[雪山下王] (; Sessenge-ō) |
Hinayana Buddhism[小乗仏教] ( Shōjō-bukkyō) |
Hiranyavatī[熈連河] (, Pali; Kiren-ga) |
History of the Buddha’s Successors, A[付法蔵因縁伝] (Chin Fu-fa-tsang-yin-yüan-chuan; Fuhōzō-innen-den) |
Hōjō Yagenta[北条弥源太] (n.d.) |
Hōki-bō[伯耆房] |
Hokke school[法華宗] ( Hokke-shū) |
Holy Eagle Peak[霊鷲山] ( Ryōju-sen) |
Homma Rokurō Saemon[本間六郎左衛門] (n.d.) |
Hōnen[法然] (1133–1212) |
Hongan-ji[本願寺] |
Hōren[法蓮] |
horse-headed demons[馬頭] ( ashvashīrsha; mezu) |
Hōryū-ji[法隆寺] |
Hoshina Gorō Tarō[星名五郎太郎] (n.d.) |
Hossō school[法相宗] ( Hossō-shū) |
householder[居士] ( griha-pati; Pali gaha-pati; koji) |
Hsien-shou[賢首] (PY Xianshou; Genju) |
Hsi-ming-ssu[西明寺] (PY Ximingsi; Saimyō-ji) |
Hsing-huang[興皇] (PY Xinghuang; Kōkō) |
Hsing-man[行満] (n.d.) (PY Xingman; Gyōman) |
Hsin-hsing[信行] (540–594) (PY Xinxing; Shingyō) |
Hsiu-ch’an-ssu[修禅寺] (PY Xiuchansi; Shuzen-ji) |
Hsüan-lang[玄朗] (673–754) (PY Xuanlang; Genrō) |
Hsüan-tsang[玄奘] (602–664) (PY Xuanzang; Genjō) |
Huai-kan[懐感] (n.d.) (PY Huaigan; Ekan) |
Hua-yen school[華厳宗] (PY Huayanzong; Kegon-shū) |
Hui-ch’ang Persecution[会昌の廃仏] ( Kaishō-no-haibutsu) |
Hui-k’o[慧可] (487–593) (PY Huike; Eka) |
Hui-kuan[慧観] (n.d.) (PY Huiguan; Ekan) |
Hui-kuang[慧光] (468–537) (PY Huiguang; Ekō) |
Hui-kuo[恵果] (746–805) (PY Huiguo; Keika) |
Hui-neng[慧能] (638–713) (PY Huineng; Enō) |
Hui-ssu[慧思] (PY Huisi; Eshi) |
Hui-tz’u[慧次] (434–490) (PY Huici; Eji) |
Hui-wen[慧文] (n.d.) (PY Huiwen; Emon) |
Hui-yen[慧厳] (363–443) (PY Huiyan; Egon) |
Hui-yüan(1) [慧遠] (334–416) (PY Huiyuan; Eon); (2) [慧遠] (523–592) (PY Huiyuan; Eon); (3) [慧苑] (n.d.) (PY Huiyuan; Eon) |
hundred blessings[百福] ( hyaku-fuku) |
hundred worlds and thousand factors[百界千如] ( hyakkai-sennyo) |
Hung-jen[弘忍] (601–674) (PY Hongren; Kōnin) |
hungry spirits[餓鬼] ( preta; gaki) |
icchantika[一闡提] (; issendai) |
ichinen[一念] (; Chin i-nien) |
ichinen-sanzen[一念三千] () |
I-ching[義浄] (635–713) (PY Yijing; Gijō) |
Ichinosawa, the lay priest[一谷入道] (d. 1278) ( Ichinosawa-nyūdō) |
ignorance[無明] ( avidyā; Pali avijjā; mumyō) |
I-hsing[一行] (683–727) (PY Yixing; Ichigyō) |
Ikegami Munenaga[池上宗長] (d. 1283) |
Ikegami Munenaka[池上宗仲] (d. 1293) |
Ikegami Transfer Document, The[池上相承書] ( Ikegami-sōjō-sho) |
Ikkō school[一向宗] ( Ikkō-shū) |
illusions of thought and desire[見思惑] ( kenji-waku) |
I-lung[遺竜] (n.d.) (PY Yilong; Iryō) |
Immeasurable Meanings Sutra[無量義経] (Chin Wu-liang-i-ching; Muryōgi-kyō) |
Immovable(1) [不動明王] ( Achala or Achalanātha; Fudō-myō’ō); (2) [不動仏] ( Fudō-butsu); (3) [不動智仏] ( Fudōchi-butsu) |
Immovable Wisdom[不動智仏] ( Fudōchi-butsu) |
immutable karma[定業] ( jōgō) |
impure land[穢土] ( edo) |
Inaba-bō[因幡房] (n.d.) |
inclusion of Buddhahood in the nine worlds[九界即仏界・九界所具の仏界] ( kukai-soku-bukkai or kukai-shogu-no-bukkai) |
inclusion of the nine worlds in Buddhahood[仏界即九界・仏界所具の九界] ( bukkai-soku-kukai or bukkai-shogu-no-kukai) |
inconspicuous benefit[冥益] ( myōyaku) |
incorrigible disbelief, persons of[一闡提] ( issendai) |
Increase and Growth[増長天] ( Virūdhaka; Zōjō-ten or Zōchō-ten) |
Increasing by One Āgama Sutra[増一阿含経] (Chin Tseng-i-a-han-ching; Zōichi-agon-gyō) |
independent of words or writing[不立文字] ( furyū-monji) |
Indra[因陀羅] (; Indara) |
Indra’s net[因陀羅網・帝網] ( Indra-jāla; Indara-mō or Tai-mō) |
indriya[根] (, Pali; kon) |
inferior manifested body[劣応身] ( retsu-ōjin) |
Infinite Life[無量寿仏] ( Muryōju-butsu) |
Infinite Light[無量光仏] ( Muryōkō-butsu) |
Ingen[隠元] (1592–1673) (; Chin Yin-yüan) |
inherent enlightenment[本覚] ( hongaku) |
initial stage of rejoicing[初随喜品・初随喜] ( shozuiki-hon or shozuiki) |
insentient beings[非情] ( hijō) |
integration of the three mystic principles[三妙合論] ( sammyō-gōron) |
Interfusing Nembutsu school[融通念仏宗] ( Yūzū Nembutsu-shū) |
internal strife[自界叛逆難] ( jikai-hongyaku-nan) |
“Introduction” chapter[序品] ( Jo-hon) |
Invincible[無勝童子] ( Mushō-dōji) |
Ippen[一遍] (1239–1289) |
Iron Encircling Mountains[鉄囲山・鉄輪囲山] ( Chakravāda-parvata or Chakravāda; Tetchi-sen or Tetsurin’i-sen) |
Īshāna[伊舎那天] (; Ishana-ten) |
Ishikawa Monastery[石川精舎] ( Ishikawa-shōja) |
Ishikawa no Hyōe, the lay priest[石河の兵衛入道] (n.d.) ( Ishikawa no Hyōe-nyūdō) |
Izu Exile[伊豆流罪] ( Izu-ruzai) |
Jakunichi-bō[寂日房] |
Jakunichi-bō Nikke(1) [寂日房日家] (n.d.); (2) [寂日房日華] (1252–1334) |
Jakushō[寂照] (d. 1034) |
Jambudvīpa[閻浮提・贍部洲] (; Pali Jambudīpa; Embudai or Sembu-shū) |
Jambūnada gold[閻浮檀金] (; embudan-gon) |
Jāmbūnada Gold Light[閻浮那提金光如来] ( Jāmbūnadaprabhāsa; Embunadai-konkō-nyorai) |
jambu tree[閻浮樹] (, Pali; embu-ju) |
Jātaka[本生話] (, Pali; Honjō-wa) |
Jayata[闍夜多・闍夜那] (n.d.) (; Jayata or Jayana) |
Jeta[祇陀太子] (Pali; Gida-taishi) |
Jetavana Monastery[祇園精舎] ( Jetavana-vihāra; Gion-shōja) |
Jetri[祇陀太子] (; Pali Jeta; Gida-taishi) |
Jeweled Dignity[宝威仏] ( Hōi-butsu) |
Jeweled Necklace Sutra[瓔珞経] ( Yōraku-kyō) |
Jewel Sign[宝相如来] ( Ratnaketu; Hōsō-nyorai) |
Jibu-bō[治部房] (1257–1318) |
Jie[慈慧] |
Jien[慈円] (1155–1225) |
Jiga-ge[自我偈] () |
Jih-chao[日照] (PY Rizhao; Nisshō) |
Jikaku[慈覚] (794–864) |
Jikoku-ten[持国天] () |
Jimon school[寺門派] ( Jimon-ha) |
Ji school[時宗] ( Ji-shū) |
Jissō-ji[実相寺] |
Jitsue[実慧] (786–847) |
Jīvaka[耆婆] (, Pali; Giba) |
jīvamjīvaka[命命鳥・共命鳥] (, Pali; myōmyō-chō or gumyō-chō) |
Jizō[地蔵] () |
Jnānagupta[闍那崛多] (523–c. 600) (; Janakutta) |
Jnānaprabha[智光] (n.d.) (; Chikō) |
Jōdo school[浄土宗] ( Jōdo-shū) |
Jōdo Shin school[浄土真宗] ( Jōdo Shin-shū) |
Jōjin[成尋] (1011–1081) |
Jōjitsu school[成実宗] ( Jōjitsu-shū) |
Jōkaku-bō[成覚房] |
Jōkan[静観] |
Jōken-bō[浄顕房] (n.d.) |
Jōkōmyō-ji[浄光明寺] |
Joyful to See[喜見城] ( Kiken-jō) |
Jufuku-ji[寿福寺] |
Junsai[遵西] (d. 1207) |
Jūren[住蓮] (d. 1207) |
Kacchāyana[迦旃延] (Pali; Kasennen) |
K’ai-yüan Era Catalog of the Buddhist Canon, The[開元釈教録] (Chin K’ai-yüan-shih-chiao-lu; Kaigen-shakkyō-roku) |
K’ai-yüan-ssu[開元寺] (PY Kaiyuansi; Kaigen-ji) |
Kakuban[覚鑁] (1095–1143) |
Kakumyō[覚明] |
Kakuun[覚運] (953–1007) |
kālakula[迦羅求羅] (; karakura or karagura) |
Kalandaka[迦蘭陀] (; Karanda) |
kalavinka[迦陵頻伽] (; karyōbinga) |
Kālayashas[畺良耶舎] (383–442) (; Kyōryōyasha) |
Kāli[迦利王] (; Kari-ō) |
Kalmāshapāda[斑足王・鹿足王] (; Hansoku-ō or Rokusoku-ō) |
Kālodāyin[迦留陀夷] (; Karudai) |
kalpa[劫] (; kō) |
kalpa of continuance[住劫] ( jū-kō) |
kalpa of decline[壊劫] ( e-kō) |
kalpa of decrease[減劫] ( gen-kō) |
kalpa of disintegration[空劫] ( kū-kō) |
kalpa of formation[成劫] ( jō-kō) |
kalpa of increase[増劫] ( zō-kō) |
kāma-dhātu[欲界] (, Pali; yokkai or yoku-kai) |
Kanāda[カナーダ] (; Kanāda) |
Kānadeva[迦那提婆] (; Kanadaiba) |
Kanakamuni[倶那含仏] (; Kunagon-butsu) |
K’ang-seng-hui[康僧会] (d. 280) (PY Kangsenghui; Kōsōe) |
Kanishka[迦弐色迦王] (n.d.) (; Kanishika-ō) |
Kannon[観音] () |
Kanroku[観勒] (n.d.) (; Kor Kwallŭk) |
Kanzeon[観世音] () |
Kanzeon-ji[観世音寺] |
Kao-ch’ang[高昌国] (PY Gaochang; Kōshō-koku) |
Kapila[迦毘羅] (; Kabira) |
Kapilavastu[迦毘羅衛国] (; Pali Kapilavatthu; Kabirae-koku) |
Kapimala[迦毘摩羅・毘羅尊者] (n.d.) (; Kabimara or Bira-sonja) |
karma[業] (; Pali kamma; gō) |
karma mandala[羯磨曼荼羅] ( katsuma-mandara) |
karunā[悲・慈悲] (, Pali; hi or jihi) |
Kashgar[疏勒国] ( Soroku-koku) |
Kāshī[迦尸国] (; Pali Kāsī; Kashi-koku) |
Kashmir[迦湿弥羅国・諝賓国] ( Kashmīra or Kāshmīra; Kashumira-koku or Keihin-koku) |
Kāshyapa() (1) [迦葉菩薩] ( Kashō-bosatsu); (2) [迦葉仏] ( Kashō-butsu) |
Kāshyapa Mātanga[迦葉摩騰] (n.d.) (; Kashō-matō) |
Kāshyapīya school[飲光部・迦葉遺部] (; Onkō-bu or Kashōi-bu) |
Kataumi[片海] |
Kātyāyana[迦旃延] (; Pali Kacchāyana or Kacchāna; Kasennen) |
Kātyāyanīputra[迦多衍尼子] (n.d.) (; Kataennishi) |
Kaundinya[憍陳如] (; Kyōjinnyo) |
Kaushāmbī[憍賞弥国] (; Pali Kosambī; Kyōshōmi-koku) |
Kaushika[憍尸迦] (; Kyōshika) |
Kawanobe, the lay priest of[河野辺の入道] (n.d.) ( Kawanobe-no-nyūdō) |
Kegon school[華厳宗] ( Kegon-shū) |
Kenchō-ji[建長寺] |
Kennin-ji[建仁寺] |
Kenshin[顕真] (1130–1192) |
Kharadīya, Mount[伽羅陀山] (; Karada-sen) |
Khotan[于闐・和田] ( Uten or Hōtan) |
Khuddaka-nikāya[小部] (Pali; Shō-bu) |
Kichijō-ten[吉祥天] () |
Kimbara[金原] (n.d.) |
kimnara[緊那羅] (; kinnara) |
King Above Jeweled Dignity and Virtue[宝威徳上王仏] ( Ratnatejobhyudgatarāja; Hōitokujō’ō-butsu) |
“King Wonderful Adornment” chapter[妙荘厳王品] ( Myōshōgon-nō-hon) |
Kinkara[吉迦夜] (n.d.) (; Kikkaya) |
Kishimojin[鬼子母神] () |
Kiyomizu-dera[清水寺] |
Kizil caves[キジル石窟] ( Kijiru-sekkutsu) |
klesha[煩悩] (; bonnō) |
knot of flesh on the head[肉髻相] ( ushnīsha-shiraskatā; nikkei-sō) |
Kō, the lay nun of[国府尼] (n.d.) ( Kō-ama or Kō-no-ama) |
Kō, the lay priest of[国府入道] ( Kō-nyūdō) |
kōan[公案] (; Chin kung-an) |
Kōben[高弁] |
Kōbō[弘法] (774–835) |
Kōchi[広智] (n.d.) |
Kōfuku-ji[興福寺] |
Kōjō[光定] (779–858) |
Kokālika[瞿伽利] (, Pali; Kugyari or Kukari) |
Kokan Shiren[虎関師錬] (1278–1346) |
Kokūzō[虚空蔵] () |
Komatsubara Persecution[小松原の法難] ( Komatsubara-no-hōnan) |
Kōmoku-ten[広目天] () |
Kongōbu-ji[金剛峯寺] |
Kōnichi, the lay nun[光日尼] ( Kōnichi-ama) |
Kōnichi-bō[光日房] (n.d.) |
Kōsai[幸西] (1163–1247) |
Kosala[憍薩羅国] (, Pali; Kyōsara-koku) |
Kosambī[憍賞弥国] (Pali; Kyōshōmi-koku) |
kōsen-rufu[広宣流布] () |
koti[倶胝] (, Pali; kutei) |
Kōya, Mount[高野山] ( Kōya-san) |
Krakucchanda[拘留孫仏] (; Kuruson-butsu) |
Kriki[訖哩枳王] (; Kiriki-ō) |
Krita[訖利多王] (n.d.) (; Kirita-ō) |
krosha[倶盧舎] (; kurosha) |
kshānti[忍・忍辱] (; nin or ninniku) |
Kshatriya[刹帝利] (; setsuteiri) |
kshetra[国土・刹土] (; kokudo or setsudo) |
Kshitigarbha[地蔵菩薩] (; Jizō-bosatsu) |
kū[空] () |
Kuang-che-ssu[光宅寺] (PY Guangzhesi; Kōtaku-ji) |
Kuang-hsiu[広脩・広修] (771–843) (PY Guangxiu; Kōshū or Kōshu) |
Kuan-ting[灌頂] (PY Guanding; Kanjō) |
Kuan-yin[観音菩薩] (PY Guanyin; Kannon-bosatsu) |
Kubo, the lay nun of[窪尼] (n.d.) ( Kubo-no-ama) |
Kucha[亀茲・庫車] ( Kiji or Kosha) |
Kudō Yoshitaka[工藤吉隆] (d. 1264) |
K’uei-chi[窺基] (PY Kuiji; Kiki) |
Kūkai[空海] |
Kukkutapāda, Mount[鶏足山] (; Keisoku-sen) |
Kukkutārāma Monastery[鶏頭摩寺] (, Pali; Keizuma-ji) |
Kumārajīva[鳩摩羅什] (344–413) (; Kumarajū) |
Kumāralāta[鳩摩羅駄] (; Kumarada) |
Kumārata[鳩摩羅駄] (n.d.) (; Kumarada) |
Kumārayāna[鳩摩羅炎] (n.d.) (; Kumaraen) |
kumbhānda[鳩槃荼] (; kuhanda) |
Kundalī[軍荼利明王] (; Gundari-myō’ō) |
Kuntī[皐諦・皐諦女] (; Kōdai or Kōdai-nyo) |
Kuo-ch’ing-ssu[国清寺] (PY Guoqingsi; Kokusei-ji) |
kuon-ganjo[久遠元初] () |
Kuon-ji[久遠寺] |
Kurkutārāma Monastery[鶏頭摩寺] (; Keizuma-ji) |
Kuru[倶盧洲] (, Pali; Kuru-shū) |
kusha grass[吉祥草] (; kichijō-sō) |
Kushan[クシャーナ朝・貴霜朝] ( Kushāna-chō or Kisō-chō) |
Kusha school[倶舎宗] ( Kusha-shū) |
Kushinagara[拘尸那掲羅・倶尸那城] (; Pali Kusinārā; Kushinagara or Kushina-jō) |
Kusinārā[拘尸那掲羅・倶尸那城] (Pali; Kushinagara or Kushina-jō) |
Kūya[空也] (903–972) |
Kyōnin-bō[鏡忍房] (d. 1264) |
Kyō’ō[経王] (b. 1272) |
Kyō’ō Gokoku-ji[教王護国寺] |
Lalitavistara[普曜経] (; Fuyō-kyō) |
Lamenting Heresy[歎異抄] ( Tan’ni-shō) |
Lan-ch’i Tao-lung[蘭渓道隆] (PY Lanqi Daolong; Rankei Dōryū) |
Land of Actual Reward[実報土] ( jippō-do) |
Land of Enlightened and Unenlightened Beings[凡聖同居土] ( bonshō-dōgo-do) |
Land of Eternally Tranquil Light[常寂光土] ( jōjakkō-do) |
Land of Joy[歓喜国] ( Abhirati; Kangi-koku) |
Land of Sages and Common Mortals[凡聖同居土] ( bonshō-dōgo-do) |
Land of Tranquil Light[寂光土] ( jakkō-do) |
Land of Transition[方便土] ( hōben-do) |
Land of Wonderful Joy[妙喜国] ( Myōki-koku) |
Lankāvatāra Sutra[楞伽経] (; Chin Leng-ch’ieh-ching; Ryōga-kyō) |
Larger Wisdom Sutra[大品般若経] ( Panchavimshatisāhasrikā-prajnāpāramitā; Chin Ta-p’in-pan-jo-ching; Daibon-hannya-kyō) |
last five-hundred-year period[後五百歳] ( go-gohyakusai) |
Latter Day of the Law[末法] ( mappō) |
Law[法] ( dharma; hō) |
Law Bright[法明如来] ( Dharmaprabhāsa; Hōmyō-nyorai) |
Law-devouring hungry spirit[食法餓鬼] ( jikihō-gaki) |
Law-wheel[法輪] ( hōrin) |
lay nun[尼] ( ama) |
lay priest[入道] ( nyūdō) |
Learned Youth[儒童] ( Mānava or Mānavaka; Judō) |
lecture hall[講堂] ( kōdō) |
Legacy Teachings Sutra[遺教経] (Chin I-chiao-ching; Yuikyō-gyō) |
lessening one’s karmic retribution[転重軽受] ( tenjū-kyōju) |
lesser vehicle[小乗] ( shōjō) |
Letter to Shimoyama[下山御消息] ( Shimoyama-goshōsoku) |
Liang Dynasty Biographies of Eminent Priests, The[梁高僧伝] (Chin Liang-kao-seng-chuan; Ryō-kōsō-den) |
Liang-hsü[良諝] (n.d.) (PY Liangxu; Ryōjo) |
Liang-pi[良賁] (717–777) (PY Liangbi; Ryōhi) |
Licchavi[離車] (, Pali; Risha) |
life-liberating practice[放生会] ( hōjō-e) |
“Life Span” chapter[寿量品] ( Juryō-hon) |
“Life Span of the Thus Come One” chapter[如来寿量品] ( Nyorai-juryō-hon) |
Light Bright[光明如来] ( Rashmiprabhāsa; Kōmyō-nyorai) |
Light Sound Heaven[光音天] ( Ābhāsvara; Kō’on-ten) |
Lin-chi school[臨済宗] (PY Linjizong; Rinzai-shū) |
lion seat[師子座・獅子座] ( simhāsana; shishi-za) |
Lion Sound King[師子音王仏] ( Simhanādarāja; Shishionnō-butsu) |
lion’s roar[師子吼・獅子吼] ( simhanāda; shishi-ku) |
Lion’s Roar of Queen Shrīmālā Sutra[勝鬘師子吼経] ( Shōman-shishiku-kyō) |
lion throne[師子座・獅子座] ( shishi-za) |
little desire and contentment with a little gain[少欲知足] ( shōyoku-chisoku) |
lobha[貪・貪欲] (, Pali; ton or ton’yoku) |
Lokakshema[支婁迦讖] (n.d.) (; Shirukasen) |
Lokāyata[順世外道] (, Pali; Junse-gedō or Junsei-gedō) |
Lokeshvararāja[世自在王仏] (; Sejizaiō-butsu) |
Long Āgama Sutra[長阿含経] (Chin Ch’ang-a-han-ching; Jō-agon-gyō) |
long broad tongue[広長舌] ( kōchō-zetsu) |
lord of teachings[教主] ( kyōshu) |
Lotus and Nirvana period[法華涅槃時] ( Hokke-nehan-ji) |
lotus as a metaphor[譬喩蓮華] ( hiyu-renge) |
Lotus meditation[法華三昧] ( hokke-sammai or hokke-zammai) |
lotus of the entity[当体蓮華] ( tōtai-renge) |
Lotus school[法華宗] (Chin Fa-hua-tsung; Hokke-shū) |
Lotus Sutra[法華経] ( Saddharma-pundarīka-sūtra; Chin Fa-hua-ching; Hoke-kyō) |
Lotus Sutra and Its Traditions, The[法華伝記] (Chin Fa-hua-chuan-chi; Hokke-denki) |
Lotus Sutra of the Correct Law[正法華経] (Chin Cheng-fa-hua-ching; Shō-hoke-kyō) |
Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law[妙法蓮華経] ( Saddharma-pundarīka-sūtra; Chin Miao-fa-lien-hua-ching; Myoho-renge-kyo) |
Lotus Treasury World[蓮華蔵世界・華蔵世界] ( Kusuma-tala-garbha-vyūhālamkāra-loka-dhātu-samudra or Padma-garbha-loka-dhātu; Rengezō-sekai or Kezō-sekai) (1) (2) |
Lou-lan[楼蘭] (PY Loulan; Rōran) |
Lumbinī[藍毘尼] (, Pali; Rambini) |
Lung-men caves[竜門石窟] (PY Longmen; Ryūmon-sekkutsu) |
Lü school[律宗] (PY Lüzong; Risshū) |
Madhura[摩奴羅] (; Manura) |
madhya() (1) [末陀] ( mada); (2) [中] ( chū) |
Madhyamaka-kārikā[中頌・中論頌・中論] (; Chūju, Chūron-ju, or Chū-ron) |
Mādhyamika school[中観派] (; Chūgan-ha) |
Madhyāntika[末田提・末田地] (; Madendai or Madenji) |
Magadha[摩掲陀国] (, Pali; Makada-koku) |
mahā[摩訶] (, Pali; maka) |
Mahābrahmā[大梵天] (, Pali; Daibon-ten) |
Mahābrahman Heaven[大梵天] (; Daibon-ten) |
Mahādeva[摩訶提婆・大天] (; Makadaiba or Daiten) |
Mahākacchāyana[摩訶迦旃延] (Pali; Makakasennen) |
Mahākāla[摩訶迦羅天] (; Makakara-ten) |
Mahākāshyapa[摩訶迦葉] (; Pali Mahākassapa; Makakashō) |
Mahākātyāyana[摩訶迦旃延] (; Makakasennen) |
Mahāmaudgalyāyana[摩訶目犍連・大目犍連] (; Makamokkenren or Daimokkenren) |
Mahāmāyā[摩訶摩耶] (, Pali; Makamaya) |
Mahānāma[摩訶男] (, Pali; Makanan) |
Mahāpanthaka[摩訶槃特] (, Pali; Makahandoku) |
Mahāparinirvāna Sutra(1) (3) [大般涅槃経] (Chin Ta-pan-nieh-p’an-ching; Daihatsu-nehan-gyō); (2) [大般泥洹経] (Chin Ta-pan-ni-yüan-ching; Daihatsu-naion-gyō) |
Mahāprajāpatī[摩訶波闍波提] (; Pali Mahāpajāpatī; Makahajahadai) |
Mahāsamghika school[大衆部] (; Daishu-bu) |
mahāsattva[摩訶薩・大士] (; makasatsu or daishi) |
Mahāsattva[摩訶薩埵・薩埵王子] (; Makasatta or Satta-ōji) |
Mahāsthāmaprāpta[勢至菩薩] (; Seishi-bosatsu) |
Mahāvairochana[大日如来] (; Dainichi-nyorai) |
Mahāvairochana Sutra[大日経] (; Chin Ta-jih-ching; Dainichi-kyō) |
Mahāvamsa[大史・大王統史] (Pali; Daishi or Dai-ōtōshi) |
Mahāvana Monastery[大林精舎] (, Pali; Dairin-shōja) |
Mahāvastu[大事] (; Daiji) |
Mahayana Buddhism[大乗仏教] ( Daijō-bukkyō) |
Mahayana Method of Concentration and Insight, The[大乗止観法門] (Chin Ta-ch’eng-chih-kuan-fa-men; Daijō-shikan-hōmon) |
Mahayana ordination platform[大乗戒壇] ( daijō-kaidan) |
Mahendra[摩呬陀] (n.d.) (; Pali Mahinda; Mahinda) |
Maheshvara[摩醯首羅天] (; Makeishura-ten) |
Mahinda[摩呬陀] (Pali; Mahinda) |
Mahīshāsaka school[化地部・弥沙塞部] (; Keji-bu or Mishasoku-bu) |
mahoraga[摩睺羅伽] (, Pali; magoraga) |
maintaining-consciousness[執持識] ( shūji-shiki) |
Maitreya() (1) [弥勒菩薩] ( Miroku-bosatsu); (2) [弥勒] ( Miroku) |
maitrī[慈] (; Pali mettā; ji) |
Majjhima-nikāya[中部] (Pali; Chū-bu) |
major kalpa[大劫] ( dai-kō) |
major world system[三千大千世界] ( trisāhasra-mahāsāhasraloka-dhātu; sanzen-daisen-sekai) |
major world system dust particle kalpas[三千塵点劫] ( sanzen-jintengō or sanzen-jindengō) |
makara[摩竭] (, Pali; makatsu) |
Makkhali Gosāla[末伽梨拘舎梨] (Pali; Makkari-kushari) |
Malaya, Mount[摩黎山・摩羅耶山] (; Mari-sen, Marei-sen, or Maraya-sen) |
Malla[末羅] (, Pali; Matsura) |
Mallikā[末利] (, Pali; Mari) |
māna[慢] (, Pali; man) |
mandala[曼荼羅] (; mandara) |
māndāra flower[曼陀羅華] (; mandara-ke) |
Māndhātri[頂生王・曼陀多王] (; Chōshō-ō or Mandata-ō) |
mani[摩尼] (, Pali; mani) |
manifested body[応身] ( nirmāna-kāya; ōjin) |
manjūshaka flower[曼殊沙華] (; manjusha-ge) |
Manjushrī[文殊師利菩薩・文殊菩薩] (; Monjushiri-bosatsu or Monju-bosatsu) |
mano-consciousness[末那識] ( mano-vijnāna; mana-shiki) |
man of pure faith[清信士] (, Pali upāsaka; shōshin-ji) |
Manoratha[摩羅他・如意] (n.d.) (; Manurata or Nyoi) |
Manorhita[摩奴羅] (n.d.) (; Manura) |
mantra[真言] (; shingon) |
many in body, one in mind[異体同心] ( itai-dōshin) |
Many Treasures[多宝如来] ( Prabhūtaratna; Tahō-nyorai) |
māra[魔] (, Pali; ma) |
Marīchi[摩利支天] (; Marishi-ten) |
markings of the thousand-spoked wheel[千輻輪相] ( sempukurin-sō) |
Mātanga[摩騰迦・摩騰] (; Matōga or Matō) |
Mathura[摩突羅国] ( Mathurā; Matora-koku) |
matrix of the Tathāgata[如来蔵] ( nyorai-zō) |
matrix of the Thus Come One[如来蔵] ( tathāgata-garbha; nyorai-zō) |
Matrix of the Thus Come One Sutra[如来蔵経] ( Tathāgatagarbha-sūtra; Chin Ju-lai-tsang-ching; Nyoraizō-kyō) |
Matsubagayatsu[松葉ケ谷] |
Matsubagayatsu Persecution[松葉ケ谷の法難] ( Matsubagayatsu-no-hōnan) |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon[松野六郎左衛門] (d. 1278) |
Maudgalyāyana[目連・目犍連] (; Pali Moggallāna; Mokuren or Mokkenren) |
Māyā[摩耶] (, Pali; Maya) |
Māyā Sutra[摩耶経] (; Chin Mo-ya-ching; Maya-kyō) |
Meaning of the Four Teachings, The[四教義] (Chin Ssu-chiao-i; Shikyō-gi) |
Meaning of the Lotus Sutra, The[法華経義記・法華義記] (Chin Fa-hua-ching-i-chi or Fa-hua-i-chi; Hokekyō-giki or Hokke-giki) |
Medicine King[薬王菩薩] ( Bhaishajyarāja; Yakuō-bosatsu) |
“Medicine King” chapter[薬王品] ( Yakuō-bon) |
Medicine Master[薬師如来] ( Bhaishajyaguru; Yakushi-nyorai) |
Medicine Master Sutra[薬師経] ( Bhaishajyaguru-vaidūryaprabharāja-sūtra; Chin Yao-shih-ching; Yakushi-kyō) |
Medicine Superior[薬上菩薩] ( Bhaishajyarājasamudgata or Bhaishajyasamudgata; Yakujō-bosatsu) |
meditation[禅・禅定] ( dhyāna; Pali jhāna; zen or zenjō) |
meditation master[禅師] ( zenji) |
Meditation on the Buddha Infinite Life Sutra[観無量寿経] (Chin Kuan-wu-liang-shou-ching; Kammuryōju-kyō) |
Meditation on the Buddha Sutra[観仏三昧経] ( Kambutsu-sammai-kyō) |
Meditation on the Correct Teaching Sutra[正法念処経] (Chin Cheng-fa-nien-ch’u-ching; Shōbōnenjo-kyō) |
meditation on the five elements[五輪観] ( gorin-kan) |
meditation on the vileness of the body[不浄観] ( fujō-kan) |
Meditation Sutra[観経] ( Kan-gyō) |
meditation to behold the Buddhas[般舟三昧] ( pratyutpanna-samādhi; hanju-zammai) |
medium kalpa[中劫] ( chū-kō) |
Medium-Length Āgama Sutra[中阿含経] (Chin Chung-a-han-ching; Chū-agon-gyō) |
Miao-lo[妙楽] (711–782) (PY Miaole; Myōraku) |
Middle Day of the Law[像法] ( zōbō) |
middle path of the eight negations[八不中道] ( happu-chūdō) |
Middle Way[中道] ( madhyamā-pratipad; chūdō) |
Mihirakula[大族王] (n.d.) (; Daizoku-ō) |
Mii-dera[三井寺] |
Mikkaka[弥遮迦] (; Mishaka) |
Mikuni no Taifu[三国太夫] (d. 1258) |
Milinda[弥蘭陀] (n.d.) (Pali; Miranda-ō) |
Milindapanha[ミリンダ王問経] (Pali; Mirindaō-monkyō) |
Ming-sheng[明勝] (n.d.) (PY Mingsheng; Myōshō) |
Minobu, Mount[身延山] ( Minobu-san) |
Minobu Transfer Document, The[身延相承書] ( Minobu-sōjō-sho) |
Mirakutsu[弥羅掘] |
Miran[ミーラーン] ( Mīrān) |
Miroku[弥勒] () |
Misawa Kojirō[三沢小次郎] (n.d.) |
Miscellaneous Āgama Sutra[雑阿含経] (Chin Tsa-a-han-ching; Zō-agon-gyō) |
mitra[知識] (; chishiki) |
Mogao Caves[莫高窟] (PY; WG Mo-kao; Bakkō-kutsu) |
Moggallāna[目連・目犍連] (Pali; Mokuren or Mokkenren) |
moha[愚癡・癡・無明] (, Pali; guchi, chi, or mumyō) |
Mo-kao Caves[莫高窟] (PY Mogao; Bakkō-kutsu) |
moksha[解脱] (; gedatsu) |
Mongaku[文覚] (n.d.) |
Monju[文殊] () |
Monjushiri[文殊師利] () |
moon, god of the[月天] ( Chandra; Gatten) |
Moonlight[月光菩薩] ( Chandraprabha; Gakkō-bosatsu) |
moon-loving meditation[月愛三昧] ( gatsuai-zammai) |
Moon of Deliverance[解脱月菩薩] ( Vimuktichandra; Gedatsugatsu-bosatsu) |
most honored of two-legged beings[両足尊・二足尊] ( ryōsoku-son, ryōzoku-son, or nisoku-son) |
Mother of Demon Children[鬼子母神] ( Hārītī; Kishimojin) |
Mountain King[山王] ( Sannō) |
Mountain Order school[山門派] ( Sammon-ha) |
Mountain school(1) [山門派] ( Sammon-ha); (2) [山家派] (Chin Shan-chia-p’ai; Sange-ha) |
Mountain Sea Wisdom Unrestricted Power King[山海慧自在通王如来] ( Sāgara-vara-dhara-buddhi-vikrīditābhijna; Sengaie-jizaitsūō-nyorai) |
Mrigadāva[鹿野苑] (; Rokuya-on) |
mudra[印契] ( mudrā; ingei) |
Mugaku Sogen[無学祖元] (1226–1286) (; Chin Wu-hsüeh Tsu-yüan) |
mukti[解脱] (; gedatsu) |
Multitudinous Graceful Actions Sutra[普曜経] ( Lalitavistara; Chin P’u-yao-ching; Fuyō-kyō) |
muni[聖者・聖人・牟尼] (, Pali; seija, shōnin, or muni) |
Mūrdhagata[頂生王・曼陀多王] (; Chōshō-ō or Mandata-ō) |
mustard-seed kalpa[芥子劫] ( keshi-kō) |
mutable karma[不定業] ( fujō-gō) |
mutual possession of the Ten Worlds[十界互具] ( jikkai-gogu) |
myō[妙] () |
Myōe[明恵] (1173–1232) |
Myōhō, the lay nun[妙法尼] ( Myōhō-ama) |
Myoho-renge-kyo[妙法蓮華経] () |
Myōichi, the lay nun[妙一尼] ( Myōichi-ama) (1) (2) |
Myōichi-nyo[妙一女] (n.d.) |
Myōjō Pond[明星が池] ( Myōjō-ga-ike) |
Myōmitsu[妙密] (n.d.) |
Myōren[妙蓮] (d. 1267) (d. 1323) |
Myōshin, the lay nun[妙心尼] (n.d.) ( Myōshin-ama) |
Myōun[明雲] (1115–1183) |
Mystic Law[妙法] (Chin miao-fa; myōhō) |
Mystic Law[妙法] (Chin miao-fa; Jpn myōhō) |
Nadī Kāshyapa[那提迦葉] (; Pali Nadī Kassapa; Nadai-kashō) |
Nāgabodhi[竜智] (n.d.) (; Ryūchi) |
Nāgārjuna[竜樹] (n.d.) (; Ryūju) |
Nāgasena[那先比丘] (n.d.) (, Pali; Nasen-biku) |
Nagoe, the lay nun of[名越の尼] (n.d.) ( Nagoe-no-ama) |
Nairanjanā River[尼連禅河] (; Pali Neranjarā; Nirenzen-ga) |
Naivasamjnānāsamjnā Realm[非想非非想処] (; Hisō-hihisō-sho) |
Nakaoki, the lay priest of[中興入道] (n.d.) ( Nakaoki-nyūdō) |
Nālandā Monastery[那爛陀寺] (; Naranda-ji) |
Nambu Rokurō Sanenaga[南部六郎実長] |
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo[南無妙法蓮華経] |
namu[南無] (; namas) |
Namu Amida Butsu[南無阿弥陀仏] |
Nanda[難陀] (; Nanda) |
Nanjō Hyōe Shichirō[南条兵衛七郎] (d. 1265) |
Nanjō Shichirō Gorō[南条七郎五郎] (1265–1280) |
Nanjō Tokimitsu[南条時光] (1259–1332) |
Nan-yüeh[南岳] (515–577) (PY Nanyue; Nangaku) |
naraka[地獄・奈落] (, Pali; jigoku or naraku) |
Nārāyana[那羅延] (; Naraen) |
Narendrayashas[那連提耶舎] (490–589) (; Narendaiyasha) |
nayuta[那由多] (; nayuta) |
near-perfect enlightenment[等覚] ( tōgaku) |
Nembutsu[念仏] () |
Nembutsu Chosen above All, The[選択集] ( Senchaku-shū or Senjaku-shū) |
Nembutsu school[念仏宗] ( Nembutsu-shū) |
Nen’a[然阿] |
Neranjarā River[尼連禅河] (Pali; Nirenzen-ga) |
Never Disparaging[常不軽菩薩・不軽菩薩] ( Sadāparibhūta; Jōfukyō-bosatsu or Fukyō-bosatsu) |
“Never Disparaging” chapter[不軽品] ( Fukyō-bon) |
new translations[新訳] ( shin’yaku) |
nibbāna[涅槃] (Pali; nehan) |
Nichiben[日弁] (1239–1311) |
Nichidai[日代] (1297–1394) |
Nichigen-nyo[日眼女] (1242–1303) |
Nichigō[日郷・日毫] (1293–1353) |
Nichiji[日持] (b. 1250) |
Nichijū[日什] (1314–1392) |
Nichijun[日順] (1294–1356) |
Nichikan[日寛] (1665–1726) |
Nichikō[日講] (1626–1698) |
Nichimoku[日目] (1260–1333) |
Nichimyō[日妙] (n.d.) |
Nichinyo[日女] (n.d.) |
Nichiō[日奥] (1565–1630) |
Nichiren[日蓮] (1222–1282) |
Nichiren school[日蓮宗] ( Nichiren-shū) |
Nichiren Shōshū[日蓮正宗] |
Nichirō[日朗] (1245–1320) |
Nichiu[日有] (1402–1482) |
Nichizen[日禅] (d. 1331) |
Nichizon[日尊] (1265–1345) |
Nigantha Nātaputta[尼乾陀若提子] (Pali; Nikenda-nyakudaishi) |
Niiama[新尼] (n.d.) |
Niida Shirō Nobutsuna[新田四郎信綱] (n.d.) |
Niike Saemon-no-jō[新池左衛門尉] (n.d.) |
Nikke[日華] |
Nikkō(1) [日興] (1246–1333); (2) [日光] () |
Nikō[日向] (1253–1314) |
Nikō’s Records[日向記] ( Nikō-ki) |
nine arrogances[九慢] ( ku-man) |
nine consciousnesses[九識] ( ku-shiki) |
nine divisions of the scriptures[九分経] ( kubun-kyō) |
nine divisions of the teachings[九分教] ( kubun-kyō) |
nine great ordeals[九横の大難] ( kuō-no-dainan) |
nine great persecutions[九横の大難] ( kuō-no-dainan) |
nine honored ones on the eight-petaled lotus[八葉九尊] ( hachiyō-kuson) |
nine mountains and eight seas[九山八海] ( kusen-hakkai) |
nine schools[九宗] ( ku-shū) |
ninety-five non-Buddhist schools[九十五種の外道] ( kujūgoshu-no-gedō) |
nine types of arrogance[九慢] ( ku-man) |
nine worlds[九界] ( ku-kai or kyū-kai) |
Ninshō[忍性] |
ninth period of decrease in the kalpa of continuance[住劫第九の減] ( jūkō-daiku-no-gen) |
nirmāna-kāya[応身] (; ōjin) |
nirvana[涅槃] (; Pali nibbāna; nehan) |
nirvana of no remainder[無余涅槃] ( muyo-nehan) |
nirvana of remainder[有余涅槃] ( uyo-nehan) |
Nirvana school[涅槃宗] (Chin Nieh-p’an-tsung; Nehan-shū) |
Nirvana Sutra[涅槃経] (Chin Nieh-p’an-ching; Nehan-gyō) |
Nishiyama, the lay priest of[西山入道] (n.d.) ( Nishiyama-nyūdō) |
Nissen[日仙] (1262–1357) |
Nisshō[日昭] (1221–1323) |
Nisshū[日秀] (d. 1329) |
Nitchō(1) [日頂] (1252–1317); (2) [日澄] (1262–1310) |
noble eightfold path[八正道] ( hasshō-dō) |
non-duality of body and mind[色心不二] ( shikishin-funi) |
non-duality of delusion and enlightenment[迷悟不二・迷悟一体] ( meigo-funi or meigo-ittai) |
non-duality of good and evil[善悪不二] ( zen’aku-funi) |
non-duality of life and its environment[依正不二] ( eshō-funi) |
non-duality of living beings and Buddhas[生仏不二・生仏一如] ( shōbutsu-funi or shōbutsu-ichinyo) |
Nōnin[能忍] (n.d.) |
non-returner[阿那含・不還] (, Pali anāgāmin; anagon or fugen) |
non-substantiality[空] ( shūnya or shūnyatā; kū) |
Northern Buddhism[北方仏教・北伝仏教] ( Hoppō-bukkyō or Hokuden-bukkyō) |
Northern school of Zen[北宗禅] ( Hokushū Zen) |
numberless major world system dust particle kalpas[五百塵点劫] ( gohyaku-jintengō or gohyaku-jindengō) |
Nyagrodha[尼倶律陀] (; Nikurida) |
nyagrodha tree[尼拘律樹・尼倶類樹] (; nikuritsu-ju or nikurui-ju) |
Nyohō[如宝] (d. 814 or 815) (; Chin Ju-pao) |
nyūdō[入道] () |
Ōama[大尼] (n.d.) |
Ōbaku school[黄檗宗] ( Ōbaku-shū) |
Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind, The[観心本尊抄] ( Kanjin-no-honzon-shō) |
object of devotion of the essential teaching[本門の本尊] ( hommon-no-honzon) |
observation of the mind[観心] ( kanjin) |
ocean-imprint meditation[海印三昧] ( kaiin-zammai) |
Ocean of Meditation on the Buddha Sutra[観仏三昧海経] (Chin Kuan-fo-san-mei-hai-ching; Kambutsu-sammai-kai-kyō) |
offering[供養] ( kuyō) |
Ōhara Discourse[大原問答・大原談義] ( Ōhara-mondō or Ōhara-dangi) |
old translations[旧訳] ( kuyaku) |
om[唵] (; on) |
Omosu Seminary[重須談所] ( Omosu-dansho) |
once-returner[斯陀含・一来] ( sakridāgāmin; Pali sakadāgāmin; shidagon or ichirai) |
On Chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra[唱法華題目抄] ( Shōhokke-daimoku-shō) |
one Buddha vehicle[一仏乗] ( ichi-butsujō) |
one chapter and two halves[一品二半] ( ippon-nihan) |
one-eyed turtle[一眼の亀] ( ichigen-no-kame) |
one great reason[一大事] ( ichidaiji) |
One Hundred Records of the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai, The[国清百録] (Chin Kuo-ch’ing-pai-lu; Kokusei-hyakuroku) |
One-Hundred-Verse Treatise, The[百論] (Chin Pai-lun; Hyaku-ron) |
oneness of body and mind[色心不二] ( shikishin-funi) |
oneness of delusion and enlightenment[迷悟不二・迷悟一体] ( meigo-funi or meigo-ittai) |
oneness of good and evil[善悪不二] ( zen’aku-funi) |
oneness of life and its environment[依正不二] ( eshō-funi) |
oneness of living beings and Buddhas[生仏不二・生仏一如] ( shōbutsu-funi or shōbutsu-ichinyo) |
oneness of the Person and the Law[人法一箇] ( nimpō-ikka) |
On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land[立正安国論] ( Risshō-ankoku-ron) |
one vehicle[一乗] ( ekayāna; ichijō) |
one vehicle teaching[一乗法] ( ichijō-hō) |
One Who Can Endure[能忍] ( nōnin) |
Ōnichi-nyo[王日女] (n.d.) |
Onjō-ji[園城寺] |
On Refuting the Five Priests[五人所破抄] ( Gonin-shoha-shō) |
On Repaying Debts of Gratitude[報恩抄] ( Hō’on-shō) |
On Taking the Essence of the Lotus Sutra[法華取要抄] ( Hokke-shuyō-shō) |
On the Formalities[化儀抄] ( Kegi-shō) |
On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice[四信五品抄] ( Shishin-gohon-shō) |
On the Peaceful Practices of the Lotus Sutra[法華経安楽行義] (Chin Fa-hua-ching-an-lo-hsing-i; Hokekyō-anrakugyō-gi) |
Opening of the Eyes, The[開目抄] ( Kaimokū-sho) |
opening the near and revealing the distant[開近顕遠] ( kaigon-kennon) |
opening the provisional and revealing the true[開権顕実] ( kaigon-kenjitsu) |
opening the three vehicles and revealing the one vehicle[開三顕一] ( kaisan-ken’ichi) |
opposite shore[彼岸] ( higan) |
ordinary person[凡夫] ( prithag-jana or bāla; bompu or bombu) |
ordination platform[戒壇] ( kaidan) |
original Buddha[本仏] ( hombutsu) |
original enlightenment[本覚] ( hongaku) |
original vows[本願] ( pūrvapranidhāna; hongan) |
Ornament of Mahayana Sutras, The[大乗荘厳経論] ( Mahāyāna-sūtrālamkāra; Chin Ta-ch’eng-chuang-yen-ching-lun; Daijō-shōgonkyō-ron) |
Ōta Jōmyō[大田乗明] (1222–1283) |
other shore[彼岸] ( higan) |
Oto[乙] (n.d.) |
outflows[漏] ( āsrava; ro) |
Outside-the-Mountain school[山外派] (Chin Shan-wai-p’ai; Sangai-ha) |
Outstanding Principles of the Lotus Sutra, The[法華秀句] ( Hokke-shūku) |
Ōwa Debate[応和の宗論] ( Ōwa-no-shūron) |
ox-headed demons[牛頭] ( goshīrsha; gozu) |
oxhead sandalwood[牛頭栴檀] ( goshīrsha-chandana; gozu-sendan) |
ox-head sandalwood[牛頭栴檀] ( goshīrsha-chandana; gozu-sendan) |
pagoda[塔] ( tō) |
Pai-lien-she[白蓮社] (PY Bailianshe; Byakuren-sha) |
Pai-ma-ssu[白馬寺] (PY Baimasi; Hakuba-ji) |
Painfully Acquired[苦得] ( Kutoku) |
Pakudha Kacchāyana[迦羅鳩駄迦旃延] (Pali; Karakuda-kasennen) |
pāpīyas[波旬] (; hajun) |
parable of the blind men and the elephant[群盲評象の譬] ( gummō-hyōzō-no-tatoe) |
parable of the bright jewel in the topknot[髻中明珠の譬] ( keichū-myōju-no-tatoe) |
parable of the burning house[火宅の譬] ( kataku-no-tatoe) |
parable of the jewel in the robe[衣裏珠の譬] ( eriju-no-tatoe) |
parable of the medicinal herbs[薬草喩] ( yakusō-yu) |
“Parable of the Medicinal Herbs” chapter[薬草喩品] ( Yakusōyu-hon) |
parable of the phantom city[化城喩] ( kejō-yu) |
parable of the phantom city and the treasure land[化城宝処の譬] ( kejō-hōsho-no-tatoe) |
“Parable of the Phantom City” chapter[化城喩品] ( Kejōyu-hon) |
parable of the skilled physician and his sick children[良医病子の譬] ( rōi-byōshi-no-tatoe) |
parable of the three carts and the burning house[三車火宅の譬] ( sansha-kataku-no-tatoe) |
parable of the three kinds of medicinal herbs and two kinds of trees[三草二木の譬] ( sansō-nimoku-no-tatoe) |
parable of the wealthy man and his poor son[長者窮子の譬] ( chōja-gūji-no-tatoe) |
pārājika[波羅夷] (, Pali; harai) |
Paramārtha[真諦] (499–569) (; Shindai) |
pāramitā[波羅蜜] (, Pali; haramitsu) |
parinirvāna[般涅槃・涅槃] (; Pali parinibbāna; hatsu-nehan or nehan) |
Parinirvāna Sutra[般泥洹経] ( Hatsu-naion-gyō) |
Pārshva[脇比丘・脇尊者] (n.d.) (; Kyō-biku or Kyō-sonja) |
Parthia[安息国] ( Ansoku-koku) |
Pasenadi[波斯匿王] (Pali; Hashinoku-ō) |
Pātaliputra[華氏城] (; Pali Pātaliputta; Keshi-jō) |
path[趣・道] (, Pali gati; shu or dō) |
path of insight[見道] ( ken-dō) |
pātra[鉢] (; hachi or hatsu) |
patriarchal Zen[祖師禅] ( soshi-zen) |
pattra[貝多羅] (; baitara) |
Peace and Delight[安楽世界] ( Sukhāvatī; Anraku-sekai) |
Peace and Sustenance[安養国] ( Sukhāvatī; An’yō-koku or Annyō-koku) |
“Peaceful Practices” chapter[安楽行品] ( Anraku-gyō-hon) |
peak stage[頂位・頂法] ( chō-i or chō-hō) |
Perceiver of Sounds[観音菩薩] ( Kannon-bosatsu) |
Perceiver of the World’s Sounds[観世音菩薩] ( Avalokitasvara or Avalokiteshvara; Kanzeon-bosatsu) |
“Perceiver of the World’s Sounds” chapter[観音品] ( Kannon-bon) |
Perceiver of the World’s Sounds Sutra[観音経] (Chin Kuan-yin-ching; Kannon-gyō) |
perception of the truth of the birthlessness of all phenomena[無生法忍] ( mushō-bōnin) |
perception stage[忍位・忍法] ( nin-i or nin-pō) |
Perfect Bliss[極楽] ( Sukhāvatī; Gokuraku) |
perfect enlightenment[妙覚・円覚] ( myōgaku or engaku) |
Perfect Enlightenment Sutra[円覚経] (Chin Yüan-chüeh-ching; Engaku-kyō) |
Perfection of Wisdom sutras[般若波羅蜜経] ( Hannya-haramitsu-kyō) |
perfect precepts[円戒] ( en-kai) |
perfect teaching[円教] ( en-gyō) |
persons of incorrigible disbelief[一闡提] ( issendai) |
phantom city[化城] ( kejō) |
Pilindavatsa[畢陵伽婆蹉] (; Hitsuryōgabasha) |
Pindolabhāradvāja[賓頭盧] (, Pali; Binzuru) |
Pingala[青目・賓伽羅] (n.d.) (; Shōmoku or Bingara) |
pipal tree[インドボダイジュ] ( pippala; Indo-bodaiju) |
pippala tree[畢鉢羅樹] (; hippara-ju) |
Pippalī Cave[畢鉢羅窟] (; Hippara-kutsu) |
pishācha[毘舎闍] (; bishaja) |
P’i-t’an school[毘曇宗] (PY Pitanzong; Bidon-shū) |
pit of fire[火坑] ( kakyō or kakō) |
place of practice[道場] ( dōjō) |
planting the seeds of Buddhahood[下種] ( geshu) |
Platform Sutra, The[壇経] ( Dan-kyō) |
Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, The[六祖壇経] (Chin Liu-tsu-t’an-ching; Rokuso-dan-kyō) |
Po Fa-tsu[帛法祖] (PY Bo Fazu; Haku-hōso) |
poison-drum relationship[毒鼓の縁] ( dokku-no-en) |
poshadha[布薩] (; fusatsu) |
Possessor of Virtue[有徳王] ( Utoku-ō) |
Potalaka, Mount[補陀落山] (; Fudaraku-sen) |
power of another[他力] ( tariki) |
power of self[自力] ( jiriki) |
Po-yüan[帛遠] (PY Boyuan; Hakuon) |
practice for oneself and others[自行化他] ( jigyō-keta) |
Praising Rebirth in the Pure Land[往生礼讃] (Chin Wang-sheng-li-tsan; Ōjō-raisan) |
Praising the Buddha’s Deeds[仏所行讃] ( Buddhacharita; Chin Fo-so-hsing-tsan; Busshogyō-san) |
Praising the Profundity of the Lotus Sutra[法華玄賛] (Chin Fa-hua-hsüan-tsan; Hokke-genzan) |
prajnā[般若] (; hannya) |
Prajnā[般若] (b. 734) (; Hannya) |
prajnā-pāramitā[般若波羅蜜] (; hannya-haramitsu) |
Prajnāpāramitā sutras[般若経] (; Hannya-kyō) |
Prajnāruchi[般若流支] (n.d.) (; Hannyarushi) |
pranidhāna[誓願] (; seigan) |
Prāsangika school[帰謬論証派] (; Kibyūronshō-ha) |
Prasenajit[波斯匿王] (; Pali Pasenadi; Hashinoku-ō) |
pratigha[瞋恚・瞋] (; shinni or shin) |
pratītya-samutpāda[縁起・因縁] (; engi or innen) |
pratyekabuddha[縁覚・独覚・辟支仏] (; engaku, dokkaku, or byakushibutsu) |
pravārana[自恣] (; Pali pavāranā; jishi) |
prayer beads[数珠] ( juzu) |
Prayer for Rain Sutra[請雨経] (Chin Ch’ing-yü-ching; Shōu-kyō) |
preaching in accordance with one’s own mind[随自意] ( zuijii) |
preaching in accordance with the minds of others[随他意] ( zuitai) |
precept for benefiting sentient beings[饒益有情戒・摂衆生戒] ( nyōyaku-ujō-kai or shō-shujō-kai) |
precept of adapting to local customs[随方毘尼] ( zuihō-bini) |
precept of the diamond chalice[金剛宝器戒] ( kongō-hōki-kai) |
precepts[戒] ( shīla; Pali sīla; kai) |
precepts, meditation, and wisdom[戒定慧] ( kai-jō-e) |
precepts of perfect and immediate enlightenment[円頓戒] ( endon-kai) |
Precepts school[律宗] (Chin Lü-tsung; Risshū) |
precept that encompasses all good deeds[摂善法戒] ( shō-zembō-kai) |
precept that encompasses all living beings[摂衆生戒] ( shō-shujō-kai) |
Precious Key to the Secret Treasury, The[秘蔵宝鑰] ( Hizō-hōyaku) |
pre-Lotus Sutra teachings[爾前教] ( nizen-kyō) |
preparation section[序分] ( jo-bun) |
preta[餓鬼・薜茘・薜茘多] (; gaki, heirei, or heireita) |
preventing error and putting an end to evil[防非止悪] ( bōhi-shiaku) |
Principle of Wisdom Sutra[理趣経] ( Ārya-prajnāpāramitā-naya-shatapanchashatikā; Chin Li-ch’ü-ching; Rishu-kyō) |
Profound Meaning of the Four Mahayana Treatises, The[大乗四論玄義] (Chin Ta-ch’eng-ssu-lun-hsüan-i; Daijō-shiron-gengi) |
Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra, The[法華玄義] (Chin Fa-hua-hsüan-i; Hokke-gengi) |
Profound Meaning of the “Perceiver of the World’s Sounds” Chapter, The[観音玄義] (Chin Kuan-yin-hsüan-i; Kannon-gengi) |
Profound Meaning of the Three Treatises, The[三論玄義] (Chin San-lun-hsüan-i; Sanron-gengi) |
Profound Secrets Sutra[深密経] ( Jimmitsu-kyō) |
Pronunciation and Meaning in the Buddhist Scriptures[一切経音義] (Chin I-ch’ieh-ching-yin-i; Issaikyō-ongi) |
Propagation of Zen for the Protection of the Country, The[興禅護国論] ( Kōzen-gokoku-ron) |
“Prophecies” chapter[人記品] ( Ninki-hon) |
“Prophecies Conferred on Learners and Adepts” chapter[授学無学人記品] ( Jugaku-mugaku-ninki-hon) |
“Prophecy of Enlightenment for Five Hundred Disciples” chapter[五百弟子受記品] ( Gohyaku-deshi-juki-hon) |
prophecy of future enlightenment[授記・記別・和伽羅那] ( vyākarana; Pali veyyākarana; juki, kibetsu, or wagarana) |
Protection of the Sovereign of the Nation Sutra[守護国界経] (Chin Shou-hu-kuo-chieh-ching; Shugo-kokkai-kyō) |
Protection Sutra[守護経] ( Shugo-kyō) |
protuberant knot of flesh[肉髻相] ( nikkei-sō) |
provincial temples[国分寺] ( kokubun-ji) |
provincial temples for nuns[国分尼寺] ( kokubun-niji) |
provisional Buddha[迹仏] ( shakubutsu) |
provisional Mahayana teachings[権大乗教] ( gon-daijō-kyō) |
provisional manifestation[権化] ( gonge) |
provisional sutras[権経] ( gon-kyō) |
provisional teachings[権教] ( gon-kyō) |
P’u-kuang[普光] (n.d.) (PY Puguang; Fukō) |
Pu-k’ung[不空] (705–774) (PY Bukong; Amoghavajra; Fukū) |
punya[功徳・福徳] (; kudoku or fukutoku) |
Punyatāra[弗若多羅] (n.d.) (; Futsunyatara) |
Punyayashas[富那奢] (n.d.) (; Funasha) |
Pūrana Kassapa[富蘭那迦葉] (Pali; Furanna-kashō) |
pure and far-reaching voice[梵音声] ( brahma-svara; bonnonjō) |
Pure Emerald World[浄瑠璃世界] ( Jōruri-sekai) |
Pure Eye[浄眼] ( Vimalanetra; Jōgen) |
pure land[浄土] ( jōdo) |
Pure Land of Perfect Bliss[極楽浄土] ( Gokuraku-jōdo) |
Pure Land of Secret Solemnity[密厳浄土] ( Mitsugon-jōdo) |
Pure Land school(1) [浄土門・浄土教・浄土宗] ( Jōdo-mon, Jōdo-kyō, or Jōdo-shū); (2) [浄土宗] ( Jōdo-shū) |
Pure Land teachings[浄土門・浄土教] ( Jōdo-mon or Jōdo-kyō) |
pure Law[白法] ( byakuhō) |
Pure Practices[浄行菩薩] ( Vishuddhachāritra; Jōgyō-bosatsu) |
Pure Storehouse[浄蔵] ( Vimalagarbha; Jōzō) |
Pure Virtue[浄徳] ( Vimaladattā; Jōtoku) |
purification of the six sense organs[六根清浄] ( rokkon-shōjō) |
Pūrna[富楼那] (; Pali Punna; Furuna) |
purpose of one’s advent[出世の本懐] ( shusse-no-honkai) |
Pūrvavideha[弗婆提・勝身洲] (; Hotsubadai or Shōshin-shū) |
Pushyamitra[弗沙弥多羅王] (n.d.) (; Hosshamittara-ō) |
pūtana[富単那] (; futanna) |
Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion[本尊問答抄] ( Honzon-mondō-shō) |
Questions of Brahmā Excellent Thought Sutra[思益梵天所問経] (Chin Ssu-i-fan-t’ien-so-wen-ching; Shiyaku-bonten-shomon-gyō) |
Questions of King Milinda, The[ミリンダ王問経] ( Mirindaō-monkyō) |
rāga[貪・貪欲・愛] (, Pali; ton, ton’yoku, or ai) |
Rāhula[羅睺羅] (, Pali; Ragora) |
Rāhulabhadra[羅睺羅跋陀羅・羅睺羅] (n.d.) (; Ragorabaddara or Ragora) |
Rāhulatā[羅睺羅跋陀羅・羅睺羅] (; Ragorabaddara or Ragora) |
rainy-season retreat[安居] ( ango) |
Raiyu[頼瑜] (1226–1304) |
Rājagriha[王舎城] (; Pali Rājagaha; Ōsha-jō) |
rākshasa[羅刹] (; rasetsu) |
Rankei Dōryū[蘭渓道隆] (; Chin Lan-ch’i Tao-lung) |
Rare Form[名相如来] ( Shashiketu; Myōsō-nyorai) |
ratna[宝] (; hō or takara) |
Ratnamati[勒那摩提] (n.d.) (; Rokunamadai) |
realization of the non-birth and non-extinction of all phenomena[無生法忍] ( mushō-bōnin) |
Realization of Virtue[覚徳比丘] ( Kakutoku-biku) |
Realm of Boundless Consciousness[識無辺処] ( Vijnānānantyāyatana; Shikimuhen-jo) |
Realm of Boundless Empty Space[空無辺処] ( Ākāshānantyāyatana; Kūmuhen-jo) |
Realm of Neither Thought Nor No Thought[非想非非想処] ( Naivasamjnānāsamjnāyatana; Hisō-hihisō-sho) |
Realm of Nothingness[無所有処] ( Ākimchanyāyatana; Mushou-sho) |
Recorded Lectures, The[御講聞書] ( Okō-kikigaki) |
Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law, The[入唐求法巡礼行記] ( Nittō-guhō-junrei-kō-ki) |
Record of Southern Countries, The[南海寄帰内法伝] (Chin Nan-hai-chi-kuei-nei-fa-chuan; Nankai-kiki-naihō-den) |
Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms, The[仏国記] ( Bukkoku-ki) |
Record of the Lineage of the Buddha and the Patriarchs, The[仏祖統紀] (Chin Fo-tsu-t’ung-chi; Busso-tōki) |
Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, The[御義口伝] ( Ongi-kuden) |
Record of the Western Regions, The[西域記] ( Saiiki-ki) |
Record of the Western Regions of the Great T’ang Dynasty, The[大唐西域記] (Chin Ta-t’ang-hsi-yü-chi; Daitō-saiiki-ki) |
Record of Wonders in the Book of Chou, The[周書異記] (Chin Chou-shu-i-chi; Shūsho-iki) |
reducing the body to ashes and annihilating consciousness[灰身滅智] ( keshin-metchi) |
Refutation of Erroneous Doctrines, A[摧邪輪] ( Sai-jarin) |
Refutation of “The Nembutsu Chosen above All,” A[弾選択] ( Dan-senchaku) |
Regulations for Students of the Mountain School, The[山家学生式] ( Sange-gakushō-shiki) |
Reiyūkai[霊友会] |
relative myō[相待妙] ( sōdai-myō) |
removing suffering and giving joy[抜苦与楽] ( bakku-yoraku) |
renge[蓮華] (; Chin lien-hua) |
Repaying Debts of Gratitude Sutra[報恩経] (Chin Pao-en-ching; Hō’on-kyō) |
repentance[懺悔] ( kshama or deshanā; sange) |
replacement of the three vehicles with the one vehicle[開三顕一] ( kaisan-ken’ichi) |
“Responding with Joy” chapter[随喜品] ( Zuiki-hon) |
restatement of Great Universal Wisdom Excellence Buddha’s teaching[大通覆講] ( Daitsū-fukkō) |
Revata[離婆多] (, Pali; Ribata) |
Revelation of the Profound Secrets Sutra[解深密経] ( Samdhinirmochana-sūtra; Chin Chieh-shen-mi-ching; Gejimmitsu-kyō) |
revelation section[正宗分] ( shōshū-bun) |
reverse relationship[逆縁] ( gyaku-en) |
Reverend Nichiu’s Teachings on the Formalities[有師化儀抄] ( Ushi-kegi-shō) |
reward body[報身] ( sambhoga-kāya; hōshin or hōjin) |
Rida[利吒] |
Rinda[輪陀] () |
Rinzai school[臨済宗] ( Rinzai-shū) |
Rishipatana[仙人堕処] (; Sennin-dasho) |
Risshō Kōseikai[立正佼成会] |
Ritsu school[律宗] ( Risshū) |
river of three crossings[三途の河] ( sanzu-no-kawa) |
roar of a lion[師子吼・獅子吼] ( shishi-ku) |
Rōben[良弁] (689–773) |
robe of forbearance[忍辱の衣] ( ninniku-no-koromo) |
robe of rags[糞掃衣・納衣] ( funzōe or nōe) |
robe, seat, and room[衣座室] ( e-za-shitsu) |
rock kalpa[磐石劫] ( banjaku-gō) |
root of goodness[善根] ( zengon or zenkon) |
Root of Joy[喜根比丘] ( Prasannendriya; Kikon-biku) |
root teaching[根本法輪] ( kompon-hōrin) |
rotten seeds[敗種] ( haishu) |
rūpa-dhātu[色界] (, Pali; shiki-kai) |
Ryōchū[良忠] (1199–1287) |
Ryōgen[良源] (912–985) |
Ryōkan[良観] (1217–1303) |
Ryōnin[良忍] (1073–1132) |
Ryūkan[隆寛] (1148–1227) |
Ryūsen-ji[滝泉寺] |
Ryūshin[隆真] (n.d.) |
Ryūzō-bō[竜象房] (n.d.) |
Sacred Way teachings[聖道門] ( Shōdō-mon) |
Sadāprarudita[常啼菩薩] (; Jōtai-bosatsu) |
Saddharma-pundarīka-sūtra[法華経] (; Hoke-kyō) |
sādhu[善哉] (, Pali; zenzai or yokikana) |
Sado-bō[佐渡房] |
Sado Exile[佐渡流罪] ( Sado-ruzai) |
Sāgara[沙竭羅竜王] (; Shakara-ryūō, Shakatsura-ryūō, or Shagara-ryūō) |
Sage Ascetics-Gathering[仙人堕処] ( Sennin-dasho) |
sahā world[娑婆世界] (; shaba-sekai) |
Saichō[最澄] |
Saidai-ji[西大寺] |
Saimyō-ji[最明寺] |
Sairen-bō[最蓮房] (n.d.) |
Sajiki, the lady of[桟敷女房] (n.d.) ( Sajiki-nyōbō) |
sakridāgāmin[斯陀含・一来] (; shidagon or ichirai) |
sal tree[沙羅樹] ( shāla; Pali sāla; shara-ju) |
samādhi[三昧] (, Pali; sammai) |
samādhiof the origin of immeasurable meanings[無量義処三昧] ( ananta-nirdesha-pratishthāna-samādhi; muryōgisho-sammai) |
sāmanera[沙弥] (Pali; shami) |
sāmanerī[沙弥尼] (Pali; shamini) |
Samantabhadra[普賢菩薩] (; Fugen-bosatsu) |
samaya[三昧耶形・三摩耶形] (; sammaya-gyō or samaya-gyō) |
sambhoga-kāya[報身] (; hōshin or hōjin) |
Same Birth and Same Name[同生同名] ( Dōshō Dōmyō) |
samgha[僧伽] (; sōgya) |
Samghabhadra[僧伽跋陀羅・衆賢] (n.d.) (; Sōgyabaddara or Shugen) |
Samghadeva[僧伽提婆] (n.d.) (; Sōgyadaiba) |
Samghanandi[僧伽難提] (n.d.) (; Sōgyanandai) |
Samghavarman() (1) [康僧鎧] (n.d.) ( Kōsōgai); (2) [僧伽跋摩] (n.d.) ( Sōgyabatsuma) |
Samghayashas[僧伽耶舎] (n.d.) (; Sōgyayasha) |
Sammi-bō[三位房] (n.d.) |
Sammon school[山門派] ( Sammon-ha) |
samsāra[輪廻] (, Pali; rinne) |
Samyutta-nikāya[相応部] (Pali; Sō’ō-bu) |
San-chieh, the Meditation Master[三階禅師] (PY Sanjie; Sangai-zenji) |
San-chieh-chiao[三階教] (PY Sanjiejiao; Sangai-kyō) |
sanctuary of the essential teaching[本門の戒壇] ( hommon-no-kaidan) |
sandalwood tree[栴檀] (, Pali chandana; sendan) |
sands of the Ganges[恒河沙] ( Gangā-nadī-vālukā or Gangā-nadī-vālikā; gōga-sha) |
sangha[僧伽] (, Pali; sōgya) |
Sanjaya Belatthiputta[刪闍耶毘羅胝子] (Pali; Sanjaya-birateishi) |
San-lun school[三論宗] (PY Sanlunzong; Sanron-shū) |
Sannō[山王] () |
Sanron school[三論宗] ( Sanron-shū) |
Sāramati[堅慧] (n.d.) (; Kenne or Ken’e) |
Sāriputta[舎利弗] (Pali; Sharihotsu) |
Sarvāstivāda school[説一切有部] (; Setsu-issaiu-bu) |
Sasshō[薩生] (n.d.) |
sattva[薩埵] (; Pali satta; satta) |
Sattva[薩埵王子] (; Satta-ōji) |
Satyasiddhi school[成実宗] (; Jōjitsu-shū) |
Satyasiddhi-shāstra[成実論] (; Jōjitsu-ron) |
Sautrāntika school[経量部] (; Kyōryō-bu) |
Sāvatthī[舎衛城] (Pali; Shae-jō) |
scorched seeds[焦種] ( shōshu) |
scroll of the fifth volume of the Lotus Sutra[法華経第五の巻] ( Hoke-kyō daigo-no-maki) |
seal of the Dharma[法印] ( hōin) |
sea of the sufferings of birth and death[生死の苦海] ( shōji-no-kukai) |
seated meditation[坐禅] ( zazen) |
Secret Solemnity[密厳] ( Mitsugon) |
Secret Solemnity Sutra[密厳経] (Chin Mi-yen-ching; Mitsugon-gyō) |
seed of Buddhahood[仏種] ( busshu) |
Seichō-ji[清澄寺] |
Seiryō-ji[清凉寺] |
Seishi[勢至] () |
Selection of the Time, The[撰時抄] ( Senji-shō) |
self-awakened one[独覚] ( dokkaku) |
self-nature[自性] ( svabhāva; jishō) |
Seng-chao[僧肇] (384–414) (PY Sengzhao; Sōjō) |
Seng-ch’üan[僧詮] (n.d.) (PY Sengquan; Sōsen) |
Seng-jou[僧柔] (431–494) (PY Sengrou; Sōnyū) |
Seng-jui[僧叡] (n.d.) (PY Sengrui; Sōei) |
Seng-lang[僧朗] (n.d.) (PY Senglang; Sōrō) |
Seng-min[僧旻] (467–527) (PY Sengmin; Sōbin or Sōmin) |
Seng-ts’an[僧璨] (d. 606) (PY Sengcan; Sōsan) |
Seng-yu[僧祐] (445–518) (PY Sengyou; Sōyū) |
Senkan[千観] (918–983) |
Sennichi, the lay nun[千日尼] (n.d.) ( Sennichi-ama) |
sentient beings[有情] ( sattva; ujō) |
Sen’yo[仙予] () |
separate transmission outside the sutras[教外別伝] ( kyōge-betsuden) |
separation of the three truths[隔歴の三諦] ( kyakuryaku-no-santai) |
service for deceased ancestors[盂蘭盆] ( ullambana; urabon) |
Service for the Deceased Sutra[盂蘭盆経] (Chin Yü-lan-p’en-ching; Urabon-kyō) |
seven aids to enlightenment[七覚支・七菩提分] ( shichi-kakushi or shichi-bodaibun) |
seven arrogances[七慢] ( shichi-man) |
seven beneficent deities[七福神] ( shichi-fukujin) |
seven Buddhas of the past[過去七仏] ( kako-shichi-butsu) |
seven cardinal sins[七逆] ( shichi-gyaku) |
seven deities of good fortune[七福神] ( shichi-fukujin) |
seven disasters[七難] ( shichi-nan) |
seven expedient means[七方便・七方便位] ( shichi-hōben or shichi-hōben-i) (1) (2) |
seven gods of luck[七福神] ( shichi-fukujin) |
seven guardian spirits[七鬼神] ( shichi-kijin) |
seven-halled temple[七堂伽藍] ( shichidō-garan) |
seven kinds of believers[七衆] ( shichi-shu) |
seven kinds of treasures(1) [七宝] ( shichi-hō or shippō); (2) [七財・七聖財] ( shichi-zai or shichi-shōzai) |
seven major temples of Nara[南都七大寺] ( nanto-shichidai-ji) |
seven parables[七譬] ( shichi-hi) |
seven schools[七宗] ( shichi-shū) |
seven stages of worthiness[七賢] ( shichi-ken) |
seven treasures[七宝] ( shichi-hō or shippō) |
seven types of arrogance[七慢] ( shichi-man) |
seven worthies[七賢] ( shichi-ken) |
Shāketa[娑祇多] (; Shagita) |
Shakra[帝釈] (; Taishaku) |
Shakra Devānām Indra[釈提桓因・帝釈] (; Shakudai-kan’in or Taishaku) |
shakubuku[折伏] () |
Shākya[釈迦族] (; Shaka-zoku) |
Shakyamuni[釈尊・釈迦牟尼] (; Shakuson or Shakamuni) |
shāla tree[沙羅樹] (; shara-ju) |
Shānavāsa[商那和修] (; Shōnawashu) |
Shan-chia school[山家派] (PY Shanjiapai; Sange-ha) |
Shan-tao[善導] (613–681) (PY Shandao; Zendō) |
Shan-wai school[山外派] (PY Shanwaipai; Sangai-ha) |
Shan-wu-wei[善無畏] (637–735) (PY Shanwuwei; Shubhakara-simha; Zemmui) |
Shāriputra[舎利弗] (; Pali Sāriputta; Sharihotsu) |
shāsana[教] (; Pali sāsana; kyō) |
She-lun school[摂論宗] (PY Shelunzong; Shōron-shū) |
Shen-hsiu[神秀] (d. 706) (PY Shenxiu; Jinshū) |
Shen-t’ai[神泰] (n.d.) (PY Shentai; Jintai) |
Shiba Tatsuto[司馬達等] (n.d.) (; Chin Ssu-ma Ta-teng) |
Shibi[尸毘王] (; Shibi-ō) |
Shien[思円] |
Shiiji Shirō[椎地四郎] (n.d.) |
Shijō Kingo[四条金吾] (c. 1230–1300) |
Shijūku-in[四十九院] |
shikshamānā[式叉摩那・正学女・学法女] (; shikishamana, shōgakunyo, or gakuhōnyo) |
Shikshānanda[実叉難陀] (652–710) (; Jisshananda) |
shīla[戒] (; kai) |
Shīlabhadra[戒賢] (529–645) (; Kaigen) |
Shīlāditya[戒日王] (r. 606–647) (; Kainichi-ō) |
Shinga[真雅] (801–879) |
Shingon–Ritsu school[真言律宗] ( Shingon Risshū) |
Shingon school[真言宗] ( Shingon-shū) |
Shinjō[審祥] (n.d.) (; Kor Simsang) |
Shinran[親鸞] (1173–1262) |
Shinsen-en garden[神泉苑] ( Shinsen-en) |
Shinzei[真済] (800–860) |
Shiren[師錬] |
Shītavana[尸陀林・寒林] (; Shidarin or Kanrin) |
Shitennō-ji[四天王寺] |
shloka[首盧迦] (; shuroka) |
Shōbō[聖宝] (832–909) |
Shō-bō[少輔房] (1) (2) (3) |
Shōichi[聖一] |
Shōjari[尚闍梨] () |
shōju[摂受] () |
Shōkaku-bō[正覚房] |
Shōkō[聖光] |
Shōkū[証空] (1177–1247) |
Shōmu, Emperor[聖武天皇] (701–756) ( Shōmu-tennō) |
Shore of Suffering[苦岸比丘] ( Kugan-biku) |
Shōron school[摂論宗] ( Shōron-shū) |
Shōtoku, Prince[聖徳太子] (574–622) ( Shōtoku-taishi) |
shramana[沙門] (; Pali samana; shamon) |
shrāmanera[沙弥] (; Pali sāmanera; shami) |
shrāmanerī[沙弥尼] (; Pali sāmanerī; shami-ni) |
shrāvaka[声聞] (; shōmon) |
Shrāvastī[舎衛城] (; Pali Sāvatthī; Shae-jō) |
Shrīmālā[勝鬘夫人] (; Shōman-bunin) |
Shrīmālā Sutra[勝鬘経] ( Shrīmālādevī-simhanāda-sūtra; Chin Sheng-man-ching; Shōman-gyō) |
Shrutasoma[須陀須摩王・普明王] (; Shudasuma-ō or Fumyō-ō) |
Shubhakarasimha[善無畏] (; Zemmui) |
Shubin[守敏] (n.d.) |
Shuddhodana[浄飯王] (; Pali Suddhodana; Jōbonnō) |
Shūei[宗叡] (809–884) |
Shuen[修円] (771–835) |
Shugendō school[修験道] ( Shugen-dō) |
Shuklodana[白飯王] (; Pali Sukkodana; Byakubonnō) |
Shun-hsiao[順暁] (n.d.) (PY Shunxiao; Jungyō) |
Shunjō[俊芿] (1166–1227) |
shūnya[空] (; kū) |
shūnyatā[空] (; kū) |
shūramgama meditation[首楞厳三昧] (; shuryōgon-zammai) |
Shūramgama Sutra[首楞厳経] (Chin Shou-leng-yen-ching; Shuryōgon-kyō) |
Shūryasoma[須利耶蘇摩] (n.d.) (; Suriyasoma or Shuriyasoma) |
Shuzen-ji[修禅寺] |
Siddhārtha[悉達多] (; Pali Siddhattha; Shiddatta) |
sīla[戒] (Pali; kai) |
Silk Road[シルクロード] ( Shiruku-rōdo) |
Silver-Colored Woman Sutra[銀色女経] (Chin Yin-se-nü-ching; Gonjikinyo-kyō) |
Simhahanu[師子頰王] (; Pali Sīhahanu; Shishikyō-ō) |
“Simile and Parable” chapter[譬喩品] ( Hiyu-hon) |
simultaneity of cause and effect[因果倶時] ( inga-guji) |
Single-minded Practice school[一向宗] ( Ikkō-shū) |
single vehicle[一乗] ( ichijō) |
six auspicious happenings[六瑞] ( roku-zui) |
six consciousnesses[六識] ( roku-shiki) |
six days of purification[六斎日] ( roku-sainichi) |
six desires[六欲] ( roku-yoku) |
six difficult and nine easy acts[六難九易] ( rokunan-kui) |
six elder disciples of Nikkō[本六] ( hon-roku) |
six elements[六大] ( roku-dai) |
six forms[六相] ( roku-sō) |
six heavens of the world of desire[六欲天] ( rokuyoku-ten) |
six kinds of contemplation[六念] ( roku-nen) |
six major offenses[六重罪] ( roku-jūzai) |
six metaphors of the theoretical and essential teachings[本迹の六譬] ( honjaku-no-roppi) |
six ministers[六大臣・六臣] ( roku-daijin or roku-shin) |
six monks, group of[六群比丘] ( rokugun-biku) |
six new disciples of Nikkō[新六] ( shin-roku) |
six non-Buddhist teachers[六師外道] ( rokushi-gedō) |
six objects[六境] ( rokkyō) |
six omens[六瑞] ( roku-zui) |
six pāramitās[六波羅蜜] ( roku-haramitsu or ropparamitsu) |
Six Pāramitās Sutra[六波羅蜜経] (Chin Liu-po-lo-mi-ching; Rokuharamitsu-kyō or Ropparamitsu-kyō) |
six paths[六道] ( shad-gati; roku-dō) |
six portents[六瑞] ( roku-zui) |
six precepts(1) [六法戒・六法] ( roppō-kai or roppō); (2) [六重戒・六重の法] ( rokujū-kai or rokujū-no-hō) |
six royal ministers[六大臣・六臣] ( roku-daijin or roku-shin) |
six schools of Nara[南都六宗] ( nanto-rokushū) |
six senior priests[六老僧] ( roku-rōsō) |
six sense objects[六境] ( rokkyō) |
six sense organs[六根] ( shad-indriya; rokkon) |
six stages of practice[六即] ( roku-soku) |
six supernatural powers[六神通・六通] ( roku-jinzū or roku-tsū) |
six teachers of the non-Buddhist doctrines[六師外道] ( rokushi-gedō) |
sixteen arhats[十六羅漢] ( jūroku-rakan) |
sixteen great states[十六大国] ( jūroku-daikoku) |
sixteen princes[十六王子] ( jūroku-ōji) |
sixteen types of meditation[十六観] ( jūroku-kan) |
sixth heaven[第六天] ( dairoku-ten) |
six transcendental powers[六神通・六通] ( roku-jinzū or roku-tsū) |
six types of harmony and reverence[六和敬] ( roku-wakyō or roku-wagyō) |
Six-Volume Writings, The[六巻抄] ( Rokkan-shō) |
slander[謗法] ( hōbō) |
Smaller Wisdom Sutra[小品般若経] ( Ashtasāhasrikā-prajnāpāramitā; Chin Hsiao-p’in-pan-jo-ching; Shōbon-hannya-kyō) |
small kalpa[小劫] ( shō-kō) |
Snow Mountains[雪山] ( Himālaya or Himavat; Sessen) |
Snow Mountains, the boy[雪山童子] ( Sessen-dōji) |
Soka Gakkai[創価学会] |
soma[蘇摩] (, Pali; soma) |
sons of the Buddha[仏子] ( busshi) |
Sō’ō[相応] (831–918) |
sorrowless tree[無憂樹] ( muu-ju) |
sotoba[率塔婆] () |
Sōtō school[曹洞宗] ( Sōtō-shū) |
Southern Buddhism[南方仏教・南伝仏教] ( Nampō-bukkyō or Nanden-bukkyō) |
Southern school of Zen[南宗禅] ( Nanshū Zen) |
Sovereign Kings of the Golden Light Sutra[金光明最勝王経] ( Suvarnaprabhāsa-sūtra or Suvarnaprabhāsottama-sūtra; Chin Chin-kuang-ming-tsui-sheng-wang-ching; Konkōmyō-saishō’ō-kyō) |
Sovereign Kings Sutra[最勝王経] ( Saishō-ō-kyō) |
sovereign, teacher, and parent[主師親] ( shu-shi-shin) |
sowing, maturing, and harvesting[種熟脱] ( shu-juku-datsu) |
Soya, the lay priest[曾谷入道] ( Soya-nyūdō) |
Soya Dōsō[曾谷道宗] (n.d.) |
Soya Kyōshin[曾谷教信] (1224–1291) |
Space Treasury[虚空蔵菩薩] ( Ākāshagarbha; Kokūzō-bosatsu) |
specific teaching[別教] ( bekkyō) |
specific transfer[別付嘱] ( betsu-fuzoku) |
specks of dirt on a fingernail[爪上の土] ( sōjō-no-do) |
spirits[鬼神] ( kijin) |
spoiled seeds[敗種] ( haishu) |
Spotted Feet[斑足王] ( Kalmāshapāda; Pali Kammāsapāda; Hansoku-ō or Hanzoku-ō) |
srota-āpanna[須陀洹・預流] (; shudaon or yoru) |
stage of being a Buddha in theory[理即] ( ri-soku) |
stage of hearing the name and words of the truth[名字即] ( myōji-soku) |
stage of non-regression[不退位] ( avaivartika, avivartika, or avinivartanīya; futai-i) |
stage of perception and action[観行即] ( kangyō-soku) |
stage of progressive awakening[分真即] ( bunshin-soku) |
stage of resemblance to enlightenment[相似即] ( sōji-soku) |
stage of the foremost worldly good root[世第一法・世第一法位] ( sedaiippō or sedaiippō-i) |
stage of the four good roots[四善根・四善根位] ( shi-zengon or shi-zengon-i) |
stage of ultimate enlightenment[究竟即] ( kukyō-soku) |
Stepping on Seven Treasure Flowers[蹈七宝華如来] ( Saptaratnapadma-vikrāntagāmin; Tōshippōke-nyorai) |
Sthaviravāda school[上座部] (; Jōza-bu) |
Sthiramati[安慧] (n.d.) (; An’ne) |
stinginess and greed[慳貪] ( kendon) |
stone footprints of the Buddha[仏足石] ( bussoku-seki) |
storehouse consciousness[蔵識] ( zō-shiki) |
stream-winner[須陀洹・預流] ( srota-āpanna; Pali sota-āpanna; shudaon or yoru) |
stupa[塔] ( stūpa; tō) |
Subhadra[須跋陀羅] (; Pali Subhadda; Shubaddara) |
Subhūti[須菩提] (, Pali; Shubodai) |
substituting faith for wisdom[以信代慧] ( ishin-daie) |
Sudāna[須大拏太子] (, Pali; Shudaina-taishi) |
Sudatta[須達] (, Pali; Shudatsu) |
sudden teaching[頓教] ( ton-gyō or ton-kyō) |
Suddhodana[浄飯王] (Pali; Jōbonnō) |
suffering[苦] ( duhukha; Pali dukkha; ku) |
sufferings of birth and death are nirvana[生死即涅槃] ( shōji-soku-nehan) |
Sujātā[須闍多] (, Pali; Shujata) |
Sukhāvatī[極楽] (; Gokuraku) |
Sukhāvatīvyūha[スカーヴァティーヴューハ] (; Sukābatībyūha) |
sumanā[須摩那・須曼那・蘇摩那] (, Pali; shumana, shumanna, or somana) |
Sumeru, Mount[須弥山] (; Shumi-sen) |
Sumeru world[須弥山世界] ( Shumisen-sekai) |
Summary of the Mahayana, The[摂大乗論] ( Mahāyāna-samgraha; Chin She-ta-ch’eng-lun; Shō-daijō-ron) |
Summary of the Mahayana school[摂論宗] (Chin She-lun-tsung; Shōron-shū) |
summer retreat[安居] ( ango) |
Summit of Being Heaven[有頂天] ( Uchō-ten) ( Akanishtha) ( Bhava-agra or Bhavāgra) |
sun, god of the[日天] ( Sūrya; Nitten) |
Sunakshatra[善星比丘] (; Zenshō-biku) |
Sundarananda[孫陀羅難陀] (; Sondara-nanda) |
Sundarī[孫陀利] (, Pali; Sondari) |
sundry practices[雑行] ( zō-gyō) |
Sung Dynasty Biographies of Eminent Priests, The[宋高僧伝] (Chin Sung-kao-seng-chuan; Sō-kōsō-den) |
Sun Goddess[天照大神] ( Tenshō Daijin or Amaterasu Ōmikami) |
Sunlight[日光菩薩] ( Sūryaprabha; Nikkō-bosatsu) |
Sun Moon Bright[日月燈明仏] ( Chandra-sūrya-pradīpa; Nichigatsu-tōmyō-butsu) |
Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue[日月浄明徳仏] ( Chandra-sūrya-vimala-prabhāsa-shrī; Nichigatsu-jōmyōtoku-butsu) |
sun of wisdom[慧日] ( enichi) |
Superior Intent[勝意比丘] ( Agramati; Shōi-biku) |
superior manifested body[勝応身] ( shō-ōjin) |
Superior Practices[上行菩薩] ( Vishishtachāritra; Jōgyō-bosatsu) |
“Supernatural Powers” chapter[神力品] ( Jinriki-hon) |
“Supernatural Powers of the Thus Come One” chapter[如来神力品] ( Nyorai-jinriki-hon) |
supervisor of priests[僧都] ( sōzu) |
Supplemented Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law[添品法華経] (Chin T’ien-p’in-fa-hua-ching; Tembon-hoke-kyō) |
Supplement to the Meanings of the Commentaries on the Lotus Sutra, The[法華経疏義纉] (Chin Fa-hua-ching-shu-i-tsuan; Hokekyō-shogisan) |
Supplement to the Three Major Works on the Lotus Sutra, The[法華三大部補註] (Chin Fa-hua-san-ta-pu-pu-chu; Hokke-sandaibu-fuchū) |
Supplement to “The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra,” The[法華文句輔正記] (Chin Fa-hua-wen-chü-fu-cheng-chi; Hokke-mongu-fushō-ki) |
Supplement to T’ien-t’ai’s Three Major Works, The[天台三大部補註] ( Tendai-sandaibu-fuchū) |
Suprabuddha[善覚] (; Zenkaku) |
supremely honored among two-legged beings[両足尊・二足尊] ( ryōsoku-son, ryōzoku-son, or nisoku-son) |
supreme perfect enlightenment[阿耨多羅三藐三菩提・無上正等正覚] ( anokutara-sammyaku-sambodai or mujō-shōtō-shōgaku) |
Sūryaprabha[日光菩薩] (; Nikkō-bosatsu) |
Susiddhikara Sutra[蘇悉地経] (; Chin Su-hsi-ti-ching; Soshitsuji-kyō) |
sutra library[経蔵] ( kyōzō) |
Sutra of Forty-two Sections[四十二章経] (Chin Ssu-shih-erh-chang-ching; Shijūni-shō-kyō) |
Sutra of the Buddha Answering the Great Heavenly King Brahmā’s Questions[大梵天王問仏決疑経] (Chin Ta-fan-t’ien-wang-wen-fo-chüeh-i-ching; Daibontennō-mombutsu-ketsugi-kyō) |
Sutra of the Collected Stories of the Buddha’s Deeds in Past Lives[仏本行集経] (Chin Fo-pen-hsing-chi-ching; Butsu-hongyō-jikkyō) |
Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law[妙法蓮華経] ( Myoho-renge-kyo) |
Sutra of the Meditation to Behold the Buddhas[般舟三昧経] ( Pratyutpanna-buddha-sammukhāvasthita-samādhi-sūtra; Chin Pan-chou-san-mei-ching; Hanju-zammai-kyō) |
Sutra of Verses[出曜経] ( Udāna-varga; Chin Ch’u-yao-ching; Shutsuyō-kyō) |
Sutra on How to Practice Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy[観普賢菩薩行法経] ( Kan-fugen-bosatsu-gyōhō-kyō) |
Sutra on Resolving Doubts about the Middle Day of the Law[像法決疑経] (Chin Hsiang-fa-chüeh-i-ching; Zōbō-ketsugi-kyō) |
Sutra on the Conversion of Barbarians by Lao Tzu[老子化胡経] (Chin Lao-tzu-hua-hu-ching; Rōshi-keko-kyō) |
Sutra on the Wise and the Foolish[賢愚経] (Chin Hsien-yü-ching; Kengu-kyō or Gengu-kyō) |
sutra repository[経蔵] ( kyōzō) |
sutra storehouse[経蔵] ( kyōzō) |
Suttanipāta[経集] (Pali; Kyōshū) |
Suzudan[須頭檀] () |
Svātantrika school[自立論証派] (; Jiritsuronshō-ha) |
Ta-hsing-shan-ssu[大興善寺] (PY Daxingshansi; Daikōzen-ji) |
Taiseki-ji[大石寺] |
Taishaku[帝釈] () |
Takahashi Rokurō Hyōe, the lay priest[高橋六郎兵衛入道] (n.d.) ( Takahashi Rokurō Hyōe-nyūdō) |
Takshashilā[徳叉尸羅] (; Tokushashira) |
tāla tree[多羅樹] (; tara-ju) |
Tamāla Leaf Sandalwood Fragrance[多摩羅跋栴檀香如来] ( Tamālapattra-chandana-gandha or Tamālapatra-chandana-gandha; Tamarabatsu-sendankō-nyorai or Tamaraba-sendankō-nyorai) |
Tamon-ten[多聞天] () |
T’ang Dynasty Biographies of Eminent Priests, The[唐高僧伝] ( Tō-kōsō-den) |
T’an-luan[曇鸞] (476–542) (PY Tanluan; Donran) |
Tantric Buddhism[タントラ仏教] ( Tantora-bukkyō) |
T’an-yao[曇曜] (n.d.) (PY Tanyao; Don’yō) |
Tao-an[道安] (PY Daoan; Dōan) (1) (312–385); (2) (n.d.) |
Tao-ch’o[道綽] (562–645) (PY Daochuo; Dōshaku) |
Tao-hsien[道暹] (n.d.) (PY Daoxian; Dōsen) |
Tao-hsin[道信] (580–651) (PY Daoxin; Dōshin) |
Tao-hsüan(PY Daoxuan) (1) [道宣] (596–667) ( Dōsen); (2) [道璿] ( Dōsen) |
Tao-sheng[道生・竺道生] (d. 434) (PY Daosheng; Dōshō or Jiku-dōshō) |
Tao-sui[道邃] (n.d.) (PY Daosui; Dōsui or Dōzui) |
Tarim Basin[タリム盆地] ( Tarimu-bonchi) |
tathāgata[如来] (, Pali; nyorai) |
tathatā[真如・如如] (, Pali; shinnyo or nyonyo) |
Tatsunokuchi Persecution[竜の口の法難] ( Tatsunokuchi-no-hōnan) |
Ta-tz’u-en-ssu[大慈恩寺] (PY Daciensi; Daijion-ji) |
Taxila[タクシラ] ( Takushira) |
teacherless wisdom[無師智] ( mushi-chi) |
Teacher of Heavenly and Human Beings[天人師] ( shāstā-deva-manushyānām; tennin-shi) |
“Teacher of the Law” chapter[法師品] ( Hosshi-hon) |
teacher of the nation[国師] ( kokushi) |
teacher of the true cause[本因妙の教主] ( honnin-myō-no-kyōshu) |
teacher of the true effect[本果妙の教主] ( honga-myō-no-kyōshu) |
teaching of gleaning[捃拾教] ( kunjū-kyō) |
teaching, practice, and proof[教行証] ( kyō-gyō-shō) |
Teaching, Practice, Faith, and Proof, The[教行信証] ( Kyō-gyō-shin-shō) |
teachings of the three periods[三時教] ( sanji-kyō) |
teaching that unites the branch teaching with the root teaching[摂末帰本法輪] ( shōmatsu-kihon-hōrin) |
Temple school[寺門派] ( Jimon-ha) |
ten analogies[十喩] ( jū-yu) |
ten comparisons[十喩] ( jū-yu) |
Tendai Esotericism[台密] ( Taimitsu) |
Tendai Hokke school[天台法華宗] ( Tendai Hokke-shū) |
Tendai Lotus school[天台法華宗] ( Tendai Hokke-shū) |
Tendai school[天台宗] ( Tendai-shū) |
ten demon daughters[十羅刹女] ( jū-rasetsu-nyo) |
ten directions[十方] ( jippō) |
Ten Divisions of Monastic Rules, The[十誦律] (Chin Shih-sung-lü; Jūju-ritsu) |
ten doctrines[十宗] ( jisshū) |
ten evil acts[十悪] ( jū-aku) |
ten factors of life[十如是] ( jū-nyoze) |
ten good acts[十善] ( jū-zen) |
ten good precepts[十善戒] ( jū-zen-kai) |
ten great scholars of the Consciousness-Only school[唯識十大論師] ( yuishiki-jūdai-ronji) |
ten honorable titles[十号] ( jū-gō) |
ten kinds of offerings[十種供養] ( jisshu-kuyō) |
ten kings[十王] ( jū-ō) |
ten major disciples[十大弟子] ( jūdai-deshi) |
ten major precepts[十重禁戒] ( ju-jūkinkai) |
ten major writings[十大部] ( jūdai-bu) |
ten meditations[十乗観法] ( jūjō-kampō) |
ten mysteries[十玄門] ( jū-gemmon) |
ten mystic principles[十妙] ( jū-myō) |
ten objects[十境] ( jikkyō) |
ten onenesses[十不二門] ( jippunimon) |
Ten Onenesses, The[十不二門] (Chin Shih-pu-erh-men; Jippunimon) |
ten pāramitās[十波羅蜜] ( jū-haramitsu or jipparamitsu) |
ten peerlessnesses[十無上] ( jū-mujō) |
ten powers[十力] ( jū-riki) |
ten precepts[十戒] ( jikkai) |
ten rākshasa daughters[十羅刹女] ( jū-rasetsu-nyo) |
ten schools[十宗] ( jisshū) |
Tenshō Daijin[天照大神] () |
ten similes[十喩] ( jū-yu) |
ten stages of development[十地] ( dashabhūmi; jū-ji) |
ten stages of devotion[十廻向] ( jū-ekō) |
ten stages of faith[十信] ( jisshin) |
ten stages of practice[十行] ( jū-gyō) |
ten stages of security[十住] ( jū-jū) |
ten stages of the mind[十住心] ( jū-jūshin) |
Ten Stages Sutra[十地経] ( Dashabhūmika-sūtra; Chin Shih-ti-ching; Jūji-kyō) |
ten supernatural powers[十神力] ( jū-jinriki) |
ten unlawful revisions[十事の非法] ( jūji-no-hihō) |
Ten Worlds[十界] ( jikkai) |
theoretical teaching[迹門] ( shakumon) |
Theravāda school[上座部] (Pali; Sthaviravāda; Jōza-bu) |
third doctrine[第三の法門] ( daisan-no-hōmon) |
third group of the listeners of Great Universal Wisdom Excellence Buddha’s teaching[大通結縁の第三類] ( Daitsū-kechien-no-daisanrui) |
thirteen major prohibitions[十三僧残] ( jūsan-sōzan) |
thirteen schools of China[中国十三宗] ( Chūgoku-jūsan-shū) |
thirty-four forms[三十四身] ( sanjūshi-shin) |
thirty-seven aids to the way[三十七道品] ( sanjūshichi-dōhon) |
Thirty-Stanza Treatise on the Consciousness-Only Doctrine, The[唯識三十論頌] ( Trimshikā-vijnaptimātratā-siddhi; Chin Wei-shih-san-shih-lun-sung; Yuishiki-sanjū-ron-ju) |
thirty-three forms[三十三身] ( sanjūsan-shin) |
thirty-three gods[三十三天] ( sanjūsan-ten) |
thirty-two features[三十二相] ( sanjūni-sō) |
thirty-two features and eighty characteristics[三十二相八十種好] ( sanjūni-sō-hachijisshugō) |
“This is what I heard”[如是我聞] ( evam mayā shrutam; nyoze-gamon) |
Thousand-armed Perceiver of the World’s Sounds[千手観音] ( Sahasrabhuja; Senju-kannon) |
thousand-millionfold world[三千大千世界] ( sanzen-daisen-sekai) |
thousand-spoked wheel[千輻輪相] ( sempukurin-sō) |
three asamkhya kalpas and a hundred major kalpas[三祇百大劫] ( sangi-hyakudai-kō) |
three ascetics[三仙] ( san-sen) |
three assemblies in two places[二処三会] ( nisho-sanne) |
three benefits[三益] ( san-yaku) |
three bodies[三身] ( trikāya; san-jin) |
three calamities[三災] ( san-sai) |
three calamities and seven disasters[三災七難] ( sansai-shichinan) |
three cardinal sins[三逆・三逆罪] ( san-gyaku or san-gyakuzai) |
three categories of action[三業] ( san-gō) |
three categories of illusion[三惑] ( san-waku) |
three categories of preaching[已今当・三説] ( i-kon-tō or san-setsu) |
three circles[三輪] ( san-rin) |
three comprehensive precepts[三聚浄戒] ( sanju-jō-kai) |
three cycles of preaching[三周の説法] ( sanshū-no-seppō) |
three Dharma seals[三法印] ( sambōin) |
three divisions of a sutra[三分科経] ( sambunka-kyō) |
three divisions of the canon[三蔵] ( tripitaka; Pali tipitaka; san-zō) |
three equalities[三平等] ( san-byōdō) |
three evil paths[三悪道・三悪趣] ( san-akudō or san-akushu) |
three exhortations and four entreaties[三誡四請] ( sankai-shishō) |
three existences[三世] ( san-ze) |
three expedient means[三方便] ( san-hōben) |
threefold contemplation in a single mind[一心三観] ( isshin-sangan) |
threefold Lotus Sutra[法華三部経] ( Hokke-sambu-kyō) |
threefold refuge[三帰・三帰依・三帰戒] ( san-ki, san-kie, or san-kikai) |
threefold refuge and observance of the five precepts[三帰五戒] ( sanki-gokai) |
threefold secret teaching[三重秘伝] ( sanjū-hiden) |
threefold world[三界] ( san-gai) |
three gates to emancipation[三解脱門] ( san-gedatsu-mon) |
three good paths[三善道] ( san-zendō) |
Three Great Secret Laws[三大秘法] ( sandai-hihō) |
three groups of voice-hearers[三周の声聞] ( sanshū-no-shōmon) |
three heavenly sons of light[三光天子] ( sankō-tenshi) |
three illusions[三惑] ( san-waku) |
three inherent potentials of the Buddha nature[三因仏性] ( san’in-busshō) |
three insights[三明] ( san-myō) |
three insights and six transcendental powers[三明六通] ( sammyō-rokutsū) |
three kalpas[三劫] ( san-kō) |
three Kāshyapa brothers[三迦葉] ( san-kashō) |
three kinds of mind[三心] ( san-jin) |
three kinds of non-regression[三不退] ( san-futai) |
three kinds of offerings[三施] ( san-se) |
three kinds of tranquillity[三念住・三念処] ( san-nenjū or san-nenjo) |
three kinds of wisdom[三智] ( san-chi) |
three leaders and seven witnesses[三師七証] ( sanshi-shichishō) |
three major works on the Lotus Sutra[法華三大部] ( Hokke-sandai-bu) |
three major writings of the T’ien-t’ai school[天台三大部] ( Tendai-sandai-bu) |
three martyrs of Atsuhara[熱原の三烈士] ( Atsuhara-no-sanresshi) |
three meditations for emancipation[三解脱門] ( san-gedatsu-mon) |
three metaphors of the essential teaching[本門の三譬] ( hommon-no-sampi) |
three metaphors of the theoretical teaching[迹門の三譬] ( shakumon-no-sampi) |
three-month retreat[安居] ( varsha or vārshika; Pali vassa; ango) |
three mysteries[三密] ( san-mitsu) |
three mystic principles[三妙] ( san-myō) |
three obstacles and four devils[三障四魔] ( sanshō-shima) |
three ordination platforms[三戒壇] ( san-kaidan) |
three paths(1) (3) [三道] ( san-dō); (2) [三途] ( san-zu) |
three periods[三時] ( san-ji) |
three periods, teachings of the[三時教] ( sanji-kyō) |
three poisons[三毒] ( san-doku) |
three powerful enemies[三類の強敵] ( sanrui-no-gōteki) |
three-pronged diamond-pounder[三鈷杵] ( sanko-sho) |
three pronouncements[三箇の勅宣・三箇の鳳詔] ( sanka-no-chokusen or sanka-no-hōshō) |
three proofs[三証] ( san-shō) |
three Pure Land sutras[浄土三部経] ( Jōdo-sambu-kyō) |
three realms of existence[三世間] ( san-seken) |
three refuges[三帰・三帰依・三帰戒] ( san-ki, san-kie, or san-kikai) |
three robes[三衣] ( sanne) |
three robes and one begging bowl[三衣一鉢] ( sanne-ippatsu) |
three rules of preaching[三軌・弘経の三軌] ( san-ki or gukyō-no-sanki) |
three schools of the south and seven schools of the north[南三北七] ( nansan-hokushichi) |
three seals of Dharma[三法印] ( sambōin) |
three stages of worthiness[三賢・三賢位] ( san-gen or san-gen-i) |
Three Stages school[三階教] (Chin San-chieh-chiao; Sangai-kyō) |
three standards of comparison[三種の教相] ( sanshu-no-kyōsō) |
three sufferings[三苦] ( san-ku) |
three thousand realms in a single moment of life[一念三千] ( ichinen-sanzen) |
three thousand rules of conduct[三千威儀] ( sanzen-igi) |
three-time gaining of distinction[三度の高名] ( sando-no-kōmyō) |
three-time purification of the lands[三変土田] ( sampen-doden) |
three treasures[三宝] ( triratna or ratna-traya; sambō) |
Three Treatises school[三論宗] (Chin San-lun-tsung; Sanron-shū) |
three True Word sutras[真言三部経] ( Shingon-sambu-kyō) |
three truths[三諦] ( san-tai) |
three types of action[三業] ( san-gō) |
three types of character[三性] ( san-shō) |
three types of enemies[三類の敵人] ( sanrui-no-tekijin) |
three types of expedient means[三方便] ( san-hōben) |
three types of learning[三学] ( san-gaku) |
three types of meditation[三等至・三定・三静慮] ( san-tōji, san-jō, or san-jōryo) |
three vehicles[三乗] ( sanjō) |
three vehicle teachings[三乗法] ( sanjō-hō) |
three virtues[三徳] ( san-toku) |
three ways[三道] ( san-dō) |
three worthies[三賢] ( san-gen) |
thrice turned wheel of the Law[三転法輪] ( san-tembōrin) |
Thus Come One[如来] (, Pali tathāgata; nyorai) |
Thus Come One Zen[如来禅] ( nyorai-zen) |
Tibetan Buddhism[チベット仏教] ( Chibetto-bukkyō) |
T’ien-t’ai[天台] (538–597) (PY Tiantai; Tendai) |
T’ien-t’ai, Mount[天台山] (PY Tiantai-shan; Tendai-san) |
T’ien-t’ai school[天台宗] (PY Tiantaizong; Tendai-shū) |
T’ien-t’ai’s three major works[天台三大部] ( Tendai-sandai-bu) |
Ti-lun school[地論宗] (PY Dilunzong; Jiron-shū) |
Time school[時宗] ( Ji-shū) |
tipitaka[三蔵] (Pali; san-zō) |
tōba[塔婆] () |
Tōdai-ji[東大寺] |
Tōfuku-ji[東福寺] |
Tō-ji[東寺] |
Tōjō Kagenobu[東条景信] (n.d.) |
Toki Jōnin[富木常忍] (1216–1299) |
Tokuichi[徳一] |
Tokuitsu[徳一] (n.d.) |
Tōshōdai-ji[唐招提寺] |
transference of benefit[廻向・回向] ( parināma or parināmana; ekō) |
transfer of the essence of the Lotus Sutra[結要付嘱] ( ketchō-fuzoku) |
transformation body[変化身・化身] ( henge-shin or keshin) |
transmigration in the six paths[六道輪廻] ( rokudō-rinne) |
transmigration with change and advance[変易生死] ( hen’yaku-shōji or hennyaku-shōji) |
transmigration with differences and limitations[分段生死] ( bundan-shōji) |
transmission from mind to mind[以心伝心] ( ishin-denshin) |
transmission of the essence of the Lotus Sutra[結要付嘱] ( ketchō-fuzoku) |
Transmission of the Lamp, The[伝灯録] (Chin Ch’uan-teng-lu; Dentō-roku) |
transmission section[流通分] ( rutsū-bun) |
Travels of Fa-hsien, The[法顕伝] (Chin Fa-hsien-chuan; Hokken-den) |
Trāyastrimsha Heaven[忉利天] (; Tōri-ten) |
treasure tower[宝塔] ( hōtō) |
“Treasure Tower” chapter[宝塔品] ( Hōtō-hon) |
Treasury of Knowledge of the True Law, The[正法眼蔵] ( Shōbō-genzō) |
Treatise of Five Hundred Questions, The[五百問論] (Chin Wu-pai-wen-lun; Gohyaku-mon-ron) |
Treatise on Accordance with the Correct Doctrine, The[阿毘達磨順正理論] (Chin A-p’i-ta-mo-shun-cheng-li-lun; Abidatsuma-junshōri-ron) |
Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land, The[往生論] ( Ōjō-ron) |
Treatise on the Buddha Nature, The[仏性論] (Chin Fo-hsing-lun; Busshō-ron) |
Treatise on the Discipline for Attaining Enlightenment, The[菩提資糧論] (Chin P’u-t’i-tzu-liang-lun; Bodai-shiryō-ron) |
Treatise on the Establishment of the Consciousness-Only Doctrine, The[成唯識論] (Chin Ch’eng-wei-shih-lun; Jō-yuishiki-ron) |
Treatise on the Establishment of Truth, The[成実論] ( Satyasiddhi-shāstra; Chin Ch’eng-shih-lun; Jōjitsu-ron) |
Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom, The[大智度論] ( Mahāprajnāpāramitā-shāstra; Chin Ta-chih-tu-lun; Daichido-ron) |
Treatise on the Lamp for the Latter Day of the Law, The[末法燈明記] ( Mappō-tōmyō-ki) |
Treatise on the Lamp of Wisdom, The[般若灯論・般若灯論釈] ( Prajnā-pradīpa; Chin Pan-jo-teng-lun or Pan-jo-teng-lun-shih; Hannya-tōron or Hannya-tōron-shaku) |
Treatise on the Lotus Sutra, The[法華論・法華経論] ( Saddharma-pundarīka-upadesha; Chin Fa-hua-lun or Fa-hua-ching-lun; Hokke-ron or Hokekyō-ron) |
Treatise on the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, The[妙法蓮華経憂波提舎] ( Myoho-renge-kyo-upadaisha) |
Treatise on the Middle Way, The[中論] ( Mādhyamika-shāstra; Chin Chung-lun; Chū-ron) |
Treatise on the Mind Aspiring for Enlightenment, The[菩提心論] (Chin P’u-t’i-hsin-lun; Bodaishin-ron) |
Treatise on the Observation of the Mind, The[観心論] (Chin Kuan-hsin-lun; Kanjin-ron) |
Treatise on the Profundity of the Lotus Sutra, The[法華玄論] (Chin Fa-hua-hsüan-lun; Hokke-genron) |
Treatise on the Pure Land, The[浄土論] (Chin Ching-t’u-lun; Jōdo-ron) (1) (2) |
Treatise on the Source of Wisdom, The[阿毘達磨発智論] ( Abhidharma-jnānaprasthāna-shāstra; Chin A-p’i-ta-mo-fa-chih-lun; Abidatsuma-hotchi-ron) |
Treatise on the Stages of Yoga Practice, The[瑜伽師地論] ( Yogāchārabhūmi; Chin Yü-ch’ieh-shih-ti-lun; Yugashiji-ron) |
Treatise on the Ten Stages of the Mind, The[十住心論] ( Jūjū-shin-ron) |
Treatise on the Ten Stages Sutra, The[十地経論] (Chin Shih-ti-ching-lun; Jūji-kyō-ron) |
Treatise on the Ten Stages Sutra school[地論宗] (Chin Ti-lun-tsung; Jiron-shū) |
Treatise on the Treasure Vehicle of Buddhahood, The[究竟一乗宝性論] ( Ratnagotravibhāga-mahāyānottaratantra-shāstra; Chin Chiu-ching-i-ch’eng-pao-hsing-lun; Kukyō-ichijō-hōshō-ron) |
Treatise on the Twelve Gates, The[十二門論] (Chin Shih-erh-men-lun; Jūni-mon-ron) |
Treatise Resolving Numerous Doubts about the Pure Land Teachings, The[釈浄土群疑論] (Chin Shih-ching-t’u-ch’ün-i-lun; Shaku-jōdo-gungi-ron) |
Treatises of Seng-chao, The[肇論] (Chin Chao-lun; Jō-ron) |
trikāya[三身] (; san-jin) |
Tripitaka[三蔵] (; san-zō) |
Tripitaka master[三蔵] (; san-zō) |
Tripitaka teaching[蔵教] (; zō-kyō) |
triratna[三宝] (; sambō) |
true aspect of all phenomena[諸法実相] ( shohō-jissō) |
true Buddha[本仏] ( hombutsu) |
true cause[本因妙] ( honnin-myō) |
true effect[本果妙] ( honga-myō) |
true land[本国土妙] ( honkokudo-myō) |
true Mahayana teaching[実大乗教] ( jitsu-daijō-kyō) |
True Pure Land school[浄土真宗] ( Jōdo Shin-shū) |
true teaching[実教] ( jikkyō) |
True Word Precepts school[真言律宗] ( Shingon Risshū) |
True Word school[真言宗] ( Shingon-shū) |
Truth-Revealed Lotus school[顕本法華宗] ( Kempon Hokke-shū) |
Ts’ai Yin[蔡愔] (n.d.) (PY Cai Yin; Saiin) |
Tsukahara Debate[塚原問答] ( Tsukahara-mondō) |
Tsukimaro[月満] (b. 1271) |
Ts’ung-i[従義] (1042–1091) (PY Congyi; Jūgi) |
Tsung-mi[宗密] (780–841) (PY Zongmi; Shūmitsu) |
Tsun-shih[遵式] (964–1032) (PY Zunshi; Junshiki) |
tuft of white hair[白毫相・眉間白毫相] ( ūrnā-kesha or ūrnā-kosha; byakugō-sō or miken-byakugō-sō) |
Tung-ch’un[東春] (PY Dongchun; Tōshun) |
Tun-huang[敦煌] (PY Dunhuang; Tonkō) |
Turfan[トルファン] ( Torufan) |
turning of the wheel of the Law[転法輪] ( tembō-rin) |
Tushita Heaven[兜率天・覩史多天] (; Tosotsu-ten or Toshita-ten) |
Tu-shun[杜順] (557–640) (PY Dushun; Tojun) |
twelve bases[十二入・十二処] ( jūni-nyū or jūni-sho) |
twelve divisions of the scriptures[十二部経] ( jūnibu-kyō) |
twelve divisions of the teachings[十二分教] ( jūnibun-kyō) |
twelvefold dhūta practice[十二頭陀行] ( jūni-zuda-gyō) |
twelve gods[十二天] ( jūni-ten) |
twelve great vows[十二大願] ( jūni-daigan) |
twelve-linked chain of causation[十二因縁・十二縁起] ( jūni-innen or jūni-engi) |
twelve sense fields[十二入・十二処] ( jūni-nyū or jūni-sho) |
twelve sense-media[十二入・十二処] ( jūni-nyū or jūni-sho) |
twelve vows[十二願] ( jūni-gan) |
twenty-eight heavens[二十八天] ( nijūhatten or nijūhachi-ten) |
twenty-eight Indian patriarchs[天竺二十八祖・西天二十八祖・二十八祖] ( Tenjiku-nijūhasso, Saiten-nijūhasso, or nijūhasso) |
twenty-five preparatory exercises[二十五方便] ( nijūgo-hōben) |
twenty-five realms of existence[二十五有] ( nijūgo-u) |
twenty-four-character Lotus Sutra[二十四文字の法華経] ( nijūyo-moji-no-hokekyō) |
twenty-four successors[付法蔵の二十四人] ( fuhōzō-no-nijūyo-nin) |
twenty Hinayana schools[二十部・小乗二十部] ( nijū-bu or shōjō-nijū-bu) |
twenty-line verse[二十行の偈] ( nijūgyō-no-ge) |
twenty schools[二十部] ( nijū-bu) |
Twenty-six Admonitions of Nikkō, The[日興遺誡置文] ( Nikkō-yuikai-okibumi) |
Twenty-six Warning Articles, The[日興遺誡置文] ( Nikkō-yuikai-okibumi) |
Twenty-Stanza Treatise on the Consciousness-Only Doctrine, The[唯識二十論] ( Vimshatikā-vijnaptimātratā-siddhi; Chin Wei-shih-erh-shih-lun; Yuishiki-nijū-ron) |
twenty-three successors[付法蔵の二十三人・二十三祖] ( fuhōzō-no-nijūsan-nin or nijūsan-so) |
two admonitions[二箇の諫暁] ( nika-no-kangyō) |
two hundred and fifty precepts[二百五十戒] ( nihyaku-gojikkai) |
two places and three assemblies[二処三会] ( nisho-san’e) |
two storehouses[二蔵] ( nizō) |
two transfer documents[二箇相承書] ( nika-sōjō-sho) |
two vehicles[二乗] ( nijō) |
Two-Volumed Sutra[双巻経・双観経] ( Sōkan-gyō) |
Tz’u-en[慈恩] (632–682) (PY Cien; Jion) |
Tz’u-en-ssu[慈恩寺] (PY Ciensi; Jion-ji) |
Udayana[優塡王] (; Pali Udena; Uden-ō) |
Uddaka Rāmaputta[鬱頭藍弗・優陀羅羅摩子] (Pali; Udraka Rāmaputra; Uzuranhotsu, Utsuzuranfutsu, or Udararamashi) |
Uddiyāna[烏仗那国] (; Ujōna-koku) |
Udraka Rāmaputra[鬱頭藍弗・優陀羅羅摩子] (; Uzuranhotsu, Utsuzuranfutsu, or Udararamashi) |
udumbara[優曇華] (, Pali; udonge) |
Udyāna[烏仗那国] (; Ujōna-koku) |
Ueno, the lay nun[上野尼] (d. 1284) ( Ueno-ama) |
Ujjayinī[烏闍衍那国] (; Pali Ujjenī; Ujaenna-koku) |
Ulūka[優楼迦・漚楼僧佉] (; Uruka or Urusōgya) |
Umegiku-nyo[梅菊女] (d. 1267) |
Unborn Enemy[未生怨] ( Mishō’on) |
unconditioned, the[無為] ( asamskrita; mui) |
Unequalled One[阿娑摩] (, Pali asama; ashama) |
Unexcelled Worthy[無上士] (, Pali anuttara; mujōshi) |
unfixed karma[不定業] ( fujō-gō) |
unhindered wisdom[無礙智] ( muge-chi) |
unification of the three truths[円融の三諦] ( en’yū-no-santai) |
Universal Brightness(1) [普明王] ( Shrutasoma; Pali Sutasoma; Fumyō-ō); (2) [普明如来] ( Samantaprabhāsa; Fumyō-nyorai) |
“Universal Gateway” chapter[普門品] ( Fumon-bon) |
“Universal Gateway of the Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds” chapter[観世音菩薩普門品] ( Kanzeon-bosatsu-fumon-hon) |
Universal Practice[普事比丘] ( Fuji-biku) |
Universal Worthy[普賢菩薩] ( Samantabhadra; Fugen-bosatsu) |
“Universal Worthy” chapter[普賢品] ( Fugen-bon) |
Universal Worthy Sutra[普賢経] (Chin P’u-hsien-ching; Fugen-kyō) |
unlabeled, the[無記] ( avyākrita; muki) |
Unparalleled One[阿娑摩] ( ashama) |
unseen crown of the head[無見頂相] ( mukenchō-sō) |
unsurpassed enlightenment[無上菩提] ( anuttara-sambodhi; mujō-bodai) |
unsurpassed way[無上道] ( mujō-dō) |
upadesha[優婆提舎] (; ubadaisha) |
Upagupta[優婆毱多] (; Ubakikuta) |
Upāli[優婆離] (, Pali; Ubari) |
upāsaka[優婆塞] (, Pali; ubasoku) |
upāsikā[優婆夷] (, Pali; ubai) |
Upholder of the Nation[持国天] ( Dhritarāshtra; Jikoku-ten) |
uposhadha[布薩] (; Pali uposatha; fusatsu) |
urabon[盂蘭盆] () |
Urumanda, Mount[優留曼荼山] (; Urumanda-sen) |
Uruvilvā[優楼頻螺] (; Pali Uruvelā; Urubinra) |
Uruvilvā Kāshyapa[優楼頻螺迦葉] (; Pali Uruvelā Kassapa; Urubinra-kashō) |
Utmost Light and Purity Heaven[極光浄天] ( Gokukōjō-ten) |
Utpalavarnā[蓮華色比丘尼] (; Pali Uppalavannā; Rengeshiki-bikuni) |
Utsubusa, the lady of[内房女房] (n.d.) ( Utsubusa-nyōbō) |
Utsubusa, the lay nun of[内房の尼] (n.d.) ( Utsubusa-no-ama) |
Uttarakuru[鬱単越・倶盧洲] (, Pali; Uttan’otsu or Kuru-shū) |
Vaidehī[韋提希] (; Pali Vedehī; Idaike) |
vaipulya[方等] (; hōdō) |
Vairochana[毘盧遮那仏] (; Birushana-butsu) |
Vaishālī[毘舎離] (; Pali Vesālī; Bishari) |
Vaishravana[毘沙門天・多聞天] (; Bishamon-ten or Tamon-ten) |
Vajji[跋耆・跋祇] (Pali; Baggi) |
vajra-bearing god[執金剛神] ( vajrapāni or vajradhara; shū-kongō-shin) |
Vajrabodhi[金剛智] (; Kongōchi) |
Vajracchedikā Sutra[金剛般若波羅蜜経] (; Kongō-hannya-haramitsu-kyō) |
vajradhātu[金剛界] (; kongō-kai) |
Vajrasattva[金剛薩埵] (; Kongōsatta) |
Vajrashekhara Sutra[金剛頂経] (; Kongōchō-kyō) |
Vajrayāna[金剛乗] (; Kongō-jō) |
vana[林・園林] (, Pali; rin or onrin) |
Varanasi[波羅奈国] ( Vārānasī; Pali Bārānasī; Harana-koku) |
varsha[安居] (; ango) |
Varshakāra[雨行大臣] (; Ugyō-daijin) |
vassa[安居] (Pali; ango) |
Vasubandhu[世親・天親] (n.d.) (; Seshin or Tenjin) |
Vasumitra[世友] (n.d.) (; Seu or Seyū) |
Vatsa[跋蹉] (; Bassa) |
Vātsīputrīya school[犢子部] (; Tokushi-bu) |
Vedehī[韋提希] (Pali; Idaike) |
Venuvana Monastery[竹林精舎] (; Chikurin-shōja) |
verse[偈] (, Pali gāthā; ge) |
verse section of the “Life Span” chapter[自我偈] ( Jiga-ge) |
Verses on the Middle Way[中頌・中論頌・中論] ( Madhyamaka-kārikā or Mādhyamika-kārikā; Chūju, Chūron-ju, or Chū-ron) |
VersesPraising Rebirth in the Pure Land, The[往生礼讃偈] ( Ōjō-raisan-ge) |
Vesālī[毘舎離] (Pali; Bishari) |
vetāda[毘陀羅] (; bidara) |
vetāla[毘陀羅] (; bidara) |
vibhāshā[毘婆沙] (; bibasha) |
Vidūdabha[波瑠璃王] (Pali; Haruri-ō) |
vihāra[精舎] (, Pali; shōja) |
Vijnānānantya Realm[識無辺処] (; Shikimuhen-jo) |
Vijnānavāda school[唯識派] (; Yuishiki-ha) |
Vikramashilā Monastery[ヴィクラマシラー寺] (; Bikuramashirā-ji) |
Vimalakīrti[維摩詰] (; Yuimakitsu) |
Vimalakīrti Sutra[維摩経] ( Vimalakīrti-nirdesha; Chin Wei-mo-ching; Yuima-kyō) |
Vimalamitra[無垢論師・無垢友] (n.d.) (; Muku-ronji or Mukuyū) |
vimoksha[解脱] (; gedatsu) |
vimukti[解脱] (; gedatsu) |
vinaya[律] (, Pali; ritsu) |
Vinaya school[律宗] (; Risshū) |
vinayas of the five schools[五部律] ( gobu-ritsu) |
Virtue Victorious[徳勝童子] ( Tokushō-dōji) |
Virūdhaka() (1) [波瑠璃王] (Pali Vidūdabha; Haruri-ō); (2) [増長天] ( Zōjō-ten or Zōchō-ten) |
Virūpāksha[広目天] (; Kōmoku-ten) |
vīrya[毘梨耶・精進] (; biriya or shōjin) |
Vishvakarman[毘首羯磨天] (; Bishukatsuma-ten) |
voice-hearer[声聞] ( shrāvaka; shōmon) |
votary of the Lotus Sutra[法華経の行者] ( Hokekyō-no-gyōja) |
vow[誓願] ( pranidhāna; seigan) |
Vriji[跋耆・跋祇] (; Pali Vajji; Baggi) |
vyākarana[授記・記別・和伽羅那] (; juki, kibetsu, or wagarana) |
Wa-kuan-ssu[瓦官寺] (PY Waguansi; Gakan-ji) |
Water Carrier[流水] ( Jalavāhana; Rusui) |
Water Holder[持水] ( Jatimdhara; Jisui) |
water of wisdom[智水] ( chisui) |
watery circle[水輪] ( jala-mandala; suirin) |
way[道] ( bodhi; Chin tao; dō) |
way of insight[見道] ( darshana-mārga; ken-dō) |
Wei-chüan[維蠲] (n.d.) (PY Weijuan; Iken or Yuiken) |
Wei Yüan-sung[衛元嵩] (n.d.) (PY Wei Yuansong; Ei-gensū) |
Well Attained[善逝] (, Pali sugata; zenzei) |
Well Gone[善逝] ( zenzei) |
Western Pure Land[西方浄土] ( Saihō-jōdo) |
wheel of the Law[法輪] ( dharma-chakra; hōrin) |
wheel treasure[輪宝] ( rimbō) |
wheel-turning king[転輪聖王・転輪王・輪王] ( chakravarti-rāja, chakravarti-rājan, or chakravartin; tenrin-jō’ō, tenrin-ō, or rin-ō) |
White Lotus Society[白蓮社] ( Byakuren-sha) |
white-robed laymen[白衣] ( avadāta-vasana; byakue) |
Wide-Eyed[広目天] ( Virūpāksha; Kōmoku-ten) |
windy circle[風輪] ( vāyu-mandala; fūrin) |
Wisdom Accumulated[智積] ( Chishaku) (1) ( Jnānākara); (2) ( Prajnākūta) |
wisdom kings[明王] ( vidyā-rāja; myō’ō) |
wisdom mudra[智拳印] ( chiken-in) |
Wisdom period[般若時] ( Hannya-ji) |
Wisdom sutras[般若経] ( Hannya-kyō) |
Wise Kalpa[賢劫] ( bhadra-kalpa; Ken-gō) |
wish-granting jewel[如意宝珠] (, Pali chintāmani; nyoi-hōju) |
woman of pure faith[清信女] (, Pali upāsikā; shōshin-nyo) |
Womb Realm[胎蔵界] ( garbhadhātu; taizō-kai) |
Womb Realm mandala[胎蔵界曼荼羅] ( taizōkai-mandara) |
Womb World[胎蔵界] ( taizō-kai) |
Womb World mandala[胎蔵界曼荼羅] ( taizōkai-mandara) |
Wonderful Adornment[妙荘厳王] ( Shubhavyūha; Myōshōgon-nō) |
Wonderful Bright, Mount[妙光山] ( Myōkō-sen) |
Wonderful High, Mount[妙高山] ( Myōkō-sen) |
Wonderfully Bright[妙光菩薩] ( Varaprabha; Myōkō-bosatsu) |
wonderful Law[妙法] ( myōhō) |
Wonderful Sound[妙音菩薩] ( Gadgadasvara, Gangadasvara, or Gamgadasvara; Myō’on-bosatsu) |
“Wonderful Sound” chapter[妙音品] ( Myō’on-bon) |
Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra, The[法華文句] (Chin Fa-hua-wen-chü; Hokke-mongu) |
Words of Truth Sutra[法句経] (Pali Dhammapada; Chin Fa-chü-ching; Hokku-kyō) |
Work of the Ignorant Shavepate, The[愚禿鈔] ( Gutoku-shō) |
World Freedom King[世自在王仏] ( Lokeshvararāja; Sejizaiō-butsu) |
world hero[世雄] ( seō) |
World-Honored One[世尊] (, Pali bhagavat; seson) |
World-Honored One of Great Enlightenment[大覚世尊] ( Daikaku-seson) |
world of animals[畜生界] ( chikushō-kai) |
world of asuras[修羅界] ( shura-kai) |
world of bodhisattvas[菩薩界] ( bosatsu-kai) |
world of Buddhahood[仏界] ( bukkai) |
world of cause-awakened ones[縁覚界] ( engaku-kai) |
world of desire[欲界] (, Pali kāma-dhātu; yokkai or yoku-kai) |
world of endurance[忍土・忍界・堪忍世界] ( nindo, nin-kai, or kannin-sekai) |
world of form[色界] (, Pali rūpa-dhātu; shiki-kai) |
world of formlessness[無色界] ( ārūpya-dhātu; mushiki-kai) |
world of heavenly beings[天界] ( ten-kai) |
world of hell[地獄界] ( jigoku-kai) |
world of human beings[人界] ( nin-kai) |
world of hungry spirits[餓鬼界] ( gaki-kai) |
world of voice-hearers[声聞界] ( shōmon-kai) |
worms within the lion’s body[師子身中の虫] ( shishi-shinchū-no-mushi) |
Worthy of Offerings[応供] ( arhat; ōgu) |
Wu-hsüeh Tsu-yüan[無学祖元] (PY Wuxue Zuyuan; Mugaku Sogen) |
Wu-lung[烏竜] (n.d.) (PY Wulong; Oryō) |
Wu-t’ai, Mount[五台山] (PY Wutai-shan; Godai-san) |
Yadoya Mitsunori[宿屋光則] (n.d.) |
yaksha[夜叉] (; yasha) |
Yakushi[薬師] () |
Yakushi-ji[薬師寺] (1) (2) |
Yakushin[益信] (827–906) |
Yama[閻魔] (, Pali; Emma) |
Yāma Heaven[夜摩天] (; Yama-ten) |
Yamashina-dera[山階寺] |
yāna[乗] (, Pali; jō) |
Yasa[耶舎] (Pali; Yasha) |
Yashas[耶舎・耶輸陀・夜輸] (; Pali Yasa; Yasha, Yashuda, or Yashu) |
Yashodharā[耶輸陀羅・耶輸多羅] (; Pali Yasodharā; Yashudara or Yashutara) |
Yin-yüan[隠元] (PY Yinyuan; Ingen) |
yoga[瑜伽] (, Pali; yuga) |
Yogāchāra school[瑜伽行派] (; Yugagyō-ha) |
yojana[由旬] (, Pali; yujun) |
Yōkan[永観] (1033–1111) |
Yokei[余慶] (919–991) |
Yü-ch’üan-ssu[玉泉寺] (PY Yuquansi; Gyokusen-ji) |
Yüeh-chih[月氏] (PY Yuezhi; Gesshi) |
Yün-kang caves[雲岡石窟] (PY Yungang; Unkō-sekkutsu) |
Yūzū Nembutsu school[融通念仏宗] ( Yūzū Nembutsu-shū) |
zazen[坐禅] () |
Zengi[善議] (729–812) |
Zenkō-ji[善光寺] |
Zen school[禅宗] ( Zen-shū) |
Zōga[増賀] (917–1003) |
Zōjō-ten[増長天] () |
Zōmyō[増命] (843–927) |